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How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA (at FP...

February 01, 2015

How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA (at FPGAX#6)

This slide was presented at FPGA Extreme Conference #6 held at Dowango on Feb 1st, 2015. (It was originally in Japanese but translated to English)
Audience of the presentation was people new to OpenFlow and network processing using hardware, but interested in how FPGA is used in network processing.

Event home page (only Japanese)


February 01, 2015

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  1. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA Presented at FPGA

    Extreme Computing #6 2015/02/01 Kentaro Ebisawa | 海老澤 健太郎 | Twitter: @ebiken
  2. Disclaimer •The objective of this presentation is to “share information”

    related to OpenFlow Switch development and increase people interested in OpenFlow and developing Network Equipments. •Thus, it is not directly related to specification or design of any existing product. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 2
  3. Self-introduction Current • Dev manager of OpenFlow Switch @ start-up

    company (Riava Networks, Inc.) Past • Several Technical role at multiple startup companies to help booting up team or company, growing presence in Asia market. • Head of support team • Sales Engineer (SE) • Solution Architect designing OSS/BSS. • Product design and research. • Development management. • Twitter: @ebiken • Technical Area • ATM / Ethernet / PPPoE / L2TP / RADIUS • Streaming / Web Proxy • Virtualization • OpenVZ / Parallels Cloud Server • Hosting Service. OSS/BSS. • Operation / Business Support System • IPv6/v4 Translation (nat64) • OpenFlow How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 3
  4. List of Contents 1. What is “OpenFlow Switch” ? (Comparing

    with Layer 2 / 3 switch) 2. Why use FPGA to build OpenFlow Switch? 3. OpenFlow Switch components 4. OpenFlow Switch design trade-offs How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 4
  5. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme

    Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 5 What is “OpenFlow Switch” ? Comparing with Layer 2 / 3 switch.
  6. How traditional network switch works (Layer 2) How to create

    OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 6 MAC Address Port 00-00-5E-00-53-01 1 00-00-5E-00-53-02 2 00-00-5E-00-53-03 3 00-00-5E-00-53-04 4 Layer 2 forwarding (MAC learning) table 1 2 3 4 5 -01 -02 -03 -04 -05 Table Entry • Self learning (Source MAC) Action (match) • Forward to Port Action (no-match) • Flooding VLAN 1 VLAN 2
  7. How traditional network switch works (Layer 3) How to create

    OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 7 Subnet (LPM) Gateway Port /24 5 /24 1 ... ... ... 1 Layer 3 forwarding table 1 2 3 4 5 Table Entry • Routing Protocol etc. Action (match) • Decrement TTL • Modify Destination MAC • Forward to Port Action (no-match) • Drop • Send “ICMP Dest untreachable”
  8. How OpenFlow switch works How to create OpenFlow Switch using

    FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 8 Multiple Flow (Lookup) Tables 1 2 3 4 5 Match Field Instruction / Action MPLS Label pop MPLS label, meter 10, goto-table 4 VLAN output port 2, ... IPv4 Address, TCP port set IPv4 Address, Queue 10, goto-table 3 ... ... Table Entry • Inject from Controller Match Field Instruction / Action MPLS Label pop MPLS label, meter 10, goto-table 4 VLAN output port 2, ... IPv4 Address, TCP port set IPv4 Address, Queue 10, goto-table 3 ... ... Match Field Instruction / Action MPLS Label pop MPLS label, meter 10, goto-table 4 VLAN output port 2, ... IPv4 Address, TCP port set IPv4 Address, Queue 10, goto-table 3 ... ... Match Field Instruction / Action MPLS Label pop MPLS label, meter 10, goto-table 4 VLAN output port 2 IPv4 Address, TCP port set IPv4 Address, Queue 10, goto-table 3 ... ... OpenFlow Controller
  9. Which packet? (OpenFlow Match Field : 40 Fields, 1261 bits)

