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Dmitry Sklyarov - Intel ME: Security keys Genea...

November 10, 2018

Dmitry Sklyarov - Intel ME: Security keys Genealogy, Obfuscation and other Magic

The Intel Management Engine (ME) technology was introduced in 2005. Though more than 10 years have passed, it is still very hard to find any official information about ME on the Internet. In my presentation, I will explain in detail how ME 11.x uses platform keys. I will also talk about cryptographic primitives that ME 11.x supports.


November 10, 2018

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  1. Research Team Date Presentation/Paper name Mark Ermolov Maxim Goryachy Dmitry

    Sklyarov 2016-12-28 Tapping into the Core + 2017-03-23 Intel ME: The Way of the Static Analysis + 2017-04-14 Intel DCI Secrets + 2017-08-28 Disabling Intel ME 11 via undocumented mode + 2017-11-09 Where there's a JTAG, there's a way: obtaining full system access via USB + 2017-12-06 How to Hack a Turned-Off Computer, or Running Unsigned Code in Intel Management Engine + 2017-12-06 Intel ME: Flash File System Explained + 2017-12-06 Recovering Huffman tables in Intel ME 11.x + 2017-12-27 Inside Intel Management Engine + Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 2
  2. Agenda • Security Hardware Overview • Security Fuses • Keys

    Derivation and Storage • Fun and Magic Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 3
  3. ME Position in Computer System Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 4

    Intel AMT Release 2.0/2.1/2.2 Architecture Management Engine (ME) System Management Mode (SMM) Hypervisor OS Kernel User Full control Limited interfaces
  4. Intel ME: Security Hardware AES Engine [DMA] SHA/HMAC Engine [DMA]

    RSA Engine Secure Key Storage (SKS) SPI Flash +Huffman [DMA] Security Fuses RAM RC4 Engine Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 6
  5. SPI Flash + Controller • Includes BIOS/UEFI, GbE, ME partition

    • Holds code and configuration • Could operate in conjunction with HMAC Engine • Has a built-in Huffman Decompressor Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 7
  6. Secure Key Storage (SKS) • Slots 1..11 for 128-bit keys,

    slots 12..21 for 256-bit keys • Key either loaded directly or obtained as a result of AES/HMAC • Saved keys can’t be extracted into memory (only used for AES/HMAC) • Usage policy are supported (e.g. result of AES Encrypt could be stored into memory or SKS, result of AES Decrypt – only into SKS) Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 8
  7. AES Engine • Keys of 128 and 256 bits are

    supported • Supported block chaining modes: ECB, CBC, CTR • AES keys could be specified directly or obtained from SKS • Data could be transferred directly or with DMA Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 9
  8. SHA/HMAC Engine • Supported hash algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512

    • HMAC key length either 128 or 256 bits • HMAC keys could be specified directly or obtained from SKS • Data could be transferred directly or with DMA • Could operate in conjunction with AES Engine (e.g. Decrypt- than-HMAC) Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 10
  9. RSA Engine • Capable to perform modular exponentiation • Used

    for verification of Digital Signatures (e.g. ROM verifies ME Partition Manifest integrity before using any data from that partition) Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 11
  10. Partition Manifest data Module Metadata Module Data Module Attributes Extension

    SHA256(Module Data) Partition Info Extension SHA256(Module Metadata) Partition Manifest SHA256(Module data) Header RSA Signature SHA256(Partition Manifest Header + Data) RSA Public Key ROM List of allowed signature keys SHA256(RSA Public Key) RSA Private Key RSA Engine Application Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 12
  11. RC4 Engine • Is it really necessary in HW developed

    in 2012+? • Not used for providing security of ME itself • Probably used by ME applications (for supporting WiFi, SSL, etc.) Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 13
  12. Security Fuses • Initialized at [some] production stage • Unique

    values for each PCH-chip (at least, we believe in that) • Can not be overwritten • Readable limited number of times (usually just once) after platform reset • Huge part of ME security is based on confidentiality of fuses (e.g. TPM) • Partially blocked if JTAG is enabled (even Intel’s engineers can’t get fuses) Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 15
  13. Reading Data from Fuses void __cdecl GetKey(T_KeysInfo *pKI) { unsigned

