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DevOpsPorto Meetup11: Ramp up your learning hab...

December 12, 2017

DevOpsPorto Meetup11: Ramp up your learning habits in 2018 by Miguel Alho

Talk delivered by Miguel Alho


December 12, 2017

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  1. Ramp up your learning habits in 2018 The 2018 DevOps

    Porto Learning Challenge [ Miguel Alho, DevOpsPorto Meetup, December 12th 2017 ] DevOpsPorto 2018
  2. I'll Help with some topics DevOps Practices Application Quality Enhancements

    Code Patterns Tools Value Processes People Skills & Personal Development DevOpsPorto 2018
  3. DevOps Practices TDD / BDD CI / CD pipelines GIT

    Shell language Runbooks DevOpsPorto 2018
  4. Logging, Monitoring and business metrics capturing Infrastructure as code Feature

    agging Deployment techniques DocOps Security (OWASP and more) Portmortems Game Day activities Chaos engineering DevOps Practices DevOpsPorto 2018
  5. Application Quality Enhancements ADRs Living documentation Consumer Driven Contracts DB

    testing Infrastructure Testing Nonfunctional validation DevOpsPorto 2018
  6. ADRs (Architecture Decision Records) #0003 - Add Request Logging ##Date:

    2017-02-24 ##Context Debugging calls to the server can be hard if requests and responses are not logged By logging every request and response we can understand if a request ever arrives at the service and we can also monitor requests by aggregating information from th requests and errors produced ##Decision Add Middleware log every request and response. Response message should have code and time. ##Consequences * we can see every resquest made and mount monitoring dashboards on top of that Tracking and debuggung options are improved https://github.com/joelparkerhenderson/architecture_decision_record DevOpsPorto 2018
  7. CQRS Resiliency patterns (circuit breaker) DB migrations NoSql Microservice patterns

    Event Sourcing Message queue patterns Reactive design Scalability patterns Coding Patterns DevOpsPorto 2018
  8. Tools Code Quality Analysis Code change trend analysis Linters Build

    scripting Package managers Static analysis tools DevOpsPorto 2018
  9. Physical software modeling technique Excelent for project inception phases Domain

    events and Aggregate exploration Helps nd Bounded contexts and subdomains, too Event Storming DevOpsPorto 2018
  10. People Skills & Personal Development Writing " Captains Log" Empathy

    Management & Leadership Skills Team & Communication Skills Learning Organizations DevOpsPorto 2018
  11. Some techniques: Lunch and Learn Group gatherings Book Reading Habit

    Mix activities Mix it into work YOU time (schedule it!) DevOpsPorto 2018
  12. Lunch and Learn ~ 40 hours per year of learning

    if you do it once a week. (1/5th of the 5-Hour rule) DevOpsPorto 2018
  13. Mix Activities read books on your comute listen to podcasts

    while you drive listen to audio books while you excercise watch a presentation while you cook toilet reading DevOpsPorto 2018
  14. Mix it into work katas tutorials Q&A documenting and sharing

    learnings link sharing DevOpsPorto 2018
  15. Pairing at work Learn what other do by working with

    them, or help them acheive their goals DevOpsPorto 2018
  16. Improving at work Using 1-on-1s and mentoring Logging work and

    discoveries Learning retrospectives Portmortems to blamelessly learn from failure 20% time projects or hack-a-thons DevOpsPorto 2018
  17. In 2018, go learn something new! thank you very much!

     @MytyMyky  www.miguelalho.pt  [email protected] DevOpsPorto 2018