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DevNexus ATL 2018

February 22, 2018

DevNexus ATL 2018

Akka Streams presentation that was given at DevNexus in Atlanta, GA, 2018.


February 22, 2018

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  1. Akka Streams: a match in heaven for Reactive Systems Henrik

    Engström Senior Software Engineer, Lightbend DevNexus, Atlanta - February 2018 Slides available here: http://speakerdeck.com/h3nk3/devnexus-atl-2018
  2. AGENDA • Reactive Systems • Actors • Reactive Streams •

    Akka Streams • Example application • Q&A - Lightbend Booth
  3. THE REACTIVE MANIFESTO • Created in September 2014 • +21K

    signatures • Consists of four traits ➡ Responsive ➡ Resilient ➡ Elastic ➡ Message driven
  4. ACTORS: A PROVEN MODEL • Successfully used in the Telecom

    industry since the 80s. • Extremely reliable: ➡ 9 nines uptime, or… ➡ 99.9999999 percent uptime, or… ➡ 32ms downtime per year!
  5. THE ACTOR MODEL IS NOT NEW • Carl Hewitt’s definition

    is from 1973 ➡ Process, Store, and Communicate • An actor should follow three axioms: ➡ Create new actors ➡ Send messages to actors ➡ Designate how to handle the next message
  6. "Akka is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and

    resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala." www.akka.io
  7. THE AKKA TOOLKIT • Actors: simple and high performance concurrency

    • Cluster/Remoting: elasticity, resilience • Persistence: event sourcing, resilience • Streams: back-pressured stream processing • HTTP: reactive HTTP server and client • and more! Complete APIs in both Java and Scala.
  8. Some AKKA highlights • Everything in Akka is asynchronous •

    Akka actors give the illusion of a single threaded programming model • The programming model stays the same regardless of target environment • Akka actors are location transparent
  9. AKKA ACTOR EXAMPLE case class Deposit(sum: Long) case class Withdraw(sum:

    Long) class AccountActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { var accountSum = 0L // example of state in an actor def receive = { case Deposit(sum) => accountSum += sum logStatus case Withdraw(sum) => if (sum <= accountSum) accountSum -= sum logStatus } def logStatus = log.info(s"Account sum is: $accountSum") }
  10. AKKA ACTOR EXAMPLE val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("ActorTest") val account1:

    ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[AccountActor], "account1") account1 ! Deposit(100L) account1 ! Withdraw(200L) account1 ! Withdraw(99L) LOG OUTPUT WHEN RUNNING THE SYSTEM: Account sum is 100 Account sum is 100 Account sum is 1

    awesome, but there are scenarios that are better handled by Streams. •Example: There is no backpressure with Akka Actors and all internal queues are unbounded by default. •Have you ever tried drinking from a fire hose?
  12. REACTIVE STREAMS "Reactive Streams is an initiative to provide a

    standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure. This encompasses efforts aimed at runtime environments (JVM and JavaScript) as well as network protocols." www.reactive-streams.org
  13. STREAM DEFINITION • A possibly infinite set of elements •

    Processed element by element • Processed asynchronously: ➡ Sender and receiver are decoupled ➡ Asynchronous boundaries (threads) ➡ Network boundaries (nodes)
  14. REACTIVE STREAMS IN JAVA 9 • java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher ➡ Producer of

    items • java.util.concurrent.Flow.Subscriber ➡ Receiver of messages • java.util.concurrent.Flow.Subscription ➡ Message control linking a Publisher and Subscriber • java.util.concurrent.Flow.Processor ➡ Component that acts like both Publisher and Subscriber
  15. AKKA STREAMS IN 60s implicit val system = ActorSystem("StreamsTest") implicit

    val materializer = ActorMaterializer() val source = Source(1 to 10000) val flow = Flow[Int].filter(_ % 2 == 0).map(_.toString()) val sink = Sink.foreach[String](n => s"Even number is: $n") val runnable = source.via(flow).to(sink) runnable.run()
  16. AKKA STREAMS IN 60s final ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("StreamsTest"); final

    ActorMaterialization mat = ActorMaterializer.create(system); final Source<Integer, NotUsed> source = Source.range(1, 10000); final Flow<Integer, String, NotUsed> flow = Flow.of(Integer.class).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0) .map(e -> e.toString()); final Sink<String, CompletionStage<Done>> sink = Sink.foreach(s -> System.out.println(s)); final RunnableGraph<NotUsed> runnable = source.via(flow).to(sink); runnable.run();
  17. AKKA STREAMS IN 15s Source.range(0, 10000) .filter(_ % 2 ==

