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『GRANBLUE FANTASY: Relink』の長期開発を支え続けたテスト自動化の取り組み紹介

December 18, 2024

『GRANBLUE FANTASY: Relink』の長期開発を支え続けたテスト自動化の取り組み紹介


December 18, 2024

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  1. 62/92 f32 PointLightData::updateDistanceCurve() { auto retRate = 0.0f; auto distanceMin

    = distanceA_; auto distanceMax = distanceB_; auto t = (cameraDistance_ - distanceMin) / (distanceMax - distanceMin); t = GET_CLAMPF(t, 0.f, 1.f); // return t; }
  2. 63/92 f32 PointLightData::updateDistanceCurve() { auto retRate = 0.0f; auto distanceMin

    = distanceA_; auto distanceMax = distanceB_; // . auto denominator = (distanceMax - distanceMin); auto t = denominator <= FLT_EPSILON ? 1.f : (cameraDistance_ - distanceMin) / denominator; t = GET_CLAMPF(t, 0.f, 1.f); // return t; }
  3. 66/92 Matrix44 transform[3]; // Vector4 vertexs[16]; for (s32 i =

    0, inum = std::size(vertexs); i < inum; ++i) { const div_t d = div(i, 4); VecMulMtx(vertexs[i], g_baseVertex[d.rem], transform[d.quot]); }
  4. 67/92 Matrix44 transform[4]; // Vector4 vertexs[16]; for (s32 i =

    0, inum = std::size(vertexs); i < inum; ++i) { const div_t d = div(i, 4); VecMulMtx(vertexs[i], g_baseVertex[d.rem], transform[d.quot]); }
  5. 68/92 constexpr MaterialVariationID DEFAULT_MATERIAL_VARIATION_ID = 0; void hoge() { huga

    = KeyData::getConstantKeyParamWithDefault(subseq.materialVariationIdList_, 0.0f, asset::DEFAULT_MATERIAL_VARIATION_ID); } template<typename KeyParam> KeyParam getConstantKeyParamWithDefault(const std::vector<Timeline::EventKeyParamData<KeyParam>>& list, f64 nowSeconds, const KeyParam& defaultValue) { // }
  6. 69/92 constexpr MaterialVariationID DEFAULT_MATERIAL_VARIATION_ID = 0; void hoge() { huga

    = KeyData::getConstantKeyParamWithDefault(subseq.materialVariationIdList_, 0.0f, asset::DEFAULT_MATERIAL_VARIATION_ID); } template<typename KeyParam> KeyParam getConstantKeyParamWithDefault(const std::vector<Timeline::EventKeyParamData<KeyParam>>& list, f64 nowSeconds, const KeyParam defaultValue) { // }
  7. 70/92 SceneObject* SceneObject::clone(SceneObject* pParent, bool isRename, bool isEntity) const {

    const char* pName; if (isRename != false) { auto name = mName; // pName = name.get(); } else { pName = mName.get(); } auto pNewObject = SceneObject::create(className(), pName, pParent, false); }
  8. 71/92 SceneObject* SceneObject::clone(SceneObject* pParent, bool isRename, bool isEntity) const {

    SceneObject* pNewObject = nullptr; if (isRename != false) { auto name = name_; // pNewObject = SceneObject::create(className(), name.get(), pParent, false); } else { pNewObject = SceneObject::create(className(), mName.get(), pParent, false); } }
  9. 76/92 void write() { // void* address = reinterpret_cast<void*> (0x0123456789A);

    // placement new MyClass* obj = new (address) MyClass(42); } void read() { // void* address = reinterpret_cast<void*> (0x0123456789A); std::cout << reinterpret_cast<MyClass*> (address)->data << std::endl; }
  10. 77/92 ================== WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: data race (pid=174) Write of size

