of each, and between the black lines, put all the letters of the alphabet, not in their established order, but jumbled, & without order, so that no two shall be alike.”
Plaintext Bob’s Public Key Bob’s Private Key Alice Bob Insecure Channel Asymmetric Crypto: Alice obtains Bob’s Public Key, and can send private messages to Bob.
Private Key Alice Bob Insecure Channel Signatures: Bob’s signs a message with his Private Key; Alice verifies signature with Bob’s Public Key. Asymmetric (Public Key) Encryption: Confidentiality Signatures
Generate random () Decrypt using Secure channel using Super-Simplified TLS Protocol Generates key pair: , Verify Certificate using How does the server get its certificate?
Generate random () Decrypt using Secure channel using Super-Simplified TLS Protocol Generates key pair: , Verify Certificate using How does the client (browser) get ?
(“mightbeevil.org”has public key is ), Cipher: RSA-1024 Generate random () Decrypt using Secure channel using Slightly Less-Simplified TLS Protocol Generates key pair: , Verify Certificate using Picks ciphers to use
public key is ), Cipher: DH-E Generate random () Decrypt using Secure channel using Slightly Less-Simplified TLS Protocol Generates key pair: , Verify Certificate using Picks ciphers to use
port 443 using SSL. The data is encrypted. • Komodia’s SSL hijacker intercepts the communication and redirects it to Komodia’s Redirector. The channel between the SSL hijacker and the Redirector is encrypted. • At this stage, Komodia’s Redirector can shape the traffic, block it, or redirect it to another website. • Communication between the Redirector and the website is encrypted using SSL. • All data received from the website can be again modified and/or blocked. When data manipulation is done, it is forwarded again to Internet explorer. • The browser displays the SSL lock, and the session will not display any “Certificate warnings”. http://www.komodia.com/products/komodias-ssl-decoderdigestor (in archive.org)