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Westminster Briefing - Digital Literacy Embedding

Simon Thomson
February 23, 2016

Westminster Briefing - Digital Literacy Embedding

This presentation explores the processes involved in embedding digital literacy across a university. It puts forward 5 principles that should be considered in order to achieve success.

This presentation was part of this event: http://www.westminster-briefing.com/fileadmin/westminster-briefing/Agendas/digital_literacies_agenda.pdf

Simon Thomson

February 23, 2016

More Decks by Simon Thomson

Other Decks in Education


  1. Digital Pedagogy “Digital Pedagogy is precisely not about using digital

    technologies for teaching and, rather, about approaching those tools from a critical pedagogical perspective. So, it is as much about using digital tools thoughtfully as it is about deciding when not to use digital tools, and about paying attention to the impact of digital tools on learning.” http://www.digitalpedagogylab.com @digisim
  2. 5 principles to E m b e d d i

    n g D i g i t a l L i t e r a c y across your institution. @digisim
  3. 1 Use all of the information a l r e

    a d y available to you. @digisim
  4. 2 get buy-in at all levels and E n g

    a g e a broad set of stakeholders. @digisim
  5. 3 establish an a g r e e d definition

    to w h i c h y o u can ALL work. @digisim
  6. “Digital literacy is defined as the confident and critical use

    of information and digital technologies to enhance academic, personal and professional development.”
  7. 4 p r o v i d e c e

    n t r a l & l o c a l guidance & support. @digisim
  8. • What does technology enable YOU to do? • How

    does technology enhance what YOU already do? • How does technology enrich YOUR teaching? • How does technology empower YOUR learners?
  9. digital literacy embedded at every level on every undergraduate course.

    Evidenced through the course documentation & QA process.