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How to get engineering teams to eat their veget...

How to get engineering teams to eat their vegetables

Many factors contribute to developer happiness. However, as engineers, we're often singularly obsessed with the idea that our job satisfaction comes solely from solving only the most interesting technical challenges. In reality, research shows that we perform best when we are rested, feel valued, and feel connected to a cause so we can focus on high-priority work.

This talk will focus on ways engineering teams can foster excellent working environments and cultures with minimally felt process: much like sneaking vegetables into desserts.

A written version of this talk can be found here: https://medium.com/@duretti/how-to-get-engineering-teams-to-eat-their-vegetables-83e0f83af71a

Duretti Hirpa

July 25, 2017

More Decks by Duretti Hirpa

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  1. How to get engineering teams to eat their vegetables (and

    do other stuff good too) DevOpsDays Minneapolis 25 July 2017
  2. “ I am America. I am the part you won't

    recognize. But get used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me. —Muhammad Ali
  3. “ How we spend our days is, of course, how

    we spend our lives. —Annie Dillard
  4. “ Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition

    of this is the beginning of wisdom. —Theodore Isaac Ruben
  5. “ Teams make commitments to coordinate action, to address the

    issue at hand, for the sake of the project's shared mission. —Fernando Flores, “Conversations for Action”
  6. “What really matters are the countless small deeds of unknown

    people who lay the basis for the significant events that enter history. Howard Zinn
  7. Thanks for listening! find me online: @duretti
 speaker notes

 medium.com/@duretti/how-to-get-engineering-teams-to-eat- their-vegetables