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[ZendCon 2017] Silo-Based Architectures for Hig...

[ZendCon 2017] Silo-Based Architectures for High Availability Applications

Georgiana Gligor

October 25, 2017

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  1. 2 ✤ Geek. Mother. Do-er. ✤ on LAMP stack since

    2003 ✤ Architecture / DevOps consultant ✤ RomaniaPHP Organizer ✤ PhD Student @gbtekkie gb@tekkie.ro GEORGIANA GLIGOR
  2. 3 advantages and disadvantages silos: a possible approach the need

    for high availability what is high availability (HA)? AGENDA
  3. 9

  4. 17 Ability to access the system: ✤ retrieve information ✤

    alter information ✤ send new data AVAILABILITY
  5. 19 THE 9s DANCE Uptime Downtime (per year) 90.000 %

    36.50 days one nine 99.000 % 3.65 days two nines 99.900 % 8.76 hrs three nines 99.950 % 4 hrs 23 mins 99.990 % 52.56 mins four nines 99.999 % 5.26 mins five nines
  6. 20 THE 9s DANCE Uptime Downtime (per year) 90.000 %

    36.50 days 99.000 % 3.65 days 99.900 % 8.76 hrs 99.950 % 4 hrs 23 mins Amazon SLA 99.990 % 52.56 mins four nines 99.999 % 5.26 mins five nines
  7. 22 USER BEHAVIOUR amazon facebook youtube Alexa Rank 6 3

    2 daily time on site 12:07 mins 19:27 mins 23:44 mins daily pageviews / visitor 11.83 9.38 12.84 bounce rate 21 % 29 % 33 %
  8. 31 HA BEST PRACTICES 1. no single points of failure

    2. stateless application design 3. automate infrastructure for consistency & reliability 4. clever monitoring and alerting 5. geographically distribute your machines 6. keep spare capacity to meet increasing demand
  9. 35 WHAT IS A SILO? ✤ frontend (SPAs, PWAs, etc)

    ✤ backend (e.g. PHP services) ✤ data (including cache) 1 silo = full setup of servers that deliver the end-to-end functionality
  10. 42 ADVANTAGES ✤ reuse familiar technology ✤ real A/B testing

    ✤ no BHUF requirements ✤ no disruption => brand loyalty ✤ lower Total Cost of Ownership ✤ simplify scalability
  11. 43 DISADVANTAGES ✤ needs razor-sharp DevOps team ✤ small increase

    in hardware costs on kick-off ✤ adds complexity to the monitoring layer ✤ reconsider traceability ✤ different bug reproducing and hunting
  12. 45 ✤ build situational awareness with clever monitoring ✤ automate

    outage detection ✤ powerful A/B testing TAKEAWAYS
  13. 46 FURTHER READING ✤ Wikipedia HA page ✤ OpenStack’s HA

    concepts ✤ Merge Hemo report from FDA ✤ USA Presidential Policy Directive 21 ✤ “Beyond Legacy Code” book ✤ TechCrunch’s summary of sites affected by Michael Jackson’s death ✤ Netflix lessons learned after AWS outage ✤ Netflix Chaos Monkey source code ✤ Brian Adler’s talk on “Architecting for High Availability and Multi-Cloud”