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Web Application Security Update: Top Vulnerabil...

Eric Mann
October 24, 2019

Web Application Security Update: Top Vulnerabilities

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) curates a list of the top ten security risks for web applications and how to mitigate them. The ever-changing world of web development created a challenge for the 2017 list, which needs to combine both existing approaches and modern trends in web development. This Talk will have a look at each item in the list from a PHP perspective, demonstrate what can go wrong, and make sure that this won’t happen in our web sites.

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) curates a list of the top ten application security risks for web applications. It is a great place to start when developing a strong security stance for your application and team. Security is an ever-changing world and it's important to keep up to date with modern trends in mitigating vulnerabilities.

With the attendees, we will look at each item in the list, and show:
- How to detect the risk in your own code
- How to patch or prevent the risk
- Practical resources for taking further actions to protect your stack

Eric Mann

October 24, 2019

More Decks by Eric Mann

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  1. The attacker's hostile data can trick the interpreter into executing

    unintended commands or accessing data without proper authorization.
  2. $db = new \PDO(...); $name = $_POST['name']; $sql = "SELECT

    * FROM users WHERE email='$name'"; foreach($db->query($sql) as $user) { // ... } curl -X POST -d "[email protected]' OR 1=1;--" http://yoursite.com SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='[email protected]' OR 1=1;--'
  3. $db = new \PDO(...); $name = $_POST['name']; $sql = "SELECT

    * FROM users WHERE email=:email"; $statement = $db->prepare($sql); $params = [':email' => $name]; foreach($db->execute($statement, $params) as $user) { // ... } curl -X POST -d "[email protected]' OR 1=1;--" http://yoursite.com SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='[email protected]\' OR 1=1;--'
  4. function serve_file($filename) { header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$filename}\""); header("Content-Length: 11111");

    passthru("cat /home/uploads/" . $filename); exit(); } curl -X GET -d "filename=;cat+/etc/letsencrypt/site.com/privkey.pem" http://site.com cat /home/uploads/;cat /etc/letsencrypt/site.com/privkey.pem
  5. function serve_file($filename) { // Sanitize the filename before it's used

    $sanitized = basename($filename); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$sanitized}\""); header("Content-Length: 11111"); $path = "/home/uploads/{$sanitized}"; passthru('cat ' . escapeshellarg($path)); exit(); } curl -X GET -d "filename=;cat+/etc/letsencrypt/site.com/privkey.pem" http://site.com cat /home/uploads/privkey.pem
  6. Client-side Sessions Don’t trust the user to store sensitive information

    Don’t trust information provided by the user Don’t store sensitive information with an untrusted party Don’t use cookies to store sensitive data (If you are using cookies, use secure cookies - but only store identifiers)
  7. Password Management Passwords should NEVER be stored in plaintext. Passwords

    should NEVER be stored with encryption. Passwords should ONLY be stored using one-way hashes. Try to avoid passwords in the first place...
  8. Problems with JWT Leaking sensitive information The `none` algorithm is

    required by the spec Algorithm confusion - RSA vs HMAC Weak algorithms are allowed
  9. What you should do Only store session data on the

    server Ensure strong authentication protects user identities Lock down insecure algorithms and primitives Only use trusted third-party library implementations
  10. Many web applications do not adequately protect sensitive data, such

    as credit cards, tax IDs, and authentication credentials.
  11. Sensitive Data Retention What data do you retain? Why do

    you need this data in the first place? Who has access to the data? Where are backups stored? Who has access to the data via the backup system?
  12. function encodeString($str) { for ($i = 0; $i < 5;

    $i++) { $str = strrev(base64_encode($str)); } return $str; } function decodeString($str) { for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $str = base64_decode(strrev($str)); } return $str; } encodeString('this is a secret'); QVlRHZlbopUYxQWShRkTUR1aaVUWuB3UNdlR2NmRWplUuJkVUxGcPFGbGVkVqp0VUJjUZdVVaNVTtVUP
  13. Untrusted XML input containing a reference to an external entity

    is processed by a weakly configured XML parser ...
  14. <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE info [<!ENTITY name "php[tek]">]> <info> <author>Friend of

