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Kinematic Properties of Planetary Nebulae with ...

Kinematic Properties of Planetary Nebulae with WR-type Nuclei

Talk given at 12th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting (APRIM), Daejeon, Korea, August 2014

Ashkbiz Danehkar

August 14, 2014

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  1. Kinematical Properties of Kinematical Properties of Planetary Nebulae Planetary Nebulae

    with WR-type Nuclei with WR-type Nuclei Ashkbiz Danehkar (Macquarie, Australia) Ashkbiz Danehkar (Macquarie, Australia) Wolfgang Steffen (UNAM, Mexico) Wolfgang Steffen (UNAM, Mexico) Quentin Parker (Macquarie/AAO) Quentin Parker (Macquarie/AAO) 12 12th th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting , 19 August 2014, Daejeon, Korea Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting , 19 August 2014, Daejeon, Korea
  2. • Introduction to Planetary Nebulae Introduction to Planetary Nebulae •

    Introduction to WR-type stars Introduction to WR-type stars • Planetary Nebula Morphology Planetary Nebula Morphology • Integral Field Spectroscopy Integral Field Spectroscopy • Discussion Discussion • Summary Summary
  3. Why planetary nebula important? • Chemistry –Chemical contributors to the

    ISM –Mixing processes at AGB phase Life Elements AGB Products
  4. Why planetary nebula important? • Morphology –AGB mass-loss process –Transition

    time from AGB to PN –But, why most axisymmetric morphologies?
  5. • Introduction to Planetary Nebulae Introduction to Planetary Nebulae •

    Introduction to WR-type stars Introduction to WR-type stars • PN Morphology PN Morphology • Integral Field Spectroscopy Integral Field Spectroscopy • Discussion Discussion • Summary Summary
  6. Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae • Most H-rich surface abundances

    • 25% H-deficient fast expanding atmospheres • resembling massive Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars • Most Carbon-sequence of Wolf-Rayet stars • few Nitrogen-sequence of Wolf-Rayet stars • few weak emission line stars (wels), weaker emission lines. • some emission lines similar to PG 1159 star
  7. Central Stars of PNe (CSPNe) [WCL] [WCL] [WCE] [WCE] PG1159

    PG1159 non-DAs non-DAs Bloecker 1995 • [WCL] late-type T eff = 20,000-80,000 K, V ∞ =200-1000 km/s • [WCE] early-type T eff = 80,000-150,000 K, V ∞ =1200-3500 km/s • [WCL] → [WCE] → PG 1159 (Werner & Herwig 2006)
  8. • Introduction to Planetary Nebulae Introduction to Planetary Nebulae •

    Introduction to WR-type stars Introduction to WR-type stars • Planetary Nebula Morphology Planetary Nebula Morphology • Integral Field Spectroscopy Integral Field Spectroscopy • Discussion Discussion • Summary Summary
  9. • Round (R) 22% of Galactic PNe PN morphology 10

    • Elliptical (E) 49% • Bipolar/multi-polar/ring (B) 20% • point-symmetric 10%
  10. • Introduction to Planetary Nebulae Introduction to Planetary Nebulae •

    Introduction to WR-type stars Introduction to WR-type stars • Planetary Nebula Morphology Planetary Nebula Morphology • Integral Field Spectroscopy Integral Field Spectroscopy • Discussion Discussion • Summary Summary
  11. Integral Field Spectroscopy Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS; Dopita 2007,2010): •

    ANU 2.3-m Telescope, Siding Spring Observatory • image-slicing Integral Field Unit (IFU) • field-of-view of 25 arcsec x 38 arcsec • spatial resolution element of 1.0 arcsec x 0.5 arcsec • spectral resolution of R ~ 7000 (about 45 km/s FWHM). ANU 2.3 WiFeS Gemini 8.1 GMOS
  12. Integral Field Spectroscopy • Longslit Observation (PN Hb 4) •

    IFU Observation (PN Hb 4) Danehkar et al. (2014)
  13. Integral Field Spectroscopy • IFU Observation (PN M3-30) • IFU

    Observation (PN IC 1297) Danehkar et al. (2014)
  14. Integral Field Spectroscopy • Spatially-Resolved Kinematics (PN IC 1297) •

    Spatially-Resolved Chemistry (PN IC 1297) Danehkar et al. (2014)
  15. Integral Field Spectroscopy • Spatially-Resolved Kinematics (PN Th 2-A) •

