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Adélie GORCE

Adélie GORCE

François Orieux

February 17, 2025

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  1. (Quelques exemples de) Données manquantes en cosmologie Réunion GT ICR

    IAS, 17 février 2025 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 1
  2. L’époque de la réionisation CMB Big Bang Today 380 ky

    1 Gy 14 Gy z = 1100 z = 50 z = 5 z = 0 100 My Epoch of Reionisation Cosmic Dawn Dark Ages IGM ionised fraction 1 Small scales Large scales 0 ionised neutral galaxy quasar 380 ky 1 Gy 14 Gy 100 My What we want to measure: the ionisation level of intergalactic matter (mostly H) 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 2
  3. Le signal cosmologique à 21cm Hyperfine transition ɣ Neutral H

    fraction Baryon density Signal intensity ∝ With observations of this signal, one can trace the ionisation level and matter distribution in the Universe! 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 3
  4. Le signal cosmologique à 21cm Hyperfine transition λ = 21

    cm Redshifted to radio frequencies ɣ Photon in a static Universe Photon in an expanding Universe Because it is a spectral line, we can know when the signal was emitted and trace back the history of reionisation: 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 4
  5. Le signal cosmologique à 21cm Hyperfine transition λ = 21

    cm Redshifted to radio frequencies ɣ Today Big Bang Because it is a spectral line, we can know when the signal was emitted and trace back the history of reionisation: 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 5
  6. Le signal cosmologique à 21cm Brightness temperature Global signal Power

    spectrum Intensity mapping Time ionised neutral Time 17/02/2025 6 Réunion GT ICR
  7. What is (our) power spectrum? The power spectrum of a

    second-order stationary (or homogenous, or translationally-invariant) random field is the spatial Fourier transform of the covariance function of that field: See arXiv:2407.14068 Wayne Hu 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 7
  8. What is (our) power spectrum? The power spectrum of a

    second-order stationary (or homogenous, or translationally-invariant) random field is the spatial Fourier transform of the covariance function of that field: Reionisation history Average intensity Power spectrum Intensity map For the 21cm signal: 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 8
  9. Interferometry 101 • Interferometers measure visibilities i.e. Fourier modes on

    the sky Baseline length b ij Signal intensity Beam is the Fourier dual of the sky angle (k ⟂ ) • Dense arrays measure large-scale fluctuations (e.g. EDGES’ “table”) • Wide arrays measure small-scale fluctuations (e.g. HERA & foreground avoidance) An estimator of the power spectrum is built directly from the visibilities: 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 9
  10. The Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array 350 14m dishes Bandwidth

    200 MHz z = 13 z = 6 10° stripe (beam) at fixed declination 100 MHz HERA is an official SKA precursor. The signal is faint so HERA is huge! 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 10
  11. HERA analysis Concept: Interferometer to measure the 21cm power spectrum.

    SKA precursor in SA. Challenges: • Data cleaning • RFI • Data volumes (1TB/day, RTP) • Component separation for foregrounds • Characterising systematics Slide adapted from Lisa McBride’s 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 11
  12. HERA analysis What our data looks like: visbility waterfalls Slide

    adapted from Lisa McBride’s 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 12 Time Frequency Frequency Phases Amplitudes
  13. HERA analysis Slide adapted from Lisa McBride’s 17/02/2025 Réunion GT

    ICR 13 Time Frequency LST Frequency LST binning (Fast) Fourier transform along frequency axis and binning Cylindrical power spectrum Spherical average Power spectrum = science product! We don’t make images!
  14. HERA analysis: Foregrounds Extremely bright foregrounds lie between the first

    stars and us and dominate the observed sky • Amplitude of the cosmological signal = 10mK • Amplitude of the foregrounds = 1 000 to 10 000 mK 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 14 Figure by Vibor Jelic Time/redshift All foreground treatment methods rely on the assumption that foregrounds are spectrally smooth
  15. HERA analysis: Calibration 1. Redundant direction-independent calibration: all baselines b

    ij with the same physical separation should observe the same Vtrue. No sky model. Solve for g i and Vsol at each time and frequency step: 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 15 2. Absolute calibration using a catalog
  16. HERA analysis: RFI excision 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 16 Most

    of the target frequency band is polluted by human emission: aviation communication, FM radio, radars, … these are called radio frequency interference (RFI) Even the faintest outside signal is measured by our extremely sensitive telescopes → limits the amount of data we can analyse: we excise what is polluted FM band 12 < z < 15 TV
  17. HERA analysis: RFI inpainting 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 17 Flagging

