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Migrating to Symfony 4 & Flex

Migrating to Symfony 4 & Flex

A quick walkthrough of the major steps to take when migrating your existing Symfony 2/3 application to Symfony 4 using the Flex directory structure.

Denis Brumann

July 03, 2018

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  1. Denis Brumann
 denis.brumann@sensiolabs.de 6 https://symfony.com/roadmap Symfony Version End of

    Support End Of Security Fixes 2.8 (LTS) November 2018 November 2019 3.4 (LTS) November 2020 November 2021 4.0 July 2018 January 2019
  2. Denis Brumann
 denis.brumann@sensiolabs.de 20 Step 6a: Move src/AppBundle/* to

    src/* Step 6b: Move namespace AppBundle\ to App\ Step 6c: Update autoload-section in composer.json
  3. Denis Brumann
 denis.brumann@sensiolabs.de 23 { "require": { "acme/my-bundle": "dev-master"

    }, "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "git@bitbucket.org:acme/my-bundle.git" } ] }