I gave this talk with Usertime initiative partner—Jakub Dębski, . We presented this concept at UX Poland 2014 conference. http://uxpoland.pl/
## Presentation summary
Who’s your user? That is the question! The answer determines UX strategy groundwork. Whoever is the user, he’s often disabled, senior, beginner, tired, less-educated, stressed, has oldish software or hardware. For those users, accessibility seems to be the solution. Alas, most of the time accessibility is not included or at most applied too late. It’s often interpreted as binary checklist, formal requirement or ISO standard. The result is bad UX... and accessibility. The solution is to include accessibility into UX project cycle, on every stage—documentation, research, conception, wireframing, prototyping, designing, implementation. If it’s omitted or separated, UX will be disabled. Users will not achieve their goals or with no satisfaction. The only way is accessibility as part of UX.