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Build Your First Vim Plugin

Build Your First Vim Plugin

Talk I gave at Vim Chicago meetup about getting started with VimScript and building your first Vim Plugin

Dorian Karter

February 16, 2016

More Decks by Dorian Karter

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Sponsored by: Next meetup is Vim Lightning Talks. Submit your

    lightning talk idea. https://github.com/jonallured/vimchi.com/wiki/ Talk-Proposals @vimchi Dorian Karter https://github.com/dkarter @dorian_escplan
  2. WHY WRITE A VIM PLUGIN? Scratch an itch. Add support

    to for a new language. Understand and configure. Become a Vim legend.
  3. WHAT YOU NEED Scriptease. Learn VimScript The Hard Way (book).

    Be a regex ninja (and know magic). :h magic Patience.
  4. :echo && :echom Your basic hello world - useful for

    debugging. :echo is temporary. :echom is persistant. :messages :echo “Hello world!” :echom “Hello world, I’m here to stay.”
  5. VARIABLES let is used to set a variable. unlet is

    used to unset a variable. unlet! unsets a variable and suppresses the error if it doesn’t exist.
  6. VARIABLE SCOPING 1 g:var "- global. 2 a:var "- function

    argument. 3 l:var "- local to function. 4 b:var "- local to buffer. 5 w:var "- local to window. 6 t:var "- local to tab. 7 v:var "- Predefined by Vim.
  7. MAPPING Use noremap. Can limit to current <buffer>. You can

    create your own text objects! :map j gg :map Q j :noremap W j
  8. MAPPING BEST PRACTICES Don't use a map when a command

    will do. Show how vs Map. Use customizable prefix. Avoid common mappings. Avoid starting with a common key. (e.g. oo)
  9. :normal! Lets you execute a normal mode action. normal! not

    normal. Will not enter insert mode. :normal! gg=G
  10. Operator-Pending Mappings You can create your own text objects! The

    CTRL-U (<C-U>) removes the range that Vim may insert. :h omap-info :onoremap in( :<c-u>normal! f(vi(<cr>
  11. command! Use command!. You can get autocomplete for arguments. :command!

    SayHi :echom “oh hi!” :command! Tick let s:counter = s:counter + 1 | echo s:counter :command! -nargs=1 -complete=buffer BufName echo "Buffer Name is <args>"
  12. fun! 1 function! g:Foobar(arg1, arg2, ...) 2 let first_argument =

    a:arg1 3 let index = 1 4 let variable_arg_1 = a:{index} " same as a:1 5 return variable_arg_1 6 endfunction
  13. autocmd Event Binding. Can be filtered. Should be grouped.[1] :h

    autocmd-events :autocmd BufWrite * :echom "Writing buffer!"
  14. execute Takes a VimScript and executes it as a command.

    Essentially eval. Not too evil. Meta-programming. :execute “autocmd BufWrite * :echom \”Writing buffer!\””
  15. USEFUL STUFF "." = cursor "'<" = selection start "'>"

    = selection end '\v' = very magic line(“.”) getpos(“.”) setpos(“.”, [0,12,3]) getline(12) setline(12, ”potato”) append(12, [“line after 12”, ”line after 13”]) matchend(“some string”, ‘\v.*’) matchlist(“some string”, ‘\v(regex|with|groups)’)
  16. COMPATIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS 1 let s:save_cpo = &cpo 2 set cpo&vim

    3 4 " .. your plugin code here .. 5 6 let &cpo = s:save_cpo 7 unlet s:save_cpo
  17. HEADER 1 " Vim global plugin for correcting typing mistakes

    2 " Last Change: 2016 Jan 15 3 " Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> 4 " License: This file is placed in the public domain.
  18. HOW TO PUBLISH 1 yourplugin/ 2 doc/ 3 yourplugin.txt 4

    plugin/ 5 yourplugin.vim 6 ... 7 README 8 LICENSE 9 CONTRIBUTING
  19. MORE BEST PRACTICES Don’t ever force push. Concise + informative

    commit messages. Stay backwards compatible. Avoid collisions. (As much as you can). Always use non-recursive options.
  20. RESOURCES :h write-plugin Five Minute Vim Script http://andrewscala.com/vimscript/ Learn VimScript

    the Hard Way (Free Book) http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/ Writing Vim Plugins - Best Practices http://stevelosh.com/blog/2011/09/writing-vim-plugins/ Tim Pope Reddit AMA (Google it..)
  21. RESOURCES (CONT.) Vim Debugger https://github.com/haya14busa/vim-debugger Vim Undescore (yep.) https://github.com/haya14busa/underscore.vim Vital.vim

    (util functions for vim plugins) https://github.com/vim-jp/vital.vim Themis (Testing framework for VimScript) https://github.com/thinca/vim-themis
  22. boolean Let’s play a game: 1 :echo 1 . "foo"

    2 :echo 1 + "1" 3 4 :fun! TrueFalse(arg) 5 : return a:arg? "true" : "false" 6 :endfun 7 8 :echo TrueFalse("foobar") 9 :echo TrueFalse("1000") 10 :echo TrueFalse("x1000") 11 :echo TrueFalse("1000x") 12 :echo TrueFalse("0")