  10. How to process it? (OpenFlow Instruction / Action) How to

    create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 10 Instruction Meter Policing(Rate-Limit) Apply-Actions Apply Imidiately Clear-Actions Initialize Action Set Write-Actions Add to Action Set Write-Metadata Stamp metadata Goto-Table <ID> Go through another table Action (アクション) Output <port_no> Forward packet Group <group_id> Group processing Set-Queue <queue_id> Assign Queue Push-Tag <ethertype> MPLS,PBB,VLAN Pop-Tag <ethertype> Set-Field <field_type> <value> Set value to arbitrary fields. Set TTL <ttl> MPLS, IP TTL (Time To Live) Decrement TTL Copy TTL out/inwards
  11. OpenFlow Pipeline How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA |

    FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 11 OpenFlow Pipeline Flow Table #0 Flow Entry Flow Entry Flow Table #n Flow Entry Flow Entry Match Flow Table #1 Flow Entry Action Set (associated with each packet) Flow Entry Action Action Action Packet Ingress Match Match Goto-Table Goto-Table Packet Output Execute Action Set (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
  12. Comparing Layer 2/3 Switch and OpenFlow Switch How to create

    OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 12 Which packet? How to process it? Layer 2 MAC Address Forward to port where Host with Dest MAC exists Layer 3 IP Address Set Dest MAC Address Forward to Next Hop OpenFlow Set from Controller (Based on Packet header) Set from Controller (Set header fields, forward, QoS etc.)
  13. Which packet? How to process it? Layer 2 MAC Address

    Forward to port where Host with Dest MAC exists Layer 3 IP Address Set Dest MAC Address Forward to Next Hop OpenFlow Set from Controller (Based on Packet header) Set from Controller (Set header fields, forward, QoS etc.) Comparing Layer 2/3 Switch and OpenFlow Switch How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 13 How to Match/Process is pre-defined. How to Match/Process is programmable.
  14. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme

    Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 14 Why use FPGA to build OpenFlow Switch?
  15. 3 reasons for using FPGA to build OpenFlow Switch How

    to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 15 Avoid restriction of existing Network Chip Keep up with new version of standard. Continuous improvements based on new use cases.
  16. Avoid restriction of existing Network Chip • Difficult to implement

    Full OpenFlow Pipeline using existing network chip aimed for Layer 2/3 switch. • TCAM is small • Mostly used for ACL only. • Re-use of L2/L3 Forwarding Table • Limited match fields available on each table. • Less Instruction / Action supported. • Some tables cannot use most Instructions / Actions. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 16
  17. Continuous improvements based on new use cases. • OpenFlow will

    make network programmable. • Programmable = expected behavior / feature depends more on Business requirements. (Compared to L2 / L3 switch) • Sizing balance (where to put more HW resource) depends on business model. • Group, Meter, QoS, Packet-in/out … which one is more important?? • Datacenter CLOS Network ? • Carrier / Provider Edge Gateway ? • Security Gateway ? • Wireless ? How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 17
  18. Keep up with new version of standard. How to create

    OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 18 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (Dec. 31, 2009) 1.0.0 (Jun. 7, 2012) 1.0.1 Errata (Nov. 1, 2013) 1.0.2 Errata (Apr. 13, 2012) 1.3.0 1.3.1 (Sept. 6, 2012) (Apr. 25, 2013) 1.3.2 (Mar. 27, 2014) 1.3.4 1.3.3 (Dec. 18, 2013) (Feb. 28, 2011) 1.1.0 (Dec. 5, 2011) 1.2 (Oct. 15, 2013) 1.4.0 0x01 0x02 0x04 0x05 0x03 Wire Protocol # (Jan. 9, 2015) 1.5.0 0x06 History of OpenFlow Standard 2015 https://www.opennetworking.org/sdn-resources/technical-library#tech-spec
  19. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme

    Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 19 OpenFlow Switch components Using Hardware Datapath
  20. OpenFlow Switch components | Software How to create OpenFlow Switch

    using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 20 Hardware Abstraction Layer Hardware Specific Driver Datapath PCIe Open Flow Agent Protocol Interface Admin Interface • Switch/Controller IP Address configuration • Showing Status / Statistics • Debug, Log OF Protocol <-> Datapath data format conversion. Managing Flow Entry Layout in Datapath (Stored in TCAM/RAM) Packet-in/out processing. PCIe Driver. FPGA packet processing board (Datapath) will be recognized as PCI express device from OS. Admin Interface (CLI, syslog, SNMP) CPU Board FPGA / TCAM / RAM(*) Physical Network Ports (*) RAM = SRAM/DRAM/BlockRAM etc. Protocol level interface between controller. Managing Flow Table data coupled with OpenFlow protocol.
  21. OpenFlow Switch ~ Hardware Datapath Implementation Types How to create

    OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 21 Datapath (FPGA etc.) Flow Table #0 Flow Table #x Flow Table #N Software (CPU) Flow Table #0 Flow Table #x Flow Table #N Insert Flow Table OpenFlow Agent Packet Type 1: Flow Installation
  22. OpenFlow Switch ~ Hardware Datapath Implementation Types How to create

    OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 22 Datapath (FPGA etc.) Flow Cache Table Software (CPU) Flow Table #0 Flow Table #x Flow Table #N OpenFlow Agent Packet Type 2: Flow Cache (No Cache Entry) Insert Flow Cache Request
  23. OpenFlow Switch ~ Hardware Datapath Implementation Types How to create

    OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 23 Datapath (FPGA etc.) Flow Cache Table Software (CPU) Flow Table #0 Flow Table #x Flow Table #N OpenFlow Agent Packet Type 2: Flow Cache (With Cache Entry)
  24. OpenFlow Switch ~ Hardware Datapath Implementation Types How to create

    OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 24 Type 1: Flow Installation Type 2: Flow Cache  Packet in same flow has same latency  Large delay processing initial packet of each flow  (Relatively) Easy to expect performance.  Bottleneck between Datapath/CPU  Significant performance impact when cache over flows  (Relatively) easy to add / mod Flow Entry  Require Flushing Cache when add / mod Flow Entry (Multi Table) (Could be avoided with smart algorism but complex)  Consume more HW resource (for non-used Flow Entry)  Consume less HW resource (only active flow)
  25. OpenFlow Switch ~ Hardware Datapath Implementation Types How to create

    OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 25 Type 1: Flow Installation Type 2: Flow Cache  Packet in same flow has same latency  Large delay processing initial packet of each flow  (Relatively) Easy to expect performance.  Bottleneck between Datapath/CPU  Significant performance impact when cache over flows  (Relatively) easy to add / mod Flow Entry  Require Flushing Cache when add / mod Flow Entry (Multi Table) (Could be avoided with smart algorism but complex)  Consume more HW resource (for non-used Flow Entry)  Consume less HW resource (only active flow) Today we will discuss Type 1 only.
  26. OpenFlow Switch components | Hardware Datapath How to create OpenFlow

    Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 26 Hardware Abstraction Layer Hardware Specific Driver Datapath PCIe Open Flow Agent Protocol Interface Admin Interface • Switch/Controller IP Address configuration • Showing Status / Statistics • Debug, Log OF Protocol <-> Datapath data format conversion. Managing Flow Entry Layout in Datapath (Stored in TCAM/RAM) Packet-in/out processing. PCIe Driver. FPGA packet processing board (Datapath) will be recognized as PCI express device from OS. Admin Interface (CLI, syslog, SNMP) CPU Board FPGA / TCAM / RAM(*) Physical Network Ports (*) RAM = SRAM/DRAM/BlockRAM etc. Protocol level interface between controller. Managing Flow Table data coupled with OpenFlow protocol. Now Moving to Datapath.
  27. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme

    Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 27 CPU Board (OpenFlow Agent) Physical Ports (10Gbps / 1Gbps) PCIe Core DMA Control Host Interface MAC (XAUI / QSGMII) TCAM (Match Field) SRAM | DRAM (Instruction, Action) (Packet Buffer) Packet FIFO OpenFlow Pipeline Processor Flow Table Provider FPGA Switch / Queue PCIe Insert Flow Entry
  28. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme

    Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 28 CPU Board (OpenFlow Agent) Physical Ports (10Gbps / 1Gbps) PCIe Core DMA Control Host Interface MAC (XAUI / QSGMII) TCAM (Match Field) SRAM | DRAM (Instruction, Action) (Packet Buffer) Packet FIFO OpenFlow Pipeline Processor Flow Table Provider FPGA Switch / Queue PCIe Packet Input
  29. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme

    Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 29 OpenFlow Switch design trade-offs a. Long Search / TCAM Entry Key Length b. Update considering Priority c. A lot of packet fields to process
  30. Layer 2 Forwarding (MAC learning) Table Search (Using CAM) How

    to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 30 MAC Address (48 bit) Port 00-00-5E-00-53-FE 5 00-15-17-ED-9E-5B 3 6C-F0-49-7F-79-AA 1 00-00-5E-00-53-01 1 00-15-17-ED-9E-01 2 … … 00-00-5E-00-53-01 Search Key Forward to Port #1 CAM (Exact Match)
  31. Layer 2 Forwarding (MAC learning) Table Search (Hash Table) How

    to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 31 MAC Address Port MAC Address Port MAC Address Port 0 ⇒ 00-00-5E-00-53-FE 5 1 ⇒ 00-15-17-ED-9E-00 3 00-15-17-ED-9E-2F 2 00-15-17-ED-9E-8B 4 2 ⇒ 6C-F0-49-7F-79-AA 1 3 ⇒ 00-00-5E-00-53-08 3 00-00-5E-00-53-01 1 4 ⇒ 00-15-17-ED-9E-01 2 00-00-5E-00-53-F0 4 00-15-17-ED-9E-32 8 … ⇒ … … … … … … 00-00-5E-00-53-01 Search Key Forward to Port #1 HASH Hash Table (on SRAM)
  32. Layer 3 Forwarding Table Search (TCAM - Longest Prefix Match)

    How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 32 TCAM (with Don’t care bit) IPv4 Address (32 bit) Gateway 192 168 10 * 10 128 0 * 192 168 20 * 192 168 * * ... ... ... ... ... * * * * Search Key • TCAM is required for LPM • Search Key has fixed length • Only 64bit even for IPv6 ※ Actually masked per bit
  33. OpenFlow Flow Table (TCAM – Simple design) How to create

    OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 33 IN_PORT METADATA ETH_DST ETH_SRC VLAN_VID MPLS_LBL IP_PROTO IPV4_SRC … 10 * * * 1 * * 10.1.1.* … * * * * * * 6 … * * * * 10 * * * … 5 * * * 5 * * * … * 0xABAB0010 * * * * 17 * … … … … … … … … … … PORT, METADATA, ETH_DST … Search Key (1248 bit) Instruction/ Action pop VLAN, … push vlan, goto-table 1 Output 5, … set-metadata, … set-field … … TCAM (40 Fields, 1261 bits) • Inefficient use of TCAM • 1261 bit per TCAM Entry => about 40Mbit per 32K Entry • Only a few fields used per Flow Entry • Entry has Priority => Could require shifting when insert.
  34. How to deal with Long Search Key (example 1) How

    to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 34 参考文献:”OF-DPA Abstract Switch Specification ver1.0” by Broadcom Corporation. Simplified “Figure 2: OpenFlow OF-DPA Abstract Switch Pipeline“ https://github.com/Broadcom-Switch/of-dpa/blob/master/doc/OFDPA_OASS-ETP101-R.PDF Ingress Port Table 1 MAC Table 3 Unicast Routing Table 4a Multicast Routing Table 4b Bridge Table 4c ACL Policy Table 5 VLAN Table 2 Match limited field per Table  Some table does not require TCAM  Cannot match entry using AND operation (ex: MAC_DST==XXX && VLAN_ID==YY) Search Process CAM or SRAM TCAM
  35. How to deal with Long Search Key (example 2) How

