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The Practice of Empathy

The Practice of Empathy

My session from Reasons to Be Creative, Brighton. September 4th, 2012.

Resources mentioned in the Q&A:

1. About Face 3 by Alan Cooper http://amzn.to/LPMp9H
2. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum by Alan Cooper http://amzn.to/PLmOg2
3. UX Team of One by Leah Buley (forthcoming 2012) http://bit.ly/LJLarC
4. Mental Models by Indi Young http://amzn.to/NemZmD
5. Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug http://amzn.to/PLn0f5

Axure prototyping software http://www.axure.com/

DIY Mobile Usability Testing (their site is temporarily down) http://diymobileusabilitytesting.net/

Evgenia (Jenny) Grinblo

September 04, 2012

More Decks by Evgenia (Jenny) Grinblo

Other Decks in Design


  1. Cognitive Empathy Adopt the perspective of another; understand their actions

    & responses Frans De Waal Wednesday, September 5, 12
  2. Cognitive Empathy Adopt the perspective of another; understand their actions

    & responses Affective Empathy Frans De Waal Wednesday, September 5, 12
  3. Cognitive Empathy Adopt the perspective of another; understand their actions

    & responses Affective Empathy Share the emotional state of another Frans De Waal Wednesday, September 5, 12
  4. Cognitive Empathy Adopt the perspective of another; understand their actions

    & responses Share the emotional state of another Frans De Waal Wednesday, September 5, 12
  5. Cognitive Empathy Adopt the perspective of another; understand their actions

    & responses Frans De Waal Wednesday, September 5, 12
  6. “Once you hear these stories, you can’t help but become

    an advocate.” RAPE CRISIS CENTER VOLUNTEER Wednesday, September 5, 12
  7. “Find problems and design responses. Not answers, not solutions, just

    responses.” SIMON COLLISON http://colly.com/faq Wednesday, September 5, 12
  8. Response |riˈspäns| noun ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French respons

    or Latin responsum ‘something offered in return’ Wednesday, September 5, 12
  9. “The broader one's understanding of the human experience, the better

    design we will have.” STEVE JOBS Wired Magazine http://bit.ly/TMdgm3 Wednesday, September 5, 12
  10. Usability Testing Does this work for people? How can it

    be improved? Wednesday, September 5, 12
  11. • Bad at remembering the past • Make up opinions

    People are stupid. Wednesday, September 5, 12
  12. • Bad at remembering the past • Make up opinions

    • Can’t explain preferences People are stupid. Wednesday, September 5, 12
  13. • Bad at remembering the past • Make up opinions

    • Can’t explain preferences • Bad at predicting the future People are stupid. Wednesday, September 5, 12
  14. • Bad at remembering the past • Make up opinions

    • Can’t explain preferences • Bad at predicting the future • Make irrational decisions People are stupid. Wednesday, September 5, 12
  15. • Bad at remembering the past • Make up opinions

    • Can’t explain preferences • Bad at predicting the future • Make irrational decisions • Give bad advice about design People are stupid. Wednesday, September 5, 12
  16. What do you think about this? What should we put

    here? Do you like this navigation? What should we do next? Wednesday, September 5, 12
  17. "As a user I want the HTTP Server to be

    multi-threaded in order to get the maximum of ine performance" Wednesday, September 5, 12