    8 at 0x0010a48bb360 by thread T11: #0 0x81119cf39 (ThreadSanitizer.sprx+0x64f39) #1 0x26670e46 in Mtx44Copy(Matrix44&, Matrix44 const&) { } #2 0x26670e46 in Matrix44::operator=(Matrix44 const&) { } #3 0x2c23d8b8 in Joint::setWorldMatrix(Matrix44 const&) { } #4 0x2c23d8b8 in JointList::addVecJointMatrix(Joint&, Vector4 const&) { } … Previous read of size 8 at 0x0010a48bb360 by thread T12: )(void*, void*) const { } … #5 0x2c23b98e in Joint::getWorldPos() const { } #6 0x2c22ce88 in ModelImpl::getWorldPos() const { } …
  11. 78/92 ================== WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: data race (pid=174) Write of size

    8 at 0x0010a48bb360 by thread T11: #0 0x81119cf39 (ThreadSanitizer.sprx+0x64f39) #1 0x26670e46 in Mtx44Copy(Matrix44&, Matrix44 const&) { } #2 0x26670e46 in Matrix44::operator=(Matrix44 const&) { } #3 0x2c23d8b8 in Joint::setWorldMatrix(Matrix44 const&) { } #4 0x2c23d8b8 in JointList::addVecJointMatrix(Joint&, Vector4 const&) { } … Previous read of size 8 at 0x0010a48bb360 by thread T12: )(void*, void*) const { } … #5 0x2c23b98e in Joint::getWorldPos() const { } #6 0x2c22ce88 in ModelImpl::getWorldPos() const { } …
  12. 79/92 void Np0100::updateParameter() { Vector4 playerPos = PlayerManager::GetManualPlayerPos(); Vector4 vec

    = getPos() - playerPos; f32 length = VecMag(vec); f32 lengthY = vec.y; vec.y = 0.0f; f32 lengthXZ = VecMag(vec); }
  13. 80/92 void Np0100::updateParameter() { Vector4 playerPos = PlayerManager::GetManualPlayerPosRef(); Vector4 vec

    = getPos() - playerPos; f32 length = VecMag(vec); f32 lengthY = vec.y; vec.y = 0.0f; f32 lengthXZ = VecMag(vec); }
  14. 81/92 ================== WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: data race (pid=490) Write of size

    8 at 0x00101a3a4000 by thread T10: #0 0x73b877da in model::bool_vector::set(unsigned long, bool) {コードの場所} #1 0x73bbfcdf in model::BoundingVolume::setForceVisible(bool) const {コードの場所} #2 0x73bfc74b in ModelImpl::updateBoundingVolume() {コードの場所} #3 0x73c24800 in auto ModelProcessingImpl::updateModelList(concurrency::JobSystem&):: ...template... const {コード の場所} #4 0x73c24800 in void concurrency::JobSystem::parallelForEach ...template... const {コードの場所} Previous write of size 8 at 0x00101a3a4000 by thread T14: #0 0x73b877bc in model::bool_vector::set(unsigned long, bool) {コードの場所} #1 0x73bbfcdf in model::BoundingVolume::setForceVisible(bool) const {コードの場所} #2 0x73bfc74b in ModelImpl::updateBoundingVolume() {コードの場所} #3 0x73c24800 in auto ModelProcessingImpl::updateModelList(concurrency::JobSystem&):: ...template... const {コード の場所} #4 0x73c24800 in void concurrency::JobSystem::parallelForEach ...template... const {コードの場所}
  15. 82/92 int main() { std::vector<u8> numbers = { 1, 2,

    3 }; std::thread t1([&]() { numbers[0] = 42; //OK }); std::thread t2([&]() { numbers[1] = 84; //OK }); t1.join(); t2.join(); return 0; } int main() { std::vector<u8> numbers = { 1, 2, 3 }; std::thread t1([&]() { numbers[0] = 42; //t2 }); std::thread t2([&]() { numbers[0] = 84; //t1 }); t1.join(); t2.join(); return 0; }
  16. 83/92 int main() { std::vector<bool> flags = { true, false,

    true }; std::thread t1([&]() { flags[0] = true; //NG }); std::thread t2([&]() { flags[1] = true; //NG }); t1.join(); t2.join(); return 0; }