Has anyone else noticed that the OWASP Top 10 is not changing very much? Especially in the realm of authentication-related problems. I don't claim to have the one true solution for this, but one thing is certain: if we change how things are done on the web and relieve developers from having to store passwords, we can make things better.
We need to let web developers outsource their authentication needs to people who can do it well. Does that mean we should force all of our users to join Facebook? Well not really. That might work for some sites, but outsourcing all of our logins to a single for-profit company isn't a solution that works for the whole web.
The open web needs a better solution. One that enable users to choose their identity provider and shop for the most secure one if that's what they're into. This is the promise behind Persona and the BrowserID protocol. Choose your email provider carefully and let's get rid of all of these site-specific passwords that are just sitting there waiting to be leaked and cracked.