a Doctree • RST is the only parser implemented in Docutils • Handles directives, inline markup, etc. • Implemented with a lined-based recursive state machine
from disk and put them in the env updated_docnames = set(self.env.update(self.config, self.srcdir, self.doctreedir, self.app)) # Write the actual output to disk self.write(docnames, list(updated_docnames), method) Sphinx Builder
from disk and put them in the env updated_docnames = set(self.env.update(self.config, self.srcdir, self.doctreedir, self.app)) # Write the actual output to disk self.write(docnames, list(updated_docnames), method) Sphinx Builder
from disk and put them in the env updated_docnames = set(self.env.update(self.config, self.srcdir, self.doctreedir, self.app)) # Write the actual output to disk self.write(docnames, list(updated_docnames), method) Sphinx Builder