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Non-equilibrium Photoionization and Hydrodynami...

Non-equilibrium Photoionization and Hydrodynamic Simulations of Starburst-driven Outflows

Talk presented at 4th Workshop on Numerical Modeling in MHD and Plasma Physics (MHD-PP; Virtual), 13 October 2021

Ashkbiz Danehkar

October 13, 2021

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  1. Non-equilibrium Photoionization Non-equilibrium Photoionization and Hydrodynamic Simulations and Hydrodynamic Simulations

    of Starburst-driven Outflows of Starburst-driven Outflows Starburst-driven Outflow (Romero+ 2018, Strickland+ 2003) Ashkbiz Danehkar Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan [email protected] In Collaborations with: Sally Oey, and Will Gray Fourth Virtual Workshop on Numerical Modeling in MHD and Plasma Physics (MHD-PP), October 13, 2021
  2. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 2 Starburst-driven Outflows Starburst-driven Outflows and

    Bubbles in NGC 3079 (Credit: X-ray:NASA/CXC/UMich/J-T Li;Optical:NASA/STScI)
  3. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 4 Outline  Background: Starburst-driven Outflows

    – Adiabatic Wind and Bubble Formation Solutions – Radiative Semi-analytic Wind Solutions  Hydrodynamic Setup: NEI Radiative Cooling in FLASH – Radiative Cooling Rates + Photo-Heating Rates  Emissivity Calculations: CLOUDY Photoionization Modeling – CIE+PIE Implementation – NEI+PIE Implementation  Applications: Star-forming galaxies – Optical BPT and UV Diagnostic Diagrams  Future Plans: Detailed Radiative Transfer, 2D Simulations
  4. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 5 Strong Cooling & Suppressed Winds

    NGC 2366 Green Pea analog! [O II], [O III] and Continuum (Oey+ 2017) Mrk 71 Oey + 2017
  5. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 6 Strong Cooling & Suppressed Winds

    Super Star Cluster NGC 5253 (Turner et al. 2017)
  6. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 7 Wind Formation: Adiabatic Theory Adiabatic

    Solutions – Adiabatic Wind (γ=5/3) – Chevalier & Clegg 1985 Chevalier & Clegg 1985
  7. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 8 Wind Formation: Adiabatic Theory Different

    Wind Regions, as defined by Weaver+ 1977
  8. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 9 Wind Formation: Radiative Solution 

    Radiative Semi-analytic Solutions – Silich + 2004 – With Radiative Cooling Silich + 2004
  9. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 12 Hydrodynamic Simulations  Solve using

    a hybrid Riemann solver (Roe+HLLE) in FLASH – Unsplit Hydrodynamic Solver – 2nd-order MUSCL-Hancock Scheme  Coupled with the Non-equilibrium Atomic Chemistry and Cooling Package MAIHEM (Gray + 2019) – Radiative Cooling Function (Λ) – Photo-Heating Function (Γ)
  10. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 13 Hydrodynamic Simulations  Boundary Conditions:

     Initial Conditions:  Radiative Cooling Function (Λ) and Photo-Heating Function (Γ): Included in the Atomic Chemistry and Cooling Package MAIHEM (Gray + 2019)
  11. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 14 Hydrodynamic Simulations Cooling Function (Λ)

    and Photo-Heating Function (Γ):  Included in the Atomic Chemistry and Cooling Package MAIHEM (Gray + 2019):  Cooling Efficiencies from (Λ i ) calculated using ion-by-ion efficiencies from Gnat & Ferland 2012.  Heating Efficiencies from (Γ i ) calculated using photoionization cross sections from Verner & Yakovlev 1995, and Verner, Ferland, et al. 1996.
  12. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 16 Hydrodynamic Simulations  Adiabatic Bubble

    (AB)  Catastrophic Cooling Bubble (CB)  Catastrophic Cooling (CC) Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021
  13. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 17 Hydrodynamic Simulations  Adiabatic Bubble

    (AB), Catastrophic Cooling Bubble (CB)  Catastrophic Cooling (CC), momentum-conserving (MC) Temperature discrepancy factor (fT = Tw / Tadi) Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021
  14. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 18 Hydrodynamic Simulations  Adiabatic Bubble

    (AB), Adiabatic Pressure-Confined (AP)  Catastrophic Cooling (CC), Catastrophic Cooling Bubble (CB) Temperature discrepancy factor (fT = Tw / Tadi) Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021
  15. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 19 Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021 Hydrodynamic

    Simulations (Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021)
  16. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 20 Photoionization Modeling (CIE+PIE=CPI) Danehkar, Oey,

    Gray, 2021 Photoionization + Collisional Ionization
  17. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 21 Photoionization Modeling (CIE+PIE=CPI) Danehkar, Oey,

    Gray, 2021 PIE (Pure Photoionization), CIE+PIE=CPI (Photoionization + Collisional Ionization)
  18. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 22 Photoionization Modeling (NEI+PIE=NPI) Danehkar, Oey,

    Gray, 2021 Photoionization + Non-equilibrium Ionization
  19. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 23 Photoionization Modeling (NEI+PIE=NPI) PIE (Pure

    Photoionization), CIE+PIE=CPI (Photoionization + Collisional Ionization), NEI+PIE=NPI (Photoionization + Non-equilibrium Ionization), Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021
  20. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 24 Optical & UV Diagnostic Diagrams

    Emission Lines of Superwinds Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021
  21. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 25 Optical BPT Diagrams Danehkar, Oey,

    Gray, 2021 Optical Emission Lines (radiation-bounded)
  22. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 26 UV Diagnostic Diagrams Danehkar, Oey,

    Gray, 2021 UV Emission Lines (radiation-bounded)
  23. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 27 UV Diagnostic Diagrams UV Emission

    Lines (radiation-bounded) Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021
  24. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 28 Future Plans: Extension to 2D

     Allow to Study Different Instabilities  Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability  Formation of Instability-induced Dense Clumps Lancaster, Ostriker, et al. 2021
  25. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 29 Future Plans: Extension to 2D

     Allow to Study Different Instabilities  Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability  Formation of Instability-induced Dense Clumps Lancaster, Ostriker, et al. 2021
  26. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 30 Future Plans: RT Implementation 

    Implementation of detailed Radiative Transfer (RT) calculations  Improvement of radiative cooling and photo-heating processes  Stellar flux at a given distance (e.g. Klassen + 2014):  Inclusion of radiation pressure: Included in MAIHEM Need RT calculations
  27. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 31 Concluding Points  Starburst-driven Outflows

    – Adiabatic Solution (Chevalier & Clegg 85) – Radiative Solution (Silich + 2004)  Non-equilibrium Cooling Hydrodynamic Simulations – MAIHEM Cooling Package (Gray + 2019): Radiative Cooling + Photo-Heating – Parameter Space Investigation (Danehkar, Oey, Gray, 2021, ApJ, arXiv:2106.10854)  Photoionizaion Modeling – CIE+PIE (Danehkar et al. ApJ, 2021; arXiv:2106.10854) – NEI+PIE (Danehkar, et al. in preparation)  Future Plans – Detailed Radiative Transfer Implementation: Improved Radiative Solutions – 2-D Simulation: Instability-induced Clumps
  28. 13 Oct 2021 MHD-PP 32 Thank you for your attention

    Starburst-driven Outflow (Romero+ 2018, Strickland+ 2003)