the differences between AI, ML, deep learning…? • Examples of ML/AI implementation • How to implement ML/AI? • Workflow • Tools & resources • Challenges in ML/AI implementation
pixel [5][8] is black and …: if pixel[6][7] is black and pixel[6][7] is black and …: return “panda” … … … else: return “cat” Photo by Damian Patowski from Unsplash @galuhsahid
pixel [5][7] is black and …: if pixel[6][7] is black and pixel[6][7] is black and …: return “panda” … … … else: return “not cat” Photo by Dušan Smetana from Unsplash @galuhsahid
your data to summarize their main characteristics - Examples include: check for basic statistics (e.g. mean, median), missing data, outliers @galuhsahid
important part in implementing ML is building models • Hyperparameter tuning is the only way to improve our model • We can get a 100% accuracy • ML is the answer for everything
since the awareness of data in the industry is relatively new, sometimes companies want to jump to implementing AI/ML without thinking about whether they actually have the data or not • What about open data? Indonesian open data still needs lots of improvement
need to have the data infrastructure ready first. Building data infrastructure needs planning and takes time.
ML project also depends on the resource available • Example: NLP resources for Indonesian are limited compared to English
Towards Your First Machine Learning Project • On ML with JavaScript: Machine Learning on the Web • On ML with TensorFlow: A Whirlwind Tour of Machine Learning with TensorFlow @galuhsahid