    to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 35 Assign ID for typical combination of match fields and add to Search Key.  Flexible combination of match fields for all tables.  Complex (Generating Search Key, selecting combination of fields etc.) TCAM Entry Match Bit String MAC=X|VLAN=0|…|MATCH=1 VLAN=1|MPLS=a|…|MATCH=2 MAC=*|VLAN=5|…|MATCH=1 PORT=4|IPV4_SRC=Z|…|MATCH=3 PORT=*|IPV4_SRC=Y|…|MATCH=3 … MAC|VLAN|…|MATCH-1 Generate Search Key VLAN|MPLS|…|MATCH-2 PORT|IPV4_SRC|…|MATCH-3
  36. Update considering Priority (using TCAM) How to create OpenFlow Switch

    using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 36 Strict Priority for all entries  Loose Priority (*1) Resource efficiency (BAD  GOOD) | Management Logic (Simple  Complex) Priority PORT VLAN IP Addr TCP Port 255 3 * * 80 255 1 20 10.0.0.* * 50 * * * 80 10 1 * * 443 0 * * * * Priority PORT VLAN IP Addr TCP Port 255 3 * * 80 255 1 20 10.0.0.* * 50 * * * 80 10 1 * * 443 0 * * * * Priority PORT VLAN IP Addr TCP Port 10 * 10 10.0.0.* 22 (*1) Sort in priority order for each set of rules which can match same packet.
  37. Trade-off depending on how to process packet fields. How to

    create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 37 Layer 3 Switch • Modify MAC DA • DA: Destination Address • Decrement TTL • Layer 2 Processing MAC DA MAC SA VLAN EtherType MPLS IPv4 / IPv6 / ARP TCP / UDP / ICMP Payload Layer 2 Switch • VLAN Tag Push/Pop Layer 2 / 3 Switch modifies only a few packet fields.
  38. Trade-off depending on how to process packet fields. How to

    create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 38 MAC DA MAC SA VLAN EtherType MPLS IPv4 / IPv6 / ARP TCP / UDP / ICMP Payload OpenFlow Switch • VLAN Tag Push/Pop • MPLS Push / Pop • Modification of almost any header fields
  39. Trade-off depending on how to process packet fields. How to

    create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 39 MAC DA MAC SA VLAN EtherType MPLS IPv4 / IPv6 / ARP TCP / UDP / ICMP Payload MAC DA MAC SA VLAN EtherType MPLS IPv4 / IPv6 / ARP TCP / UDP / ICMP Payload parallel processing  Delay: small (1 ~ a few cycles)  Logic size: Huge Sequentially processing each field  Delay: big (10s ~ 100+ cycles)  Logic size: Small
  40. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme

    Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 40 For people who wants to try it… Packet processing using FPGA is FUN!!
  41. • Can buy at Digilent Inc. • Part# 410-301P-KIT •

    Academic:$1,695 • List price: $24,500 How to try? • NetFPGA SUME • NIC type FPGA board for research and experimentation. • FPGA: Virtex-7 690T • Network: • 4 x 10Gbps (SFP+) • Memory: • 2 x 4GB DDR3 SoDIMM • 3 x 72Mbits QDR II SRAM • PCIe x8 Gen. 3 (8Gbps x8) • 2 x SATA-III How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 41 Photo from Digilent Inc. http://digilentinc.com/Products/Detail.cfm?NavPath=2,1301,1311&Prod=NETFPGA-10G-SUME
  42. How to try? • OpenFlow implementation using FPGA available on

    GitHub • A bit old but good start. •  Design Document • Block Diagram • State Machine •  Source Code • GitHub •  OpenFlow 1.0 only • Single Table (No multi-table) How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 42 https://github.com/NetFPGA/NetFPGA-public/wiki/NetFPGA-10G-OpenFlow-Switch
  43. How to create OpenFlow Switch using FPGA | FPGA Extreeme

    Computing #6 | FPGAX 2014/02/01 | Twitter: @ebiken 43 !! Let’s have fun together !! FPGA + OpenFlow 海老澤 健太郎 | Kentaro Ebisawa Twitter: @ebiken