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Conditions for Cool Superwinds in Massive Star-...

Conditions for Cool Superwinds in Massive Star-forming Regions

e-Talk presented at IAU Symposium 373 (IAUS373): Resolving the Rise and Fall of Star Formation in Galaxies, Busan, Korea, August 2022

Ashkbiz Danehkar

August 10, 2022

More Decks by Ashkbiz Danehkar

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  1. Conditions for Cool Superwinds Conditions for Cool Superwinds in Massive

    Star-forming Regions in Massive Star-forming Regions Ash Danehkar Eureka Scientific, Inc., Oakland, CA 94602, USA [email protected] Collaborators: Sally Oey, and Will Gray IAU Symposium 373: Resolving the Rise and Fall of Star Formation in Galaxies. 9{11 August 2022 Image Credit: Hui Yang, Illinois & NASA/ESA
  2. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 2 Outline  Superwinds and Superbubbles – Evidence for Cool Superwinds (ALMA and VLA observations)  Superwind Theory – Radiative Cooling Functions  Hydrodynamic Simulations  Superwind Modes – Typical H II Regions – Ultra-compact H II Regions (UC-HII)  Photoionization Models – Collisional Ionization (CIE) vs. Non-equilibrium Ionization (NEI)  Future Plans – Radiative Transfer Implementation  Summary
  3. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 3 Superwinds and Superbubbles Superwind and Superbubble in NGC 3079 (Credit: X-ray:NASA/CXC/UMich/J-T Li;Optical:NASA/STScI)
  4. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 4 Evidence for Cool Superwinds Turner + 2017
  5. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 5 Superwinds and Superbubbles Superwind and Superbubble (Strickland + 2002)
  6. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 6 Superwind Theory  Adiabatic Winds – Chevalier & Clegg 1985  Radiative Cooling Winds Silich + 2004
  7. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 7 Superwind Theory Different Wind Regions, as defined by Weaver+ 1977
  8. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 8 Hydrodynamic Simulations
  9. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 9 Hydrodynamic Simulations Radiative Cooling Function (Λ) and Photo-Heating Function (Γ): Atomic Chemistry and Cooling Package MAIHEM: Gray + 2019  Cooling Efficiencies (Λ i ): Gnat & Ferland 2012  Heating Efficiencies (Γ i ) made with photoionization cross-section: Verner & Yakovlev 1995, & Verner, Ferland, et al. 1996
  10. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 10 Hydrodynamic Simulations Danehkar, Oey, Gray, ApJ 921, 91 (2021) Hydrodynamic Simulations of Galactic Winds
  11. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 11 Superwind Modes: Typical H II Regions  Adiabatic Bubble (AB)  Catastrophic Cooling Bubble (CB)  Catastrophic Cooling (CC) Danehkar + 2021 (JPhCS 2028, 012013)
  12. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 12 Superwind Modes: Typical H II Regions  Adiabatic Bubble (AB), Adiabatic Pressure-Confined (AP)  Catastrophic Cooling (CC), Catastrophic Cooling Bubble (CB) Temperature discrepancy factor (fT = Tw / Tadi ) Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021 (ApJ 921, 91)
  13. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 13 Superwind Modes: Typical H II Regions (Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021, ApJ 921, 91) Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021 (ApJ 921, 91) Adiabatic Wind (AW) Adiabatic Bubble (AB) Pressure-Confined (AP) Catastrophic Cooling (CC) Catastrophic Cooling Bubble (CB) Cooling, Pressure-Confined (CP) No Expanding Wind (NW) Momentum-Conserving (MC)
  14. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 14 Superwind Modes: Ultra-compact H II Regions (Danehkar, in preparation)  Typical H II regions – Cluster radius ⪎ 1 pc – Ambient density ⪍ 103 cm{3  Compact H II regions – Cluster radius ~ 0.1 pc – Ambient density ~ 103 cm{3  Ultra-compact H II regions – Cluster radius ~ 0.01 pc – Ambient density ~ 104 cm{3  Hyper-compact H II regions – Cluster radius ~ 0.001 pc – Ambient density ~ 105 cm{3 Olivier + 2021 Compact & Ultra-compact H II Regions Evolved H II Regions
  15. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 15 Superwind Modes: Ultra-compact H II Regions (Danehkar, in preparation) Danehkar 2022, in preparation Adiabatic Wind (AW), Adiabatic Bubble (AB), Pressure-Confined (AP) Catastrophic Cooling (CC), Catastrophic Cooling Bubble (CB), Cooling, Pressure-Confined (CP) No Expanding Wind (NW), Momentum-Conserving (MC)
  16. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 16 Collisional Ionization + Photoionization (steady state photoionization) Photoionization + Collisional Ionization Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021 (ApJ 921, 91)
  17. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 17 Collisional Ionization + Photoionization (steady state photoionization) Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021 (ApJ 921, 91) PI (Pure Photoionization), CPI (Collisional Ionization+Photoionization)
  18. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 18 Non-equilibrium Photoionization (time-dependent photoionization; see my talk in IAUS370)  Collisional Ionization  Non-equilibrium Ionization Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2022 (submitted)
  19. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 19 Non-equilibrium Photoionization (time-dependent photoionization; see my talk in IAUS370) PIE (Pure Photoionization),CIE+PIE (Collisional Ionization+Photoionization), NEI+PIE (Non-equilibrium Photoionization), Danehkar + 2022
  20. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 20 UV Diagnostics Diagrams (see my poster in FM4) NEI+PIE (Solid colors; Danehkar + 2022 submitted) , CIE+PIE (shaded colors; Danehkar + 2021, ApJ 921:91),
  21. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 21 Future Plans: Radiative Transfer Implementation of a Radiative Transfer unit  Improvement of radiative cooling and photo-heating  Stellar flux at a given distance (e.g. Klassen + 2014)  Radiation Pressure:  Simulations hosted on https://galacticwinds.github.io/superwinds/ Included in MAIHEM RT unit Optical Depth:
  22. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 22 Summary  Superwind Theory – Adiabatic Model without radiative cooling (fluid solutions by Chevalier & Clegg 85) – Radiative Cooling Model (semi-analytic solutions by Silich+ 2004)  Hydrodynamic Simulations – MAIHEM Cooling & Chemistry Package: Radiative Cooling + Photo-Heating (Gray + 2019) – Radiative Cooling in H II regions (Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021, ApJ 921, 91)  Colliosinal Ionization (CIE) vs. Non-equilibrium Ionization (NEI) – CIE (steady state), Danehkar et al. 2021, ApJ 921, 91 – NEI (time-dependent) → C IV & O VI enhancements, Danehkar, et al. 2022 submitted  Future Plans – Hydrodynamic Simulations of Ultra-compact H II regions (Danehkar+ in preparation) • Ambient density ~ 103{105 cm{3 higher than 1-103 cm{3 in typical H II regions • Cluster radius ~ 0.02–0.2 pc smaller than ~ 1 pc in typical H II regions – Implementation of a Radiative Transfer unit • Improving photoionization calculations + radiative pressures
  23. August 2022 IAU Symposium 373: Rise and Fall of Star

    Formation 23 Image Credit: Hui Yang, Illinois & NASA/ESA Thank you for your attention