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NLP Inside HubotNatural

Diego Dorgam
December 13, 2017

NLP Inside HubotNatural

Under the hood of the NLP engine of HubotNatural, with some prospects and ideas for the future technologies

Diego Dorgam

December 13, 2017

More Decks by Diego Dorgam

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  1. MUDANÇAS DE PARADIGMA 80s - desktop & clients 90s -

    browser & websites 00s - smartphones & apps 10s - it’s the turn of messaging & bots
  2. HUBOT ADAPTERS Shell AIM ChatWork Dasher Fleep Flowdock Gitter Gtalk

    Hall HipChat iMessage IRC Jabbr Let’s Chat Lingr Mattermost Mattermost - websocket Campfire Facebook Messenger QQ Partychat Rocket.Chat Slack Skype SkypeWeb Skyweb Talker Telegram Twilio IP Messaging Twilio SMS Twitter Visual Studio Online XMPP Yammer 38 Adapters
  3. Instalando o Hubot > npm install -g yo generator-hubot >

    mkdir myhubot > cd myhubot > yo hubot
  4. NLP Tools Tokenizers String Distance Phonetics Inflectors N-Grams tf-idf Tries

    EdgeWeightedDigraph ShortestPathTree LongestPathTree WordNet Spellcheck Stemmers | Classifiers | PoS Tagger
  5. Como Funciona? Carrega o YAML Cria o Classificador e Treina

    Classifica as Mensagens Recebidas Retorna Nodo de interação Processo o nodo na classe evento e retorna a resposta
  6. PoS Tagger NN Noun, singular or mass VB Verb, base

    form DT Determiner IN Preposition or subordinating conjunction
  7. HubotNatural Conversation Flow Config Functions Collect Data MongoDB Brain Classify

    Intents Entity Recognition (un)Supervised Learning Roadmap