    masks → strong sidelobes when Fourier transforming → foregrounds leakage Solution: inpaint the masked data or remove the effect of the mask on the FT
  18. HERA analysis: RFI inpainting 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 18 Methods

    in the literature: • CLEAN (deconvolution algorithm for 2D images, see Högbom+1974) Högbom+1974 Dirty maps Idea: Iterativerly remove sidelobes from regions with highest Fourier amplitudes until reaching the noise floor.
  19. HERA analysis: RFI inpainting 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 19 Methods

    in the literature: • CLEAN (deconvolution algorithm for 2D images, see Högbom+1974) • CNN (U-Net, Pagano+2023)
  20. HERA analysis: RFI inpainting 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 20 Methods

    in the literature: • CLEAN (deconvolution algorithm for 2D images, see Högbom+1974) • CNN (U-Net, Pagano+2023) • Wiener filtering and Gaussian process regression (GPR, see Kern & Liu 2020) Model missing data as Gaussian distribution with mean and cov: Cosmological signal Noise Foregrounds Data d Requires a model for each component
  21. Le signal cosmologique à 21cm Brightness temperature Global signal Power

    spectrum Intensity mapping Time ionised neutral Time 17/02/2025 22 Réunion GT ICR
  22. Field-level inference 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 23 Why not recover

    the full underlying density field (pixel by pixel) + reionisation parameters without any summary statistic? Reionisation history Average intensity Power spectrum Intensity map
  23. Field-level inference 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 24 Forward model Density

    field 21cm brightness temperature Why not recover the full underlying density field (pixel by pixel) + cosmological parameters? It is a very high dimension problem
  24. Field-level inference 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 25 𝜒2 Iteration #1

    Iteration #2… Why not recover the full underlying density field (pixel by pixel) + reionisation parameters? It is a very high dimension problem: we use gradient descent
  25. Field-level inference with gradient descent Why not recover the full

    underlying density field (pixel by pixel) + reionisation parameters? 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 26 It is a very high dimension problem: we use gradient descent Matter overdensity to find the field that minimises
  26. Field-level inference with gradient descent Why not recover the full

    underlying density field (pixel by pixel) + reionisation parameters? 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 27 It is a very high dimension problem: we use gradient descent Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo to sample the posteriors A CONCEPTUAL INTRODUCTION TO HAMILTONIAN MONTE CARLO 21 Fig 14. The exploration of a probabilistic system is mathematically equivalent to the exploration of a physical system. For example, we can interpret the mode of the target density as a massive planet and the gradient of the target density as that planet’s gravitational field. The typical set becomes the space around the planet through which we want a test object, such as a satellite, to orbit. High probability Walker Next walker step depends on the value of the posterior and its gradient.
  27. Field-level inference with gradient descent Why not recover the full

    underlying density field (pixel by pixel) + reionisation parameters? 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 28 It is a very high dimension problem: we use gradient descent Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo to sample the posteriors Density field « model » 21cm field « data » True Recovered
  28. Field-level inference with gradient descent Why not recover the full

    underlying density field (pixel by pixel) + reionisation parameters? 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 29 It is a very high dimension problem: we use gradient descent Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo to sample the posteriors
  29. Field-level inference with gradient descent Why not recover the full

    underlying density field (pixel by pixel) + reionisation parameters? 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 30 It is a very high dimension problem: we use gradient descent Things get messy when there are ionised “bubbles” = gaps in data Need to impose a prior on the density in these missing pixels a. Matter power spectrum (known theoretically, e.g., inpainting) b. Cross-correlations (e.g., with CO maps, see Zhou & Mao 2023)
  30. Gaussian constrained realisations 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 31 Raghunathan+2019 T

    1 T 2 Hat(T): Gaussian realisation of T 1 + T 2 whose stats are known Known pixels
  31. Gaussian constrained realisations 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 33 Any Gaussian

    realisation will not have the properties to match observations:
  32. Conclusions Missing data problems are common in cosmology/astrophysics. Other examples:

    • Masking the Galaxy or point sources • Resolution limits, e.g., in spectroscopic surveys… Depending on the application • Fill with statistical realisation or truth? • Requires a model for all data components: What if this model is not accurate? • Difficult to assess uncertainties pertaining to the missing data 17/02/2025 Réunion GT ICR 35 Thank you!