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FISH 6003: Week 12 - Meta-analysis

FISH 6003: Week 12 - Meta-analysis

6003: Week 12 Meta Analysis

MI Fisheries Science

March 27, 2018

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  1. Chapter 12: Meta-Analysis CatchRate ~ Poisson (μ ij ) E(CatchRate)

    = μ ij Log(μ ij ) = GearType ij + Temperature ij + FleetDeployment i FleetDeployment i ~ N(0, σ2) Using lme4: m <- glmer(CatchRate ~ GearType + Temperature + (1 | FleetDeployment), family = poisson) FISH 6003 FISH 6003: Statistics and Study Design for Fisheries Brett Favaro 2017 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
  2. Land Acknowledgment We would like to respectfully acknowledge the territory

    in which we gather as the ancestral homelands of the Beothuk, and the island of Newfoundland as the ancestral homelands of the Mi’kmaq and Beothuk. We would also like to recognize the Inuit of Nunatsiavut and NunatuKavut and the Innu of Nitassinan, and their ancestors, as the original people of Labrador. We strive for respectful partnerships with all the peoples of this province as we search for collective healing and true reconciliation and honour this beautiful land together. http://www.mun.ca/aboriginal_affairs/
  3. This week: • Systematic literature reviews and the concept of

    “Meta-analysis” • Effect size, and common types of meta-analysis • PRISMA reporting protocols • Executing an Meta-analysis in R • Getting data • Analysing it • Plotting it
  4. • Start with a topic or specific question • Qualitatively

    interpret the body of literature on that topic • No statistical manipulation • We associate this with school papers or entry- level articles, but a good review CAN be transformational The Literature Review e.g.
  5. Vote-Counting • Start with a question: • E.g. What proportion

    of papers SUPPORT anthropogenic global warming? • Tally studies that support, refute, and take no position on your question • Commonly seen in intros and discussions as a “throwaway” line • People still do these, but they rarely stand alone Result: 32.6% of papers support AGW 0.7% reject 66.4% no position 0.3% uncertain cause Of papers that expressed a position 97.2% support AGW
  6. Problems with Vote Counting Gives information about direction, but not

    magnitude Often depends strictly on P-value - Smaller P value does not mean “more significance” Vote counting masks small effects in small studies (small N → low statistical power → harder to get sig. P value) Doesn’t give information about variance
  7. Key points of a meta-analysis • Convert data from other

    papers into Effect Sizes • ES = Convert the findings of each study into a “common currency” that is comparable across studies • E.g. One study may show increase in tuna, another shows increase in swordfish – you could turn both those increases into effect sizes • But: Careful with this! • Effect sizes are weighted in your model • A global effect size is computed (Giving mag & direction of effect)
  8. •How does the use of a bycatch reduction device change

    the risk of catching sharks? (Favaro and Côté, 2015) •What impact do marine protected areas have on fish populations? (Côté et al. 2001) •Does fish oil lower blood pressure? (Morris et al. 1993) •How effective are acoustic pingers at repelling cetaceans from gillnets? Example MA questions
  9. When should you use an MA? • To resolve disagreements

    in the literature • When there are contradictory findings (i.e. studies are published that say “fish oil works” AND “it doesn’t work”)
  10. When should you use an MA? • To estimate overall

    effectiveness of a treatment • When there is variability across studies, use MA to determine how “well” something actually works • To resolve disagreements in the literature • When there are contradictory findings (i.e. studies are published that say “fish oil works” AND “it doesn’t work”)
  11. Côté et al. 2005: Measuring coral reef decline through meta-analyses,

