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SQL Azure

SQL Azure

Daron Yondem

May 04, 2012

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  1. Uygulama Mimari Topolojileri Azure içerisinde Windows Azure SQL Azure Code

    Near Uygulama Kodu SQL Azure Microsoft Datacenter Code Far Hybrid Microsoft Datacenter SQL Azure Microsoft Datacenter Windows Azure SQL Azure Data Sync Uygulama Kodu
  2. Maintenance = 0 • Request routing • Güvenlik • •

    Ölçeklenebilirlik • High Availability • Automatic Replication • Automatic Failover • Automatic Provisioning
  3. Uygulama Internet LB TDS (tcp) TDS (tcp) TDS (tcp) Uygulama

    standard SQL ODBC, Load balancer session TDS gönderir. Gateway Gateway Gateway Gateway Gateway Gateway Fabric Controller = Failover, Replication ve Load balancing SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL TDS protocol gateway, AUTHN/AUTHZ policy; arkadaki SQL
  4. Provisioning Modeli • Her hesapta birden çok sanal sunucu olabilir.

    • Her sanal sunucuda birden çok • Geo-location ve authentication Hesap Sunucu
  5. Dikkat Dikkat! • Databaseler arası cross-query yok! Her connection sadece

    bir DB için kullanılabilir. • Scriptlerinizdeki «USE»leri silin! • Set Encrypt = True, sadece SSL bağlantıları destekleniyor. • Windows Authentication yok. • BACKUP DATABASE diye birşey yok! Gerek de yok! Ama nasıl? • Global temp tables yok. • CLR yok. • Sanal sunucunuz ile uygulamalarınız aynı bölgede host edilmeli. Affinity Group’lar code-near için çok kritik. • En kolay Azure Migration seçeneği! Microsoft Gelişim Atölyesi Teknoloji Kampı 5-6 Ekim 2010
  6. Ek Araçlar • SQL Azure Migration Wizard • http://sqlazuremw.codeplex.com/ •

    Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL v5.1 • http://bit.ly/mysqlazure • Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle v5.1 • http://bit.ly/oracleazure • Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Sybase v5.1 • http://bit.ly/sybaseazure • Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access v5.1 • http://bit.ly/accessazure • Windows Azure Migration Assessment Tool • http://bit.ly/azuremig Microsoft Gelişim Atölyesi Teknoloji Kampı 5-6 Ekim 2010
  7. © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows

    Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentations. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. daron@yondem.com daron@deveload.com http://daron.yondem.com +90 542 257 0125 http://www.msgelisimatolyesi.com http://partner.microsoft.com/turkiye