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Building Web Services with Drupal 7

Building Web Services with Drupal 7

Session based on the Drupalize.Me video series with the same name. http://drupalize.me/series/building-web-services-drupal-7

Learn about what web services are and how to use the popular services module for Drupal 7 to add a web service to your Drupal powered site.


March 19, 2014

More Decks by eojthebrave

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  1. Building Web Services with Drupal 7 March 19th, 2014 -

    Joe Shindelar - @eojthebrave ! http://lb.cm/acquia-servicesmodule
  2. Lets GO! ‣ What are web services and why do

    I want one? ‣ Drupal 7 services module core concepts and features. ‣ How to test your new web service. ‣ The future.
  3. What Are Web Services? The W3C defines web service as:

    a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. API stands for Application Programmer Interface API’s specify how software components should interact with one another. APIs
  4. A standardized, and documented way to access and interact with

    your applications content and features.
  5. Examples of Existing Web Services ‣ Twitter ‣ Netflix ‣

    Amazon S3, EC2, etc. ‣ Yahoo weather API ‣ Flight tracking data
  6. Why Web Services? ‣ Provide access for mobile devices (internet

    of things) ‣ Legacy integration ‣ Digital asset management system ‣ Partners who need/want your data - weather, MLS listing, etc. ‣ Social media
  7. Services & Drupal 7 Services Module - 7.x-3.x http://drupal.org/project/services !

    Drupal 7.x Information is specific to Drupal 7 though applicable to other versions as well.
  8. Chunks vs. Blobs It is easier for machines to understand

    structured content like JSON or XML than a giant blob of text. ! Drupal already stores data in structured chunks (fields) making it an ideal backend for a data API. VIDEO NODE VIDEO ASSET
  9. Drupal’s Data & Actions Data Nodes, users, comments, views, etc.

    ! Actions User login, node create, and trigger sending a password reset email.
  10. Server Types Services allows many server formats. ! ‣ REST

    ‣ XML-RPC ‣ Soap ‣ AMF-PHP, and more …
  11. Request & Response Formats ‣ Response: JSON, XML, JSONp, YAML,

    etc. ! ‣ Request: application/json, application/xml, multipart/ form-data
  12. Resources ‣ Provide basic CRUD support for data objects. ‣

    Provide additional actions. ‣ Map requests to PHP code ‣ Likely 1st place you’ll write custom code.
  13. Resource Definitions ‣ A URI ‣ Access control ‣ Callback

    function(s) ‣ Arguments & Paramaters ‣ services.services.api.php
  14. Resource Documentation Knowing what resources are available and especially what

    arguments/parameters they accept can be tricky. ! ‣ Code is the canonical source. ‣ http://drupal.org/projet/services_tools module helps.
  15. Services Endpoint(s) Basic configuration for your sites web service API.

    ‣ Base URL, eg. api/v1. ‣ Server type. ‣ Request & response formats accepted. ‣ Authentication type. ‣ Resources enabled.
  16. Views & Services ‣ http://drupal.org/project/services_views ! ‣ Provides a resource

    to expose existing views. ‣ Create new views and expose them as a resource.
  17. Testing Your API Request: GET : http://example.com/resource/{ID} Accept: application/json !

    Response: HTTP 200 Ok Content-type: application/json {“message”: “Hello World!”}
  18. cURL ‣ It’s not pretty but it is ubiquitous. ‣

    http://curl.haxx.se/ curl --data '{"title":"hello world!","type":"page"}' --header "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost/demos/ services-7x/docroot/api/v1/node!
  19. The Future? Drupal 8 has a built in REST server!

    ! Try it now with REST WS in contrib.
  20. Review ‣ Web services allow access to your applications data

    and actions. ‣ Services module for Drupal 7: • Easy, extensible, and flexible