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Kubernetes & the BEAM

Kubernetes & the BEAM

CodeBEAM V presentation

Verónica López

September 11, 2020

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  1. Kubernetes or BEAM Tooling, versions, goals Deployment, Testing, Fault Tolerance

    Introduction Use Cases Current Status Conclusion Table of Contents 01 02 03 04
  2. 1. Does it make sense to use both? They seem

    to overlap a lot. 2. Why would you use Elixir if we already have agnostic tools like Kubernetes, that let me use any language I want? 3. Why would I want to use Kubernetes? Aren’t people reinventing the wheel if these solutions were proposed over 15 years ago? Common Questions
  3. Truth is that if we used every tool for the

    purpose it was created for to begin with, all these questions would be irrelevant. Common Questions
  4. Not for technical reasons Everyone wants a chunk of the

    cake. And who can blame them (us)?
  5. BEAM and Kubernetes BEAM VM 1. Application/language level 2. Distributed

    Erlang, but has to be configured manually 3. Hot swap Things in Common 1. Fault Tolerance 2. Service Discovery 3. Live code changes Kubernetes 1. Cluster level 2. Built-in/Service mesh 3. Rolling updates
  6. Use Cases 1 3 2 1. Deployment & Orchestration Hybrid

    strategy 3. Fault Tolerance or Reliability Strategy Depending on the layer 2. Testing Containers approach
  7. Deployment & Orchestration 1. Describe app’s lifecycle 2. Cluster’s workload

    3. Release Engineeing • Special case: autoscaling 01
  8. Testing Recurring scripts and tests can be packaged in containers,

    and ran as part of the build pipeline. 02