    Proc B Estimating the overall rate of change of A) coral reefs, and B) macroalgae
  12. When should you use an MA? • To estimate overall

    effectiveness of a treatment • When there is variability across studies, use MA to determine how “well” something actually works • To resolve disagreements in the literature • When there are contradictory findings (i.e. studies are published that say “fish oil works” AND “it doesn’t work”) • To identify the variables that underlie processes across studies
  13. Molloy et al (2009): Effects of marine reserve age on

    fish populations: a global meta-analysis (J. App. Ecol) You can plot effect sizes against variables of interest • Identify variables that underlie processes across studies
  14. Steps to a Meta-Analysis 1. Formulate a question • MA,

    lit review, something else? 2. Conduct your full literature search – Collect data from relevant studies • Are there enough studies? 3. Calculate effect sizes for each study • Which ES to use? 4. Do stats • Fixed, random, or mixed-effects MA? 5. Check for bias • Funnel plot, fail-safe number i) Collect a small number of papers on the topic ii) Determine effect size & do stats. Get code ready - Decide if you should continue or revise search! iii) Determine if there are enough papers on the topic Pilot study
  15. Step 2. Systematic Literature Review • All quantitative reviews involve

    a SYSTEMATIC literature review That means: - Set keywords - Search relevant databases, usually several - Common to marine bio: Web of Science, Aquatic Science Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), question-specific databases (e.g. Bycatch.org for fishing gear tech) - Should be broad, but not too broad
  16. For WOS: Topic=(pinger OR alarm OR deter*) AND Topic=(bycatch OR

    discard) AND Topic=(acous*) Databases=SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, BKCI-S, BKCI- SSH, CCR-EXPANDED, IC For ASFA: (pinger OR alarm OR deter*) AND (bycatch OR discard) AND acous* For Bycatch.org: Reduction technique: Acoustic harassment devices OR Acoustic Pingers Include non-field studies? NO Important: Re-run this search before you submit your paper AND after you do first revision
  17. Keep track of your papers! (1/2) • Maintain a spreadsheet

    (See Appendix S1 (from Favaro and Côté, 2015)) • Record: • Date search was conducted (most recent) • Search terms used • Databases searched • Inclusion criteria, reasons for rejection • Duplicates
  18. Step 3. Compute effect sizes Refer to metafor’s help file

    for effect size calculations: require(metafor) ?escalc Common: 2x2 table data: Relative risk or odds ratio Comparison of means: Hedges d, response ratio There are MANY ways to express an effect size. The correct method depends on the data you’re analyzing
  19. Usually you need to record: • Mean, Standard Deviation, and

    Sample Size for each condition • It is shocking how many studies fail to report all three! (You can back-calculate SD from SE if sample size is reported) • Specific needs depend on ES • But don’t forget to record other variables too!
  20. Use the metafor package to compute effect sizes setwd("C:/data") require(metafor)

    #Now, load the file into a dataframe MA_Data <- read.csv("Your_Data.csv") # 2. Calculate an effect size from the data. This is written for the Relative Risk effect size, but if you go ?escalc it will explain all the available effect size calculations.
  21. Many others See: https://www.rdocume ntation.org/packages/ metafor/versions/1.9- 9/topics/escalc What effect size

    should I use? Depends on Y Continuous: Mean Difference Standardized Mean Difference (0 = no effect) Response Ratio Probability of an event occurring: (e.g. Catch a fish or not? Catch a disease or not?) Relative Risk Odds ratio
  22. MA_Data <- escalc(measure = "RR", append = TRUE, #append makes

    it so that it's adding the effect sizes to your existing data frame. data = MA_Data, ai = BRD_CATCH, bi = BRD_NOCATCH, ci = CTRL_CATCH, di = CTRL_NOCATCH, n1i = nBRD, n2i = nCTRL, vtype = "UB", # This is where you select your estimator of variance. add = 0.01, # if you have zeroes on the denominator, this is a necessary step - it adds a constant. The "best practice" of how much to add depends on the effect size. to="all" # Add it to ALL (not just the zeroes) ) Shark caught No shark caught Sample size BRD Ai Bi N1i Control Ci Di N2i
  23. Step 4. Do stats • “Meta-analytic models are just special

    cases of the general linear (mixed- effects) model with heteroscedastic sampling variances that are assumed to be known” – Viechtbauer 2010 There are three types of Meta-Analysis models: 1. Fixed-effects 2. Random-effects 3. Mixed-effects
  24. 1. Fixed-effects - Make a Conditional inference ONLY about the

