way to generate income for yourself with the flexibility of working when you want to and how you want to. n Your business can be full-time or part-time depending on your schedule. n Your business can be a supplement income to your bday-job` or b9 to5-job` n It can be your primary income.
whatever your desires are. n You can sell your business. Explain how many successful business entrepreneurs have sold their start-up companies. n Examples: n YouTube founders sold their company for 1.8 billion. n MySpace sold for $580 million to Rupert Murdoch`s News Corporation.
n The personal freedoms associated with being an entrepreneur are unrivaled by many other jobs. n Choice n Choosing who you work with n Financial Rewards n As a business owner, you have the ability to control how much you earn.
Benefits n There are several tax benefits business owners enjoy, which helps them to keep more of the money they earn. It has been said that being self-employed is lthe last great tax shelter.z n Growth of your skill set n Being a business owner means that you are responsible for everything that happens within your company.
n You need to take the rough with the smooth, and owning your own business is no different. n Health Insurance n Your employer`s health plan and any other benefits you get with a regular 9–5 job are now your responsibility, and can reduce your bottom line. Fortunately, there are many companies that will give you individual insurance.
Though being the decision maker is a key benefit of entrepreneurship, it can also be difficult. All the decisions of the business fall to you. Setting up an office, hiring staff, marketing your business–everything depends on you.