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Gum Damar Resin

Gum Damar Resin

Gum damar resin is a natural resin obtained from various trees, particularly from the Dipterocarpaceae family. It is typically harvested by making incisions in the tree bark, allowing the sap to flow out and harden. This resin is often used in incense, varnishes, and traditional medicine due to its aromatic properties and potential health benefits. Additionally, gum damar is valued in art for its use as a medium in paints and as a binder for pigments.


gumdamar suppliers

October 22, 2024

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  1. Damar (English: Dammar gum) is a secretion (sap or gum)

    from trees Shorea sp., Vatica sp., Dryobalanops sp., and others from the meranti-merantian tribe or Dipterocarpaceae. It includes cat's eye amber and dark amber. Resin is used in making matches (to prevent fire from burning wood too quickly), plastic, plaster, varnish, and shellac. Damar gum is a triterpenoid resin, containing many triterpenes and their oxidation products. Many of them are low molecular weight compounds (dammarane, damarenolic acid, oleanane, oleanonic acid, etc.), but resin also contains a polymeric fraction, which is composed of polycadinene.[1] Contact Us : Phone : +6285648688722 [email protected] Gum Damar