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Get Me a Mobile Strategy or You're FIRED! — MIM...

Get Me a Mobile Strategy or You're FIRED! — MIMA Summit 2011

Jason Grigsby

October 12, 2011

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  1. Get Me a Mobile Strategy or You’re FIRED! Jason Grigsby

    Slides: bit.ly/grigs-mima2011 Tweets during talk: @grigs_talks @grigs • jason@cloudfour.com cloudfour.com/blog • mobileportand.com
  2. !" #" $" %" &" '" (! ($ (& ()

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ource: http://www.morganstanley.com/institutional/techresearch/mobile_internet_report122009.html
  3. http://www.opera.com/smw/ !"#"""#""" $"#"""#""" %"#"""#""" &"#"""#""" '""#"""#""" !""# !""$ !""% !""&

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  4. 5.2 Billion Mobile phone for nearly everyone on the planet.

    Flickr photo by Pingnews: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pingnews/370061022/
  5. !"#$%&'&()*+)#'",*- ."/'0$*+1"/02&%*3*4",015#02&% 6"7*+&89/%2",*:;0"%*.2%*<2(*2%*6"7*+)#'",*.$2'"*=%#58>"%0,*:;0"% ?/'0"1 !"#$%&"'( !"#$%&'() *+,-. )(&*+$", !"#$%&'() *+/-.

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ource: http://www.morganstanley.com/institutional/techresearch/mobile_internet_report122009.html
  6. DON’Ts #3 Don’t forget that the ‘U’ in URL stands

    for Universal* * it actually stands for ‘uniform.’ ah well, close enough. ;-)
  7. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in observing people

    on their mobile devices, it’s that they’ll do anything on mobile if they have the need. Write long emails? Check. Manage complex sets of information? Check. And the list goes on. If people want to do it, they’ll do it on mobile - especially when it’s their only or most convenient option. —Luke Wroblewski lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1333 http://www.flickr.com/photos/emmacox/6095336904/
  8. DON’Ts #4 Don’t be believe the media (or mobile experts

    for that matter)* * Yes, that includes me!
  9. http://www.flickr.com/photos/fxp/2374147405/sizes/l/ Do Apps Create Platform Lock-in? If you've bought $200

    worth of applications for your smartphone, you're much less likely to switch to a different model in the future. In short, high spending on smartphone apps ensures long- term platform loyalty.
  10. App Cost Twitter for iPhone Free Reeder $2.99 Instapaper $4.99

    Facebook Free 1Password $9.99 Total $17.97 Do Apps REALLY Create Platform Lock-in? Switching Costs are Lower
  11. 1. Android Has Horrible App Store 2. Needs to improve

    App Store to Compete 3. Oh Wait... Nevermind http://www.comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2011/10/ comScore_Reports_August_2011_U.S._Mobile_Subscriber_Market_Share 2% 2.1% 5.7% 19.7% 27.3% 43.7% Android iPhone RIM Windows Symbian Others
  12. is difficult when we spend so much time on our

    PCs. http://www.flickr.com/photos/goobi/4021009835/
  13. 25% of mobile Web users in the United States never

    or infrequently use the desktop web. http://mobithinking.com/mobile-marketing-tools/latest-mobile-stats#mobile-only
  14. We often get asked how much to add mobile to

    desktop. It should be the opposite. http://www.flickr.com/photos/stephenhackett/3728570312
  15. iPhone Only Part of World Wide Market 1% 2% 2%

    12% 18% 22% 43% Android Symbian iPhone RIM Bada Microsoft Others Android 43%, iPhone 18% in Q2 2011 http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=1764714
  16. Source: http://bit.ly/dlpGt8 Know Your Geography Blackberry has 37% Latin America

    smartphone market. Sharp sells 80% of its phones in Japan, leads market. Most popular phone for youth in Brazil is Blackberry. Blackberry Messenger is Addictive. Network Effects.
  17. 2007 SMS Revenue: 100 billion •Box Office •DVD Sales &

    Rentals •Music Industry •Video Games Combined Flickr photo by Vlastula: http://www.flickr.com/photos/vlastula/450642954/
  18. 3% 2% 12% 18% 22% 43% Android Symbian iPhone Blackberry

    Bada Windows/Others Q2 2011 Smartphone Market Share (Gartner) Phones currently shipping WebKit in blue (97%). WebKit & HTML5: Dominant Mobile Platform By contrast, 10 smartphone operating systems.
  19. Email Gallery Free Email Templates Email Marketing Companies Submit Advertise

    Here Advertise Here Column Type of Email Type of Business Color POPULARITY RESET Hyundai USA Newsletter 3 Alertful Newsletter 2 Divine Chocolate Newsletter 2 Does your company send email to customers? http://www.email-gallery.com
  20. Features of New Platforms Integrated image resizing Video conversion and

    resizing Separation of content from markup so content can be used in native apps Prioritization of content based on context Full-featured APIs Synchronization New Ways to Enable Content Editors http://www.flickr.com/photos/expressmonorail/3046970004/sizes/l/
  21. No matter how you approach it, we have a lot

    of infrastructure to build http://www.flickr.com/photos/wwworks/2942950081/
  22. Create a product, don’t re-imagine one for small screens. Great

    mobile products are created, never ported. –Brian Fling
  23. 80% during misc downtime 76% while waiting in lines 62%

    while watching TV 69% for point of sale research http://www.flickr.com/photos/missmeng/5327470961
  24. PERMANENTLY CARRIED ~50% of US admit to sleeping with phone

  25. Google’s Three Mobile Behavior Groups Urgent now Repetitive now Bored

    now http://www.informationweek.com/blog/main/archives/2007/04/google_lays_out.html
  26. 3 Mobile First at Google Google programmers are doing work

    on mobile applications first, because they are better apps and that's what top programmers want to develop. –Eric Schmidt, Google CEO Source: http://aneventapart.com/2010/seattle/slides/04_wroblewski.pdf
  27. Growth Constraints Capabilities Opportunity Focus Innovation = = = Luke’s

    Take on Mobile First http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?933
  28. What is your mobile strategy? There shouldn’t be a mobile

    strategy. It should simply be THE strategy.
  29. Mobile is disruptive technology. It will touch all aspects of

    your business. Plan accordingly. Mobile First Slides: bit.ly/grigs-mima2011 | @grigs | jason@cloudfour.com | cloudfour.com/blog | mobileportland.com M obile Portland 4th M onday, 6pm