    Spatially-Resolved Chemistry (PN Th 2-A) Danehkar et al. (2014); see Poster P2-24
  16. Integral Field Spectroscopy Danehkar et al. (2014), in preparation •

    Kinematical Properties of Planetary Nebulae with WR-type Nuclei • Kinematic modelling using SHAPE (Steffen & Lopez 2006; Steffen et al. 2011)
  17. • Introduction to Planetary Nebulae Introduction to Planetary Nebulae •

    Introduction to WR-type stars Introduction to WR-type stars • Planetary Nebula Morphology Planetary Nebula Morphology • Integral Field Spectroscopy Integral Field Spectroscopy • Discussion Discussion • Summary Summary
  18. PN morphology: Problems? Bipolar and Elliptical Morphology • Generalized Interacting

    Stellar Winds (GISW) theory – Kwok et al. (1978), Kahn & West (1985) – Unable to predict complex axisymmetric shape • Rotating Stellar Winds + Strong Magnetic Fields – Garcıa-Segura 1997; Garcıa-Segura&Lopez 2000; Frank&Blackman 2004 – single star may not supply enough angular momentum for complex axisymmetric PNe (Soker 2006) • Binary System, e.g. AGB star + white dwarf → common envelope – Miszalski et al. 2009; De Marco 2009; Nordhaus et al. 2010 – nearly 30% of bipolar PNe contain post-CE binaries (Miszalski et al. 2009) – alignments between the nebular shells and the binary orbital inclinations (e.g. Mitchell et al. 2007; Jones et al. 2010, 2012; Tyndall et al. 2012; Huckvale et al. 2013).
  19. PN morphology: Problems? Binary system • Direct Envelope Ejection Outflow

    is predominately equatorial. • Dynamo Driven Ejection Outflow is aligned around the rotation axis and is magnetically collimated. • Disk Driven Ejection Shred Secondary Outflow is aligned with rotation axis Nordhaus & Blackman 2006,MNRAS,370,2004
  20. PN morphology: Problems? Fast, low-ionization emission regions (FLIERs) • Visible

    in [N II] 6584 and [S II] 6724 more than in [O III] 5007 and Hα 6563 emission • in opposite pairs on the both sides of the central star • moving with velocities much larger than the main structure (40–200 km/s) • How the density and velocity structures contrast between the FLIERs and the main body? – Possiblly axisymmetric mass-loss through a Common Envelop and angular momentum deposition of the binary system (Soker 1990; Soker& Harpaz (1992; Nordhaus & Blackman 2006). – Or combination of rotating stellar winds and strong magnetic fields (Garcıa-Segura et al. 1999; Garcıa- Segura & Lopez 2000)
  21. WR Stellar Evolution: Problems? • Radiation pressure is too small

    to remove H-rich outer layer • There is a gap between [WCL] and [WCE] • Born-again scenarios: – AFTP. AGB Final Thermal Pulse occurs at the end of the AGB – LTP. Late Thermal Pulse occurs when the star moves from the AGB phase towards the white dwarf. – VLTP. Very Late Thermal Pulse occurs when the star is on the white dwarf cooling track. • Alternatively, mass-loss to a binary companion • or stellar merger
  22. • Introduction to Planetary Nebulae Introduction to Planetary Nebulae •

    Introduction to WR-type stars Introduction to WR-type stars • Planetary Nebula Morphology Planetary Nebula Morphology • Integral Field Spectroscopy Integral Field Spectroscopy • Discussion Discussion • Summary Summary
  23. Summary • PN asymmetric morphology: Elliptical (49%), Bipolar(20%) – Generalized

    Interacting Stellar Winds (GISW)? – Rotating Stellar Winds + Strong Magnetic Fields? – Binary System? • FLIERs: point-symmetric jets on the both sides – Moving faster than the main shell expansion – Low-ionization Structures, low densities – Mostly in PNe with hot central stars • H-deficient stellar atmospheres (25% of total) – Born-again scenarios? – Binary channel? • Problems to solve  Asymmetric morphology of PNe  H-deficient atmospheres of CSPNe
  24. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements • Travel Grant from the Astronomical Society of

    Australia. Travel Grant from the Astronomical Society of Australia. • IAU Travel Grant from the 12th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU IAU Travel Grant from the 12th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting. Meeting. Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!