    &name;</author> <conference>&name;</conference> <event>&name; - 2019</event> </info> <!DOCTYPE vulnerable [<!ENTITY info SYSTEM "php://filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=/var/www/config.ini">]> <vulnerable> <config>&info;</config> </vulnerable>
  15. <!DOCTYPE bomb [ <!ENTITY x0 "BOOM!"> <!ENTITY x1 "&x0;&x0;"> <!ENTITY

    x2 "&x1;&x1;"> <!ENTITY x3 "&x2;&x2;"> <!ENTITY x4 "&x3;&x3;"> <!-- ... Repeat for entities from x5 through x98 --> <!ENTITY x99 "&x98;&x98;"> <!ENTITY bomb "&x99;&x99;"> ]> <vulnerable> <explosive>&bomb;</explosive> </vulnerable>
  16. $default = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML($xml); // Do

    things with XML // Restore the previous value libxml_disable_entity_loader($default); What you should do
  17. $app->post( '/profile', function ($request, $response, $args) { if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id']) ||

    !$this->users->get($_SESSION['user_id'])) { return $response->withRedirect('/?error=notloggedin'); } $userID = $request->getParam('user_id'); $fname = $request->getParam('fname'); $lname = $request->getParam('lname'); $email = $request->getParam('email'); // Retrieve the user's account from the database (via the app container) $user = $this->users->get(intval($userID)); $user->profile->fname = filter_var($fname, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $user->profile->lname = filter_var($lname, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $user->profile->email = filter_var($email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $this->users->update($user); } );
  18. United Airlines experienced this vulnerability in their mobile app in

    2015 - https://randywestergren.com/united-airlines-bug-bounty-an-experience-in-reporting-a-serious-vulnerability//
  19. PHP Settings Disable error display (display_errors) Disable remote includes (allow_url_fopen

    and allow_url_include) Set reasonable resource maximums (upload_max_filesize and memory_limit) Leverage the disable_functions directive to block dangerous functions: exec, passthru, shell_exec, system, proc_open, popen, parse_ini_file, show_source, eval, create_function
  20. Webserver Settings (Nginx / Apache / etc) Disable server tokens

    and signature disclosure Configure a static server name (don’t trust potentially malicious HOST headers) Disable directory traversal ALWAYS configure strong SSL certificates for secure access Return proper error codes
  21. Database (MySQL) Settings Set an appropriate bind-address Ensure users are

    configured from the correct host, not a % wildcard Limit user permissions on the database to just what the application needs
  22. An application takes untrusted data and sends it to a

    web browser without proper validation or escaping.
  23. <div id="results"> <span>Search results for: "<?php echo $data['s']; ?>"</span> <?php

    if ($results) : ?> <ul> <?php foreach( $results as $result ) : ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $result->href; ?>"> <?php echo $result->title; ?></a></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> <?php else : ?> <span>No results for '<?php echo $data['s']; ?>'</span> <?php endif; ?> </div> <div id="results"> <span>Search results for: <script src="..."></script></span> <span>No results for '<script src="..."></script>'</span> </div>
  24. <?php $query = filter_var( $data['s'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); ?> <div id="results">

    <span>Search results for: "<?php echo $query; ?>"</span> <?php if ($results) : ?> <ul> <?php foreach( $results as $result ) : ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $result->href; ?>"><?php echo $result->title; ?></a></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> <?php else : ?> <span>No results for '<?php echo $query ?>'</span> <?php endif; ?> </div> <div id="results"> <span>Search results for: ""</span> <span>No results for ''</span> </div>
  25. class CartCache { $cache_file; $data = []; // ... /**

    * Automatically purge the cache file from disk to clean up */ public function __destruct() { $file = "/var/www/cache/tmp/carts/{$this->cache_file}"; if ($this->cleanup && file_exists($file)) { @unlink($file); } } } $data = unserialize($_GET['data']); https://yoursite.com/endpoint.php?data=O:9:"CartCache":2:{s:10:"cache_file";s:18:"../../../i ndex.php";s:4:"data";a:0:{}}
  26. Audit Application Dependencies Monitor Composer-installed dependencies for outdated or vulnerable

    libraries Leverage unattended-upgrades to keep system packages up-to-date Audit the packages installed on your server - don’t install things you don’t need
  27. Custom error messages can help demonstrate when a security hole

    has been plugged. Or annoy those who were exploiting it in the first place...
  28. Audit Application Dependencies Monitor Composer-installed dependencies for outdated or vulnerable

    libraries Leverage unattended-upgrades to keep system packages up-to-date Audit the packages installed on your server - don’t install things you don’t need Only run current, supported versions of PHP!!!
  29. Attackers rely on the lack of monitoring and timely response

    to achieve their goals without being detected.
  30. It’s Important to Track: What happened When it happened Where

    it happened (in terms of code and the IP of the server) To whom it happened What input triggered the event
  31. Event Classes Input Validation Errors Output Validation Errors Authentication Events

    Authorization (Access Control) Failures Application Errors Application Startup/Shutdown High-risk Operations