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Better than Google: Open Education Resources an...

Better than Google: Open Education Resources and the Open Web (KLC 2014)

All links mentioned in this presentation are available in a handout here: http://goo.gl/9vgZLb or in a Symbaloo here: http://goo.gl/9g9r6b

Open Educational Resources (OER) are a rapidly rising trend in classrooms, libraries, and DIY education circles. Building upon the ideas of open source and access, OER offer a rich, collaborative source of learning materials for k-12, and DIY education. Make the move from traditional textbooks and classroom resources and discover how to leverage the power of OER and open websites in your classrooms to help your students grow and learn together. This session will cover the growth of OER class resources, DIY education, and many open web portals. Numerous sites, tools, and resources will be shared in this session. This version was presented at the 2014 Kansas Library Conference. More information is available here: http://nekls.libguides.com/2014klc

Heather Braum

October 29, 2014

More Decks by Heather Braum

Other Decks in Education


  1. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Better than Google:

    Open Education Resources and the Open Web Heather Braum NExpress Coordinator & Resource Sharing Librarian Northeast Kansas Library System hbraum@nekls.org
  2. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum What is one

    idea from this presentation you can take back to your school & library? {Question to ponder}
  3. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Ed. Trends BYOD

 Classroom Lifelong
 Learning Project Based
 Learning 1 to 1 Personalized
 Learning ??????
  4. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum What impact could/will

    these have 
 on you & your library space? {Question}
  5. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Better than Google:

    Open Education Resources and the Open Web Heather Braum NExpress Coordinator & Resource Sharing Librarian Northeast Kansas Library System hbraum@nekls.org
  6. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Open… + Creative

    Commons = Open Source Software Open Access Journals
  7. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum The Costs Time

    Energy Research Learning Curve Control Unfamiliarity
  8. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum OER Types Assignments

    Complete Courses Games Lectures Lesson Plans Podcasts
  9. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum OER Portals OER

    Commons OpenStax CNX Curriki CK-12 Open Textbook Library (university) Open Textbooks (Utah)
  10. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum OER Resource Sites

    OER Livebinder eTexts/Curriculum (Joyce Valenza) Creative Commons Education Edutopia Open Education Roundup Kansas Dept. of Education (KSDE) FREE: Federal Registry for Ed. Excellence
  11. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Curriculum Support Project

    Gutenberg Wikipedia Khan Academy TED Education SmArt History BIE: Project Based Learning Resources
  12. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Course Portals EdX

    Open Education Consortium iTunesU app Coursera Open Course Library Open Michigan
  13. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum How could these

    resources help your teachers, your students? {Question}
  14. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum And more… TV

 (Internet Archive) Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales History Pin Open Culture National History Day Project
  15. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum More Libraries Digital

    Public Library of America (DPLA) Open Library National Science Digital Library Dole Institute & Archives Worldcat Information Skills instruction resources
  16. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Kansas Resources KS

    Historical Society Education Portal Kansapedia Kansas Memory State Library of Kansas
  17. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Teacher Sites National

    Archives Library of Congress PBS LearningMedia Smithsonian NASA
  18. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Photos from US

    Government Websites US Dept. of Interior US Fish & Wildlife USA.gov National Park Service USGS US Forest Service
  19. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum And even more!

    LAPL Menu Collection Weather Spark Data of All Kinds Sports Stats Arkive
  20. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum How can you

    share these with your administrators, teachers & students? {Question}
  21. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum What is one

    idea from this presentation you can take back to your school & library? {Question}
  22. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Resources for more

    information 1. The OER Handbook for Educators: http://goo.gl/fetBX 2. Course: The “How-Tos” of OER Commons: http://goo.gl/luP6O 3. Course: Introduction to Open Educational Resources http://goo.gl/j48mE 4. Open Content: School Libraries a ‘Natural Fit’ to Lead Adoption: http:// goo.gl/xh1Ro 5. Index of OER Resources, http://goo.gl/Jjrc4 6. Coursera launches with new OER strategies, http://goo.gl/ybBSX 7. Skip the Tuition: 100 Free Podcasts from the Best Colleges in the World, http://goo.gl/yGpr 8. Take Any College Class for Free: 236 Open Courseware Collections, Podcasts, and Videos, http://goo.gl/sDOR0 9. How open education can transform learning, http://goo.gl/BH0mr 10. Wikirriculum: The Promises and Politics of an Open Source Curriculum: http://goo.gl/Xq5t1 11. OEDB Course Portal http://oedb.org/open/ 12. 12 Open Educational Resources: From Khan to MIT http:// goo.gl/kpUH4 13. A guide to open educational resources http://goo.gl/DJKO4 14. 2014 K-12 Horizon Report http://goo.gl/ZaeGd0
  23. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum All images used

    are under CC license 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Global_Open_Educational_Resources_Logo.svg 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Opensource.svg 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Open_Access_logo_PLoS_white.svg 4. https://www.flickr.com/photos/keso/108805307/in/photostream/ 5. http://wikieducator.org/File:Recyclethis-185807557.jpg 6. http://www.flickr.com/photos/gracewong/312922826/sizes/l/ 7. http://www.flickr.com/photos/-bast-/349497988/ 8. http://www.flickr.com/photos/andosteinmetz/2901325908/sizes/z/ 9. http://www.flickr.com/photos/timothygreigdotcom/2317076337/sizes/l/ 10. http://www.flickr.com/photos/marcocrupivisualartist/6791503461/sizes/l/ 11. http://www.flickr.com/photos/zwhiterussian/4242440431/sizes/l/ 12. http://www.flickr.com/photos/fordschool/6910474403/sizes/l/ 13. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dougbelshaw/4469401518/sizes/l/ 14. http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidsilver/4275611246/sizes/l/ 15. http://www.flickr.com/photos/superkimbo/3121817029/sizes/o/ 16. http://www.flickr.com/photos/alstonfamily/1606272681/sizes/l/ 17. http://www.flickr.com/photos/amsd2dth/3808844153/sizes/l/ 18. http://www.flickr.com/photos/filmsoftime/7430143552/sizes/l/ 18. http://www.flickr.com/photos/rzganoza/4186516481/sizes/l/ 19. http://www.flickr.com/photos/cybass/176867465/sizes/z/ 20. http://www.flickr.com/photos/suttonhoo22/2512983749/sizes/l/ 21. http://www.flickr.com/photos/quoteseverlasting/8740562293/sizes/l/ 22. https://flic.kr/p/2et99u 23. https://www.flickr.com/photos/theredproject/3959806305/in/
  24. Kansas Library Conference October 2014, Heather Braum Contact me •

    Presentation Information: http://goo.gl/Ew7Mau • includes lists of the resources, slides, & more information & will continue to grow! • Contact information: • Email: hbraum@nekls.org • Twitter: @hbraum • http://about.me/hbraum