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What Am I Doing Here? (Mindmapping User Tasks)

What Am I Doing Here? (Mindmapping User Tasks)

Talk given at UX Cafe, London on May 30 2013

At Future Workshops, mind maps have become part of the routine because they filled a gap in our communication. We use them to get a high-level overview of what a user can do inside the product.

See my UX Booth article for more detail: http://www.uxbooth.com/articles/stuck-in-the-details-mind-map-user-tasks


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  1. What Am I Doing Here? Mind-mapping user tasks Evgenia (Jenny)

    UX Specialist at Twitter: @grinblo Friday, 31 May 13
  2. @Grinblo | UX Cafe, London May 30 2013 Result: Inventory

    of app functionality @Grinblo | UX Cafe, London May 30 2013 Internal Future Workshops project mind map Use with existing or new products ‣ Summarise an existing product ‣ Use in planning stages of a new product Use anytime Friday, 31 May 13
  3. @Grinblo | UX Cafe, London May 30 2013 We use

    them for ‣ Overview of app ‣ Planning usability tests ‣ Quality assurance ‣ Focus on tasks, not screens ‣ Easy to create and update Why use mind maps? Friday, 31 May 13
  4. @Grinblo | UX Cafe, London May 30 2013 “as a

    user, I can [verb]…” ‣ Use verbs: set up a profile, redeem a coupon ‣ Focus on task, not the screen or page Tasks vs. Screens Step 1: High-level Tasks Friday, 31 May 13
  5. @Grinblo | UX Cafe, London May 30 2013 Focus on

    the user need ‣ Instead of writing “browse someone’s profile,” go for “learn more about someone.” Needs vs. Features Step 2: Sort Features Into Branches Friday, 31 May 13
  6. @Grinblo | UX Cafe, London May 30 2013 Focus on

    what the product does ‣ Show features in design/dev on dotted lines ‣ Leave out future ideas to avoid a messy map Leave suggestions out Step 2: Sort Features Into Branches Friday, 31 May 13
  7. @Grinblo | UX Cafe, London May 30 2013 Step 3:

    Run through it like a user @Grinblo | UX Cafe, London May 30 2013 Internal Future Workshops project mind map Friday, 31 May 13
  8. @Grinblo | UX Cafe, London May 30 2013 Twitter @Grinblo

    UX Booth Tutorial http://www.uxbooth.com/articles/stuck-in-the-details-mind-map-user-tasks/ More on the Whiteboard app http://whiteboard.futureworkshops.com/ More Information Friday, 31 May 13