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Creating Intuitive Developer Tool in Swift

October 25, 2024

Creating Intuitive Developer Tool in Swift


October 25, 2024

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  1. Self Introduction • giginet / Kohki Miki • X /

    GitHub : @giginet • Tokyo 🇯🇵 • Work for LY Corporation(2022~) • iOS DevOps Engineer for LINE • iOS Development experience since iOS 4 (2010~) • ❤ 👾 Gaming
  2. Agenda and Goals • Finding the issue • History of

    Swift ecosystem • Practical Examples of Developer tools • Implement your tool • Implementation / Testing • For the more usable tools • Documentation / Deployment / CI • Contribute to Community
  3. My Recent Work : giginet/Scipio (⭐450) • A next-generation build

    tool to generate XCFramework • Convert Swift Package to XCFramework • Share prebuilt frameworks among developers 1. Resolve and checkout package manifest with SwiftPM 2. Scipio generates Xcode Project from each package 3. Build the projects with xcodebuild 4. xcodebuild generates XCFramework How does Scipio work? Resolve manifests Fetch packages Generate Xcode Project Build XCFrameworks https://speakerdeck.com/giginet/standardizing-build-system-using-modern-swift-packages-in-line
  4. History of iOS Developer’s Tools 2014 2019 Prehistoric Period Dawn

    Period Maturity Period Swift is released Maturation of Swift ecosystem
  5. Before Swift era(~2015) • ObjC is not suitable for tool

    development • Most tools were developed in Ruby or other languages • CocoaPods(2011) • fastlane(2015) • danger(2015) • xcpretty • xcode-select
  6. Swift released (2015~2019) • Some useful tools are available •

    Carthage(2015) • SwiftLint(2015) • XcodeGen(2017) • tuist(2018) • No de-facto standard foundations • SwiftCLI / Commandant / Commander (argument parser) • Quick / Nimble / Spectre… (Testing Framework)
  7. Today : Ecosystem of tools development • The o ff

    i cial development foundations are available • Swift Package Manager (2015) • Xcode Integration (2019) • swift-syntax(2017) • swift-argument-parser(2020) • Package Plugin (2022) • swift-testing(2023)
  8. Practical Example : line-tools • In-house tool collections for LINE

    development • Implemented many features in Swift • Build script of dependencies • Prebuilt tasks • CI scripts • linter / formatter
  9. Example 1 : Building dependencies • Share XCFrameworks using Remote

    Server • Based on Scipio • Features • Resolve Swift Packages • Build XCFramework • Download XCFrameworks
  10. Example 2 : Prebuilt Tasks • Useful wrapper tools of

    XcodeGen • Features • Verify Project Spec and dependencies • Generate Xcode projects from Project Specs
  11. Example 3 : CI script • A tool generates TestPlan

    on CI for Pull Requests Builder • Generate Test Plan from Pull Request fi le di ff s • Features • Generate TestPlan by PR di ff s
  12. Example 4 : Extend IDE features • A linter to

    warn company rules • Run custom linter on Xcode • We can use swift-syntax • Features • Lint dependency tree • Lint coding guidelines
  13. Benefit of developing tools in Swift • Ubiquitous Language •

    Write complex tasks with a powerful language feature • Using Swift foundations (e.g. swift-syntax) • Maintainability • Testability • Type Safety
  14. For useful developer tools • Various technics • CI /

    Tests • Documentation • Cross-platform / Multi versioning • Binary distribution • These also help for OSS or in-house tool
  15. Kind of developer tools • Executable • Good for any

    purpose • Difficult to distribute • Package Plugin (Introduced from Swift 5.6) • Build Tools Plugin • Command Plugin
  16. Build Tools Plugin • A mechanism to distribute build hooks

    via Swift Package ecosystem • Introduced in Swift 5.6 • Code Generator ( Pre-built hook) • SwiftGen / openapi-generator / License generator • Linter / Formatter (Post-built hook) • SwiftLint / SwiftFormat
  17. Command Plugin • Distributing command via Swift Package ecosystem •

