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Node discovery in cloud environment

Node discovery in cloud environment

Talk given for Elasticsearch FR meetup #12
At Microsoft France

Dans « Elasticsearch », il y a « Elastic ». Démarrer des nouveaux noeuds pour augmenter la capacité du cluster est très simple avec le mode multicast par défaut.Les plates-formes cloud interdisent évidemment le multicast. Aussi, comment garder cette élasticité simple en environnement cloud ?Venez découvrir ce qui se cache derrière les plugins cloud pour Amazon, Google et bien sûr Azure !

Elasticsearch Inc

January 22, 2015

More Decks by Elasticsearch Inc

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  1. 2 Building a 3 nodes cluster The slides and video

    will be made available to you after the webinar. Bare Metal node 1 IP1 Bare Metal node 2 IP2 Bare Metal node 3 IP3
  2. 4 Discovery with multicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. Bare Metal node 1 IP1 NETWORK UDP Group:
 Port: 54328
  3. 5 Discovery with multicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. Bare Metal node 1 IP1 NETWORK Bare Metal node 2 IP2 UDP Group:
 Port: 54328
  4. 6 Discovery with multicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. Bare Metal node 1 IP1 NETWORK Bare Metal node 2 IP2 UDP Group:
 Port: 54328
  5. 7 Discovery with multicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK Bare Metal node 1 IP1 Bare Metal node 2 IP2
  6. 8 Discovery with multicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK Bare Metal node 1 IP1 Bare Metal node 2 IP2 Bare Metal node 3 IP3 UDP Group:
 Port: 54328
  7. 9 Discovery with multicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK Bare Metal node 1 IP1 Bare Metal node 2 IP2 Bare Metal node 3 IP3 UDP Group:
 Port: 54328
  8. 10 Discovery with multicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK Bare Metal node 1 IP1 Bare Metal node 2 IP2 Bare Metal node 3 IP3
  9. 12 Discovery with unicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. Bare Metal node 1 IP1 NETWORK TCP ip1
 Port: 9300 config/elaticsearch.yml discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1"]
  10. 13 Discovery with unicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. Bare Metal node 1 IP1 NETWORK Bare Metal node 2 IP2 config/elaticsearch.yml discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1","ip2"] TCP ip1, ip2
 Port: 9300
  11. 14 Discovery with unicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. Bare Metal node 1 IP1 NETWORK Bare Metal node 2 IP2 config/elaticsearch.yml discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1","ip2"] TCP ip1, ip2
 Port: 9300
  12. 15 Discovery with unicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK Bare Metal node 1 IP1 Bare Metal node 2 IP2 config/elaticsearch.yml discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1","ip2"]
  13. 16 Discovery with unicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK Bare Metal node 1 IP1 Bare Metal node 2 IP2 Bare Metal node 3 IP3 TCP ip1, ip2, ip3
 Port: 9300 config/elaticsearch.yml discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1","ip2","ip3"]
  14. 17 Discovery with unicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK Bare Metal node 1 IP1 Bare Metal node 2 IP2 Bare Metal node 3 IP3 TCP ip1, ip2, ip3
 Port: 9300 config/elaticsearch.yml discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1","ip2","ip3"]
  15. 18 Discovery with unicast The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK Bare Metal node 1 IP1 Bare Metal node 2 IP2 Bare Metal node 3 IP3
  16. 20 Cloud constraints The slides and video will be made

    available to you after the webinar. • IP can change • Number of nodes should scale easily • Multicast is forbidden Problems config/elaticsearch.yml discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1", "ip2", "ip3", "ip4", "ip5", "ip6", "ip7", "ip8", "ip9", "ip10", "ip11", "ip12", "ip13", "ip14", "ip15", "ip16", "ip17", "ip18"]
  17. 21 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. VM node 1 IP1 NETWORK CLOUD PROVIDER API
  18. 22 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. VM node 1 IP1 NETWORK CLOUD PROVIDER API discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1"]
  19. 23 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. VM node 1 IP1 NETWORK TCP ip1
 Port: 9300 CLOUD PROVIDER API discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1"]
  20. 24 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. VM node 1 IP1 NETWORK VM node 2 IP2 CLOUD PROVIDER API
  21. 25 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. VM node 1 IP1 NETWORK VM node 2 IP2 discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1","ip2"] CLOUD PROVIDER API
  22. 26 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. VM node 1 IP1 NETWORK VM node 2 IP2 TCP ip1, ip2
 Port: 9300 discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1","ip2"] CLOUD PROVIDER API
  23. 27 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK VM node 1 IP1 VM node 2 IP2 discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1","ip2"] CLOUD PROVIDER API
  24. 28 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK VM node 1 IP1 VM node 2 IP2 VM node 3 IP3 CLOUD PROVIDER API
  25. 29 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK VM node 1 IP1 VM node 2 IP2 VM node 3 IP3 TCP ip1, ip2, ip3
 Port: 9300 discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1","ip2","ip3"] CLOUD PROVIDER API
  26. 30 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK VM node 1 IP1 VM node 2 IP2 VM node 3 IP3 TCP ip1, ip2, ip3
 Port: 9300 discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["ip1","ip2","ip3"] CLOUD PROVIDER API
  27. 31 Discovery with cloud plugin The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. NETWORK VM node 1 IP1 VM node 2 IP2 VM node 3 IP3 CLOUD PROVIDER API
  28. 32 Discovery on Google Compute Engine The slides and video

    will be made available to you after the webinar. • Install gce plugin • Update config/elasticsearch.yml • Start elasticsearch https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-gce cloud: gce: project_id: es-cloud zone: europe-west1-a discovery: type: gce
  29. 33 Discovery on EC2 The slides and video will be

    made available to you after the webinar. • Install aws plugin • Update config/elasticsearch.yml • Start elasticsearch https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws cloud: aws: access_key: AKVAIQBF2RECL7FJWGJQ secret_key: vExyMThREXeRMm/b/LRzEB8jWwvzQeXgjqMX+6br discovery: type: ec2
  30. 34 Discovery on Azure VM The slides and video will

    be made available to you after the webinar. • Install azure plugin • Update config/elasticsearch.yml • Start elasticsearch https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-azure cloud: azure: keystore: /path/to/keystore password: your_password_for_keystore subscription_id: your_azure_subscription_id service_name: your_azure_cloud_service_name discovery: type: azure
  31. 36 Q&A Time Join the Community 
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