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Card Payments 101

Card Payments 101

Андрей Саксонов (http://deeprefactoring.ru/speakers/andrey-saksonov)

Серия вопросов и ответов по платежам.

Видео: https://youtu.be/drw9iKd0jBU

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Deep Refactoring

November 20, 2019

More Decks by Deep Refactoring

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  1. POS Terminals - ATMs (Automated Teller Machine) - Unattended (e.g.

    Gas Station, Charity Box) - Standalone - Integrated ECRs (Electronic Cash Register)
  2. Payment Methods - Credit & Debit Cards: VISA, MasterCard, Maestro,

    JCB, UnionPay, AMEX - Smart Devices - Apple Pay - Google Pay - Huawei Pay - Samsung Pay - Garmin Pay - Wallets (PayPal, AliPay) - Alternative Methods (BARCODE, SOUNDWAVE) - Local Schemes: Cartes Bancaires, EC-Karte -> Girocard, MIR - E-Commerce (Sovcompay https://youtu.be/DsSlreBe3io)
  3. Payment Card Elements - ISO/IEC 7813 Magstripe: - Track 1

    - Track 2 - Track 3 - ISO/IEC 7810, ISO/IEC 7816 - ICC (Integrated Circuit Card) - EMV (Europay MasterCard VISA) - TLV (Tag-Length-Value) - ISO/IEC 14433 - NFC
  4. ISO 8583 + ISO 20022 - ISO 8583 - 1987,

    1993, 2003 - MTI, BitMap (https://paymentcardtools.com/iso-8583-bitmap) - jPOS (http://jpos.org/) - ISO 20022 - SWIFT - FIX - ISO 4217 - Currency Codes - Minor Units
  5. Cardholder Verification Method + TX Type (MTI) Authorization Reversal Capture

    Refund SA Refund No CVM V Ref TX - BMP 38 Ref TX - BMP 38 Ref TX - BMP 38 V Online PIN BMP 52/53 ? ? ? BMP 52/53 Offline PIN PLAINTEXT V ? ? ? V Offline PIN ENCRYPTED V ? ? ? V ODCVM V ? ? ? V
  6. Submission - Clearing - Settlement • Submission: ◦ Online (Normal)

    ◦ Offline (Exceptional) • Clearing ◦ 4-Party Model ◦ Issuing Bank & Acquiring Bank ◦ MC GCMS & VisaNet ◦ Single-Message: ATMs, POS, Debit Card + PIN ◦ Dual-Message: Credit Card + Signature on Receipt • Settlement ◦ Real Money: Fees, Owes, etc.