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hey I founded a tech startup...OH SHIT I CAN'T ...

Elisha Tan
September 10, 2011

hey I founded a tech startup...OH SHIT I CAN'T CODE. #barcampsg7

First public talk I did!

Elisha Tan

September 10, 2011

More Decks by Elisha Tan

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What you’re gonna hear • Should you, the non-techie founder,

    learn programming?! • What should you do before learning?! • What and how should you learn?! • Will learning pay off?
  2. Who’s this person? I'm Elisha Tan. I did Psychology in

    NUS, graduated in 2010 and did social media marketing at a couple of startups. In late 2010, I was accepted at the Singapore Founder Institute and I founded Learnemy, a web application that finds you instructors for anything you want to learn.! I am proficient in MS office and Paint, which ! enabled me to create the picture you see ! on the right.
  3. What’s the story? • Spend about 3 months looking for

    technical co-founder cluelessly! • Got into a service partnership with other founders! • Quit my job! • Did my mockups ! • Service partnership failed
  4. Should you, or should you not? Should Should not •

    If you outsource, you can’t tell if you get bullshit. • You can’t hire for a job you don’t know. • You should know your product. • You give programmers respect, and you’ll give the right impressions. • It will take long for you to be proficient in coding. • Too much time spent
  5. Before you code... Learn HTML and CSS so that you

    can fake it till you make it! - http://www.w3schools.com/! - http://css-tricks.com/! - http://colorschemedesigner.com/! - Rentoid! - Learnemy
  6. Design is hard You want to be a great artist...

    ! “Good artists copy, great artists steal” - Pablo Picasso That’s what he said!
  7. Other sites • Learn about design! • http://uxmag.com/! • http://www.smashingmagazine.com/!

    • http://www.danlockton.com/dwi/Main_Page! • Testing! • http://www.usaura.com/!
  8. You are going to be very confused over what language

    to learn. Python is so easy to learn! Look at him, he learned Django in 3 weeks! RoR is easy to learn and the syntax is beautiful! Use PHP. Because Facebook uses PHP. AngularJS is powerful and easy to learn.
  9. Ruby on rails Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl!

    http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book! ! Ruby On Rails 3 Beginner To Builder 2011 by Richard Schneeman! http://ontwik.com/ruby/ruby-on-rails-3-beginner-to-builder-2011-week-1-2-3/! ! Rails for zombies by Envy Labs! http://railsforzombies.com/! ! Rails guides! http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html! ! ! !
  10. Bonus Things I wanted to tell you but didn’t know

    where it fit into the presentation • Join google groups! • Start a blog! - Remember your SEO