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Morphologies of Wolf-Rayet Planetary Nebulae ba...

Morphologies of Wolf-Rayet Planetary Nebulae based on IFU Observations

Talk presented at Asymmetrical Post-Main-Sequence Nebulae 8 (APN8): the Shaping of Stellar Outflows (Virtual), October 8, 2021

Ashkbiz Danehkar

October 08, 2021

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  1. Credit: X-ray NASA/CXC/RIT/J.Kastner et al., Optical NASA/STScI. Morphologies of Morphologies

    of Wolf-Rayet Planetary Nebulae Wolf-Rayet Planetary Nebulae based on IFU Observations based on IFU Observations Ashkbiz Danehkar Ashkbiz Danehkar Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan [email protected] Asymmetrical Post-main-sequence Nebulae 8 (APN8) e2021 Asymmetrical Post-main-sequence Nebulae 8 (APN8) e2021
  2. 2 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Planetary Nebula Morphologies Galactic Planetary

    Nebulae  Round (22%)  Bipolar/Multi-polar (20%)  Elliptical (49%) With/without point-symmetric Balick + 1987
  3. 3 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Wolf-Rayet Planetary Nebulae  CSPN:

    Mostly, H-rich surface abundances  25% H-deficient fast expanding atmospheres resembling massive Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars • Most Carbon-sequence [WR] • few Nitrogen-sequence [WR] – Abell 48 (Todt + 2013, Frew+ 2014) – PB 8 (Todt+ 2010)  few weak emission line stars (wels)  some emission lines similar to PG 1159 star
  4. 4 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Wolf-Rayet Planetary Nebulae • [WCL]

    late-type T eff = 20,000-80,000 K, V ∞ =200-1000 km/s • [WCE] early-type T eff = 80,000-150,000 K, V ∞ =1200-3500 km/s • [WCL] → [WCE] → PG 1159 (Werner & Herwig 2006) [WCL] [WCE] PG1159 Born-again Scenario (Day 2 Talks) Blocker 1995 Binary Common Envelope (Day 1 Talks) Siess +2013
  5. 5 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Integral Field Unit Spectroscopy 

    Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS; Dopita + 2007,2010)  Image-Slicing Integral Field Unit (IFU)  ANU 2.3-m Telescope, Siding Spring Observatory  Field-of-view: 25” x 38”, spatial resolution: 1”  spectral resolution: R ~ 7000 (~ 20 km/s) R ~ 3000 (~ 50 km/s)
  6. 6 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 ANU 2.3 WiFeS Gemini 8.1

    GMOS Integral Field Unit Spectroscopy  Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS; Dopita + 2007,2010)  Image-Slicing Integral Field Unit (IFU)  ANU 2.3-m Telescope, Siding Spring Observatory  Field-of-view: 25” x 38”, spatial resolution: 1”  spectral resolution: R ~ 7000 (~ 20 km/s) R ~ 3000 (~ 50 km/s)
  7. 7 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 What we learn from IFU

    Observations Morphologies of non-compact PNe – Compact PNe constrained by high-resolution images Inclinations and orientations – Also compact PNe without detailed morphologies Shock Collision – Velocity dispersion maps – P-V diagram and velocity channel maps Mapping excitation – Low- and high-excitation mapping of extended PNe
  8. 8 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Morphologies based on IFU PN

    Th 2-A (Danehkar 2015, arXiv:1512.02330) not spherical, but, elliptical with outflows
  9. 9 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Morphologies based on IFU PN

    M 2-42 (Danehkar+ 2016, arXiv:1601.01702) with Fast, Low-Ionization Emission Regions (FLERs) Akras & Lopez,2012 Hα (Parker + 2005) Danehkar + 2016
  10. 10 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Inclinations and Orientations Hen 3-1333

    and Hen 2-113 (Danehkar & Parker 2015, arXiv:1503.01551) Compact objects ~3.5 arcsec Outer faint lobes ~ 10 arcsec PA = -15° (Hen3-1333), 65° (Hen 2-113) agree with Chesneau + 2006 and Lagadec + 2006
  11. 11 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Inclinations and Orientations  Galactic

    PNe around [WR] stars (Danehkar 2021, arXiv:2107.03994) HST images  NGC 6578  NGC 6567  NGC 6629
  12. 12 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Inclinations and Orientations PN M3-30

    (Danehkar 2021, arXiv:2107.03994) Danehkar 2021
  13. 13 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Shock Collision PN Hb 4

    (Danehkar 2021, arXiv:2107.03994) Derlopa + 2019 Danehkar 2021 Garcia-Sergura + 2018 (Day 1 Talk) High Velocity Dispersion
  14. 14 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Shock Collision PN Hb 4

    (Danehkar 2021, arXiv:2107.03994) Danehkar 2021
  15. 15 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Shock Collision PN Pe 1-1

    (Danehkar 2021, arXiv:2107.03994) High Velocity Dispersion
  16. 16 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Future Plan: Excitation Mapping Excitation

    levels dividing line based on shock models of Raga + 2008 NGC 5189 (Danehkar + 2018, arXiv:1711.11111)
  17. 17 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Future Plan: Excitation Mapping PN

    Hb 4 Low-ionization Structures Danehkar (in preparation)
  18. 18 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 When a PN may not

    be a PN! PMR 5 around massive WN star (Parker+Morgan+Russeil, AAO/UKST Hα Survey, 2001) [WN]: Morgan, Parker, Cohen 2006 May be a WN: Todt + 2016 (IAUS) Spiral Morphology similar to WR 104 WiFeS/IFU (observed by Frew in 2009) WR 104: Massive WN+ OB (Tuthill + 1999) Danehkar (in preparation)
  19. 19 APN8 Oct 8, 2021 Final Remarks [WR] PNe: mostly

    elliptical morphologies (arXiv:2107.03994) Deceleration: point-symmetric knots of Hb 4 Shock Collision / ISM Interaction: Hb 4 knots, Pe 1-1 outflows Orientation of compact PNe detectable with IFU, but without details