    0) .map(._toString) .runForeach(n => println(s"Even number is: $n"))
  18. akka.stream.scaladsl.Source def fromIterator[T](f: () => Iterator[T]): Source[T, NotUsed] def fromFuture[T](future:

    Future[T]): Source[T, NotUsed] def tick[T](initialDelay: FiniteDuration, interval: FiniteDuration, tick: T): Source[T, Cancellable] def single[T](element: T): Source[T, NotUsed] def repeat[T](element: T): Source[T, NotUsed] def empty[T]: Source[T, NotUsed]
  19. akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow def drop(n: Long) def filter(p: Out => Boolean) def

    groupedWithin(n: Int, d: FiniteDuration) def initialDelay(delay: FiniteDuration) def map[T](f: Out => T) def mapAsync[T](parallelism: Int)(f: Out => Future[T]) def takeWhile(p: Out => Boolean) def zip[U](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], _])
  20. akka.stream.scaladsl.Sink def foreach[T](f: T => Unit): Sink[T, Future[Done]] def ignore:

    Sink[Any, Future[Done]] def head[T]: Sink[T, Future[T]] def actorRef[T](ref: ActorRef, onCompleteMessage: Any): Sink[T, NotUsed] def last[T]: Sink[T, Future[T]] def seq[T]: Sink[T, Future[immutable.Seq[T]]]
  21. MICROSERVICE APPLICATION • Two services: ➡ Service A: the one

    we are implementing. ➡ Service B: existing service that we re-use. • Service B has a quite tough SLA to meet: ➡ Not too many simultaneous calls (max 5.) ➡ Not too many frequent calls (max 1/s.)
  22. STEP 1 class Try1Actor extends BaseActor { def receive: Receive

    = { case id: Int => val s = sender() httpRequest(id.toString).onComplete { case Success(result) => s ! result case _ => } } }
  23. STEP 1 - ISSUES • Violates the SLA with Service

    B: ➡ Too many frequent calls. > ab -n 10 -c 10 http://localhost:8080/servicea/111
  24. STEP 2 - BATCH FTW! var ids = Map.empty[ActorRef, Int]

    def receive = { case id: Int => batch(sender(), id) } def batch(sender: ActorRef, id: Int) = { ids += sender -> id if (ids.size == batchSize) { val copy = ids ids = Map.empty[ActorRef, Int] httpRequest(copy.values.mkString("-")).onComplete { case Success(result) => copy.foreach { case (actorRef, id) => actorRef ! result } case Failure(f) => log.error(s"Coll to service failed: $f") } } }
  25. STEP 2 - ISSUES • Calls time out if not

    even with the set limit! ➡ E.g. limit = 10. > ab -n 12 -c 12 http://localhost:8080/servicea/111
  26. STEP 3 - SCHEDULER val checkStatusScheduler = context.system.scheduler.schedule (batchFrequency, batchFrequency,

    self, CheckBatchStatus) override def postStop(): Unit = { checkStatusScheduler.cancel() } def receive = { case id: Int => batch(sender(), id) case CheckBatchStatus => if(requestDone) requestDone = false else makeRequest() }
  27. STEP 3- ISSUES • Violates the SLA with Service B:

    ➡ Too many concurrent calls. > ab -n 122 -c 100 http://localhost:8080/servicea/111
  28. STEP 4- LIMIT CONCURRENT CALLS def makeRequest() = { if

    (concurrentCalls <= maxConcurrentCalls) if (!ids.isEmpty) { concurrentCalls += 1 val split = ids.splitAt(batchSize) val copy = split._1 ids = split._2 httpRequest(copy.values.mkString("-")).onComplete { case Success(result) => copy.foreach { case (actorRef, id) => actorRef ! result } concurrentCalls -= 1 case Failure(f) => concurrentCalls -= 1 } } } }
  29. STEP 4- PROBLEM SOLVED!! When we describe our solution to

    that annoying, and astute(!), colleague we all have… - "This sounds all good, but have you heard about Akka Streams and all it’s awesome features? You should definitely give it a try and see if it can help simplify the code base a little?" - "Okay, if you say so…"
  30. STEP 5 - AKKA STREAMS case class Request(id: Int, responsePromise:

    Promise[HttpResponse]) val sink = MergeHub.source[Request] .groupedWithin(batchSize, batchFrequency) .map(requests => (requests.map(req => req.id).mkString("-"), requests.map(_.responsePromise))) .mapAsyncUnordered(maxConcurrentCalls)(payload => httpRequest(payload._1, payload._2)) .to(Sink.ignore) .run() def receive = { case req: Request => Source.single(req).runWith(sink) }