    int size, *pdw; GEN_status_reg = 1; while ( GEN_status_reg & 1 ); if ( GEN_status_reg & 8 ) stage_complete(Ev_Gen_BadStatus, GEN_status_reg, 0); else { size = (GEN_status_reg >> 0x10) & 0x1FF; if ( size == 0x9C ) { pdw = (unsigned int *)&GEN; .... // Copy bytes from GEN to Memory } else if ( size == 0x10 ) { if ( isOrangeUnlock()) { // JTAG for vendor is enabled stage_complete(Ev_Gen_NotLoaded,(MEMORY[0xF00B1050] >> 4), 0); } else { *(_DWORD *)pKI->NonIntelKey = *(_DWORD *)GEN.NonIntelKey; *(_DWORD *)&pKI->NonIntelKey[4] = *(_DWORD *)&GEN.NonIntelKey[4]; *(_DWORD *)&pKI->NonIntelKey[8] = *(_DWORD *)&GEN.NonIntelKey[8]; *(_DWORD *)&pKI->NonIntelKey[12] = *(_DWORD *)&GEN.NonIntelKey[12]; stage_complete(Ev_Gen_LoadedShort, 0, 0); } Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 16
  14. Security Fuses Layout Wrapped HMAC Key Wrapped EPID Key 0

    0x20 0x40 0x48 EPID Non Intel Root Key fTPM[0..3] CheckSum 0x70 fTPM[4..67] 0x80 0x40 0x44 0x4C Not used 0x80 0xBC Completely unknown (for us) value We are able to get unwrapped value Could be recovered from data available at runtime Available on platform that started with JTAG activated Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 17
  15. FS Security Keys Intel Integrity Intel Confidentiality Non-Intel Integrity Non-Intel

    Confidentiality Intel Integrity Intel Confidentiality Non-Intel Integrity Non-Intel Confidentiality RPMC HMAC #0 RPMC HMAC #1 Current keys (for current SVN) Previous* keys (optional) Replay-Protected Monotonic Counter (RPMC) is optional feature of SPI Flash chip *Previous keys are calculated if current SVN > 1 and PSVN partition contains valid data. These keys are used for migrating files created before the SVN was updated. There are up to 10 keys involved in FS Security Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 19
  16. Keys Derivation: File System (ROM) AES Decrypt SKS[12] WR HMAC

    Key “\x00”*32 (?) HMAC HMAC AES Wrap SKS[1] Non Intel Root Key HMAC “CSE Non-Intel Root Key”+SVN AES Wrap “CSE Intel Root Key”+SVN “CSE Wrapping Key” SKS[21] curr_keys (Intel) curr_keys (non-Intel) Security Fuses Key Data in RAM Key in SKS Temporary data Data Temporary key in SKS Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 20
  17. Keys Derivation: File System (BUP) curr_keys (Intel) curr_keys (non-Intel) HMAC

    AES Unwrap Key HMAC Key AES Wrap AES Wrap AES Wrap AES Wrap FS Keys HMAC AES Unwrap Key HMAC Key “Confidentiality Intel Key” “Integrity Intel Key” “Confidentiality Non-Intel Key” “Integrity Non-Intel Key” SKS[21] SKS[21] Key Data in RAM Key in SKS Temporary data Data Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 21
  18. Keys Derivation: Enhanced Privacy ID (EPID) AES Decrypt SKS[12] WR

    HMAC Key “\x00”*32 (?) HMAC SKS[1] WR EPID Key SKS[21] epid_keys Security Fuses AES Decrypt AES Wrap HMAC “CSE Memory Guard Key”+SVN SKS[18] “CSE Wrapping Key” Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 22 Key Data in RAM Key in SKS Temporary data Data Temporary key in SKS
  19. Keys Derivation: fTPM Keys AES Decrypt SKS[12] WR HMAC Key

    “\x00”*32 (?) HMAC SKS[1] fTPM “CSE Wrapping Key” SKS[21] ftpm_keys AES Wrap HMAC “CSE Memory Guard Key”+SVN SKS[18] HMAC “CSE fTPM Root Key” Key Data in RAM Key in SKS Temporary data Data Temporary key in SKS Security Fuses Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 23
  20. Keys Derivation and Storage Summary • Security keys never holds

    in memory in plaintext • Usually wrapped by SKS[21] or SKS[18] • Almost all keys depends on Wrapped HMAC Key (which unavailable) • Having Code Execution in BUP we could recalculate some keys (but not Wrapped/Unwrapped HMAC Key == SKS[12]) • Even Intel’s engineers (with JTAG) are unable to get HMAC key Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 24
  21. IVBP (IVB Partition) • System partition for «warm» starting (like

    hibernation restoration) • Encrypted, integrity protected with HMAC • Unique for each platform (PCH-chip) and each boot • If you know IVBP key, you have arbitrary execution on this platform Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 26
  22. Keys Derivation: IVBP Key AES Decrypt SKS[12] WR HMAC Key