    Can provide Command Line Interface / Xcode GUI • Example • docc-plugin • swift-testing-revolutionary • See ”Meet Package Plugins" in WWDC22 • https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/110359/
  18. import ArgumentParser @main struct Repeat: ParsableCommand { @Flag(help: "Include a

    counter with each repetition.") var includeCounter = false @Option(name: .shortAndLong, help: "The number of times to repeat 'phrase'.") var count: Int? = nil @Argument(help: "The phrase to repeat.") var phrase: String mutating func run() throws { let repeatCount = count ?? 2 for i in 1...repeatCount { if includeCounter { print("\(i): \(phrase)") } else { print(phrase) } } } } Options
  19. import ArgumentParser @main struct Repeat: ParsableCommand { @Flag(help: "Include a

    counter with each repetition.") var includeCounter = false @Option(name: .shortAndLong, help: "The number of times to repeat 'phrase'.") var count: Int? = nil @Argument(help: "The phrase to repeat.") var phrase: String mutating func run() throws { let repeatCount = count ?? 2 for i in 1...repeatCount { if includeCounter { print("\(i): \(phrase)") } else { print(phrase) } } } } Implementations
  20. Package Architecture • Good for minimize the dependencies my-awesome-tool MyAwesomeKit

    MyAwesomeKitTests executable framework test target swift-argument-parser other dependencies
  21. Build DocC Archive • Use DocC plugin • https://github.com/swiftlang/swift-docc-plugin •

    Distributing to GitHub Pages • Update DocC page with every commits Swift Package DocC Archive GitHub Pages
  22. Register to Swift Package Index • Register your package to

    Swift Package Index • https://swiftpackageindex.com/add-a-package
  23. Distribution • Many methods for distribution • Source Build •

    Binary / Artifact Bundle • Command Plugin • Homebrew
  24. Source Builds • Nothing to do for developers • No

    official way to manage binaries for the user side • Mint • https://github.com/yonaskolb/Mint • No way to distribute prebuilt binaries • Need to build by users
  25. Artifact Bundle • The official distribution format for executables •

    Host executables for multi architecture in ZIP file • https://github.com/swiftlang/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/ 0305-swiftpm-binary-target-improvements.md
  26. Build Artifact Bundle • No official way to make Artifact

    Bundles • freddi-kit/ArtifactBundleGen • Command Plugin to wrap executables in Artifact Bundle format • https://github.com/freddi-kit/ArtifactBundleGen
  27. Use Artifact Bundle • No official way to manage it

    • mtj0928/nest • Download and run prebuilt binary using Artifact Bundle • https://github.com/mtj0928/nest
  28. Prepare CI environment • Must prepare CI environment! • CI

    provides some automation • Tests • Lint • Documentation • Generate DocC Archive • Distribute to GitHub pages • Distribution • Build Artifact Bundle
  29. GitHub Action • Using GitHub Action solves everything • Separate

    workflows for purposes • tests/lints/release/docc
  30. name: Tests on: push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: -

    '*' jobs: Tests: strategy: matrix: xcode_version: - "15.2" # 5.9 - "15.4" # 5.10 - "16.0" # 6.0 env: DEVELOPER_DIR: "/Applications/Xcode_${{ matrix.xcode_version }}.app/Contents/Developer" runs-on: macos-14 steps: - name: Get swift version run: swift --version - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run Tests run: | swift test --verbose env: ENABLE_INTEGRATION_TESTS: 1 IS_CI: 1 Make PR builder Build for multi versions
  31. Why publish a tool? • Improve your presence and career

    • Give inspires to communities • Receive feedback / Make collaboration Your Team Community Contributions / Inspires Feedback / Improvements
  32. Use your tool • Just publishing to OSS wouldn’t work

    fine • It’s difficult to maintain only for the community • You should be a heavy user Great Tool Contribute to Community Use your tools
  33. Conclusion • Finding issues is the most important topic •

    Learn Techniques and Tips to Build Tools • Contributing to Swift community to publish your tool • Keep to use your tools
  34. References • See my products for examples! • Scipio •

    swift-testing-revolutionary • Feel free to ask anything on X / Ask the Speaker • https://x.com/giginet