the ‘integration branch’ often Small units of work Tests to know that the feature is done & that it will continue to work CD - Deploy the ‘integration branch’ often Allows for ‘human’ testing and acceptance The real ‘end-to-end’ testing of the work Determines if the work can go to users (production)
the ‘integration branch’ often Small units of work Tests to know that the feature is done & that it will continue to work CD - Deploy the ‘integration branch’ often Allows for ‘human’ testing and acceptance The real ‘end-to-end’ testing of the work Determines if the work can go to users (production) Testing Builds Confidence
packed and published, on local npm install without any arguments, and when installing git dependencies (See below). This is run AFTER prepublish, but BEFORE prepublishOnly”
packed and published, on local npm install without any arguments, and when installing git dependencies (See below). This is run AFTER prepublish, but BEFORE prepublishOnly”
Commands: npm version prepatch --preid=alpha --message “[no ci] new version!!!” Based on the Branch Name or Feature Grant CI Access to NPM: echo "//$NPM_TOKEN" >> ~/.npmrc Generate a NPM Auth Token on
Commands: npm version prepatch --preid=alpha --message “[no ci] new version!!!” Based on the Branch Name or Feature Grant CI Access to NPM: echo "//$NPM_TOKEN" >> ~/.npmrc Generate a NPM Auth Token on Push to NPM: npm publish --tag alpha Or use custom tags for your branch
Commands: npm version prepatch --preid=alpha --message “[no ci] new version!!!” Based on the Branch Name or Feature Grant CI Access to NPM: echo "//$NPM_TOKEN" >> ~/.npmrc Generate a NPM Auth Token on Push to NPM: npm publish --tag alpha Or use custom tags for your branch Push the new version back to Git: git push && git push --tags Only on the Integration Branch Make sure CI has access to Git. You can usual use a commit message [no ci] to prevent loops
a new ‘release’ tag: npm version patch Grant CI Access to NPM: echo "//$NPM_TOKEN" >> ~/.npmrc Push to NPM: npm publish --tag latest (or skip the --tag) Push the new version back to Git: git checkout master && git rebase stable && git push && git push --tags
a new ‘release’ tag: npm version patch Grant CI Access to NPM: echo "//$NPM_TOKEN" >> ~/.npmrc Push to NPM: npm publish --tag latest (or skip the --tag) Push the new version back to Git: git checkout master && git rebase stable && git push && git push --tags human discretion here
a new ‘release’ tag: npm version patch Grant CI Access to NPM: echo "//$NPM_TOKEN" >> ~/.npmrc Push to NPM: npm publish --tag latest (or skip the --tag) Push the new version back to Git: git checkout master && git rebase stable && git push && git push --tags human discretion here Or maybe semantic-release