    “\x00”*32 (?) HMAC SKS[1] SKS[19] “CSE Provisioning Base Key” + SVN Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 27 Security Fuses Key Data in RAM Key in SKS Temporary data Data Temporary key in SKS
  23. ROM: Boot stages (it’s about IDLM) start Is partition signature

    OK? Find Partition BootPart[idx] Yes idx == 0? Yes Lock Fuses BootPart = {DLMP:idlm, FTPR:rbe, FTUP:rbe} idx = 0 idx ++ Read module PartName[idx] Is module hash OK? Derive Keys Yes Execute «rbe» idx <= 2? end Yes Execute «idlm» Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 28
  24. IDLM module (DLM Partition) • The only place (except ROM)

    where data read from Fuses is available • IDLM must be signed with RSA-2048 • SHA-256 for 8 Public RSA Keys are hardcoded in ROM • 4 of 8 keys can be used for IDLM signing (on tested platforms) • Owner of permitted RSA signing key can extract HMAC key with IDLM! • IDLM partition seen “in the wild” on ME 11.8 (svn 3) releases Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 29
  25. Conclusion • Intel’s engineers implemented complex and well- thought-out security

    model for handling keys • Even Code Execution (in any place except ROM) do not give an attacker the ability to fully compromise security model • But IDLM feature looks like backdoor ;) • And who knows – are Fuses Data really unique and unpredictable? Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 30
  26. ROM bypass vs ROM ROM bypass ROM parity = check_parity(&g_KeysInfo,

    8); if ( parity == (g_KeysInfo.check & 1) { pBuf.pb = (unsigned __int8 *)&g_KeysInfo; pBuf.cb = offsetof(T_KeysInfo, unused); SHA256(&pBuf, SHAF_Final|SHAF_Init); pBuf.pb = hash; pBuf.cb = 32; SHA256_GetResult(hash, 0); b1 = (LOBYTE(g_KeysInfo.check) >> 1) & 1; if ( b1 != is_bit((unsigned int *)hash, 32u) || (b2 = (BYTE(g_KeysInfo.check) >> 2) & 1, b2 != is_bit(hash, 69u)) || (b3 = (BYTE(g_KeysInfo.check) >> 3) & 1, b3 != is_bit(hash, 109u)) || (b4 = (BYTE(g_KeysInfo.check) >> 4) & 1, b4 != is_bit(hash, 239u)) ) parity = check_parity(&g_KeysInfo, 0x12);// 0x48 bytes if ( odd == (g_KeysInfo.check & 1) ) { pBuf.d.pb = (unsigned __int8 *)&g_KeysInfo; pBuf.cb = 72; SHA256(&pBuf, SHAF_Final|SHAF_Init); SHA256_GetResult(hash, 0); key.u.pb = hash; key.location = KEY_IN_MEM; key.cb = 0x20; out.location = KEY_IN_MEM; out.u.pdw = adw_mask; out.cb = 32; data.d.pb = "CSE_PART_ID"; data.cb = 0x20; ROM_HMAC_derive_key(&key, &out, 0, &data); b1 = (LOBYTE(g_KeysInfo.check) >> 1) & 1; if ( b1 != is_bit(adw_mask, 2u) || (b2 = (BYTE(g_KeysInfo.check) >> 2) & 1, b2 != is_bit(adw_mask, 28u)) || (b3 = (BYTE(g_KeysInfo.check) >> 3) & 1, b3 != is_bit(adw_mask, 47u)) || (b4 = (BYTE(g_KeysInfo.check) >> 4) & 1, b4 != is_bit(adw_mask, 72u)) ) Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 33
  27. Some Initial Value for AES Engine (in ROM) Defcon Russia

    (DCG #7499) 34 st260 = AES_r_st260; st264 = AES_r_st264; AES_r_secret[0] = 0xE103F8A3; AES_r_secret[1] = 0xA4B79CD6; AES_r_secret[2] = 0x56216728; AES_r_secret[3] = 0x30E039B6; if ( g_gen_cfg[0] & 4 ) { st260 = AES_r_st260 & ~0x12u; st264 = AES_r_st264 | 1; } AES_r_st260 = st260 & ~1u; AES_r_st264 = st264;
  28. Some hardcoded key for AES Engine (in Crypto) if (

    byte_6584F & 1 ) { v6 = getDW_sel(devAES, 0x260u); putDW_sel(15, 0x260u, v6 | 4); } else { putDW_sel(devAES, key0, 0x09CF4F3C); putDW_sel(devAES, key4, 0xABF71588); putDW_sel(devAES, key8, 0x28AED2A6); putDW_sel(devAES, keyC, 0x2B7E1516); } putDW_sel(devAES, 0, (*(_BYTE *)a3 == 0) << 6); Defcon Russia (DCG #7499) 35