    studies included in the MA. - “How big is the overall effect amongst the studies I examined?” - This is rarely what you actually want to know 2. Random-effects - Make an Unconditional inference about a population of studies, given the results of the studies you included in the MA – Assume those studies randomly sample the “true” effect - “How big is the overall effect in a larger population of studies?” or “What effect size are we likely to find if we repeated this study?”
  25. 3. Mixed-effects - Often you want to include a moderator,

    or grouping variable. When you do so, it’s called a “mixed-effects MA” - Example: When testing different types of shark - repelling BRD’s, the TYPE of BRD was a moderator. Common misunderstanding: People will tell you fixed-effects MA means that the true effect size across studies is homogenous. This is wrong. Effect Sizes can be heterogenous, but you can’t infer beyond the studies you’ve analyzed with fixed-effects MA Do these models using the rma() function in R (metafor package)
  26. What do you get from a MA model? •An estimate

    of the overall effect size, with confidence interval •A measure of heterogeneity across studies: τ2 • Metafor can compute this several ways. See: ?rma •Cochran’s Q test – Asks: is the heterogeneity across studies statistically significant? (yes if p < 0.05)
  27. Question: To what degree do acoustic pingers repel cetaceans from

    gillnets? Random-Effects Model (k = 39; tau^2 estimator: REML) tau^2 (estimated amount of total heterogeneity): 0.5755 (SE = 0.2549) tau (square root of estimated tau^2 value): 0.7586 I^2 (total heterogeneity / total variability): 58.35% H^2 (total variability / sampling variability): 2.40 Test for Heterogeneity: Q(df = 38) = 88.3877, p-val < .0001 Model Results: estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub -0.9836 0.1764 -5.5762 <.0001 -1.3293 -0.6379 *** PingerModel <- rma(yi, vi, data=DolphinData, method="REML")
  28. Interpretation of heterogeneity depends on your goals Significant unexplained heterogeneity

    is okay if: - The existence of heterogeneity is itself interesting (e.g. if something is supposed to work the same way across contexts, but doesn’t, that is interesting) Significant unexplained heterogeneity is bad if: - You want to make a statement about the overall effectiveness of a treatment
  29. Step 5. Check for bias Meta-analysis may over-estimate effect sizes

    due to the file drawer problem LarenQhill.com Non-significant papers often don’t get published!
  30. Côté et al. (2005) – Measuring coral reef decline through

    meta-analyses: Proc B Unpublished data can tell a very different story
  31. Tests for bias: 1. Fail-safe number “How many papers with

    non-significant findings would have to exist, but not be included in this MA, to reverse my result?” ?fsn Three computational methods: Rosenthal, Orwin, Rosenberg FSN should be high if your result is robust. Rosenberg is the good one More info: Rosenberg (2005) – The file-drawer problem revisited: A general weighted method for calculating fail-safe numbers in meta-analysis. Evolution 59(2): 464-468
  32. 2. Funnel plot More info: Egger et al. (1997) –

    Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple graphical test. BMJ 315:629. Sterne & Egger (2001) – Funnel plots for detecting bias in meta-analysis: guidelines on choice of axis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 54(10): 1046-1046 Vertical line = model estimate Funnel = pseudo-CI (most studies should fall inside it) Publication bias if plot is not symmetrical (Most likely @ high SE/low N)
  33. Taken from: Sterne & Egger (2001) – Funnel plots for

    detecting bias in meta-analysis: guidelines on choice of axis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 54(10): 1046-1046
  34. Recap: Steps to a Meta-Analysis 1. Formulate a question •

    MA, lit review, something else? 2. Conduct your full literature search – Collect data from relevant studies • Are there enough studies? 3. Calculate effect sizes for each study • Which ES to use? 4. Do stats • Fixed, random, or mixed-effects MA? 5. Check for bias • Funnel plot, fail-safe number i) Collect a small number of papers on the topic ii) Determine effect size & do stats. Get code ready - Decide if you should continue or revise search! iii) Determine if there are enough papers on the topic Pilot study
  35. Final point: To avoid messing up, follow the PRISMA protocol

    Moher et al (2009) – Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. Plos Medicine