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Packaged Exercise of the UN Vector Tile Toolkit...

Packaged Exercise of the UN Vector Tile Toolkit for the GGIM

For the "Planning and Management of National Mapping and Surveying" course
2019-12-03T13:10/16:30 @ GSI


December 03, 2019

More Decks by Hidenori FUJIMURA

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  1. Packaged Exercise of the UN Vector Tile Toolkit for the

    GGIM Hidenori Executive Officer for Geospatial Information Policy, GSI Lead, the United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit Lead, Task Group B, UN-GGIM WG-Disasters 2019-12-03T13:10/16:30
  2. words • UN Vector Tile Toolkit (UNVT): an open source

    software toolkit to support anyone to produce, host, style and optimize basemap-grade vector tiles. • Vector Tile: a de-facto standard vector geospatial data for web maps. • GGIM: the United Nations Committee of Experts for Global Geospatial Information Management. This session tries to demonstrate the UN Vector Tile Toolkit in the context of supporting the UN Member States.
  3. related session Taro’s session for Web Mapping This session uses

    the same technology. Today we (in four teams) try the UNVT on Raspberry Pi.
  4. Agenda 1. Introduction to UNVT 2. Introduction to Raspberry Pi

    3 Model B+ (P3) 3. Hands-on exercise of UNVT on P3 4. Invitation to the UNVT
  5. Hidenori: self introduction 1 Background: information technology Robot vision, parallel

    processing 2 Global Mapping project Capacity building of digital mapping 3 Information Access Division Digital Japan Web System 4 Leibniz University of Hannover Road verification using ALOS-1 5 Technology Development Office Address, geographic identifier 6 Overseas Project Division Mapping / sewage projects 7 Director, Information Access Division GSI Maps and GSI Tiles 8 Director, International Affairs Division Conclusion of the Global Mapping project 9 United Nations Geospatial Information Section (UNGIS) Senior Geospatial Expert UN Vector Tile Toolkit 10 Executive Officer for Geospatial Information Policy Technology policy coordination 11 Involved in ISO/TC 211 for a long time e.g. Head of Delegation 7
  6. GSIʼs experience regarding the UNVT 2003 GSI has started a

    web map using the vector tile technology. →Technologically right, and so natural decision. 2012 GSI adopted Open Source Software for the operation of web maps. FOSS4G of that days was based on the image tile technology. →A compromise in technology; improved transparency and accountability. 2014 Vector Tile Technology with Open Source License became available. GSI Vector Tile Engineering Experiment was started. →Recovered a good technology direction. 2015 UN Open GIS Initiative was established. →Open Source GIS for more efficient UN Operations. 2017 Japan dispatched Senior Geospatial Expert to UN Geospatial Information Section. →On request by the UN Secretariat for implementation-oriented web map technology with capacity building component based on the experience of the Global Mapping Project.. 2018 The UNVT was established under the UN Open GIS Initiative →For automatic and continuous update of the UN internal basemap vector tiles. The UNVT is an FOSS4G for more stable sustainment of the technology and to facilitate the diversity of web maps especially by Member State organizations. 2019 GSI released GSI Maps Vector as another product of the UNVT. 8
  7. Composition of the UNVT A package of best existing Open

    Source Software that enable everyone to produce, host, style and optimize basemap-grade vector tiles. Produce Tippecanoe Host Node.js program (budo) Style Custom Node.js program Optimize vt-optimizer 9
  8. 100% Open Source transparency, accountability, and scalability Not dependent on

    any cloud service so that we can choose the best cloud service
  9. UN implementation #1 The original implementation based on image tiles

    15 UN data used Not responsive No global coverage in the large scale
  10. UN implementation #2 Vector Tile implementation before my arrival 16

    16 UN data used Less responsive Global coverage in the large scale
  11. UN implementation #4 Implementation using the UNVT 17 UN data

    used Global coverage of building details Responsive as in video games Continuous zoom and responsiveness matters for good user experience.
  12. GSI Maps Vector uses the UNVT, too. 18 UNVT aims

    for a sustainable project by combining efforts of the partners by solving common problems.
  13. The UNVT Team 19 Interdisciplinary Cross-sector We expand our community

    in the future UNGIS GeoThings Geospatial Information Authority of Japan National Astronomical Observatory of Japan National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences Mapbox Mapple On OSGeo Japan Chapter UN Geospatial Information Section UN Global Service Centre
  14. The UNVT Core: features ① “Around the World in 80

    hours” ② Server-side image tile rendering for interoperability ③ Single board PC implementation for demos and capacity building 31
  15. “Around the World in 80 hours” Successfully implemented a production

    tools as fast as 80 hours per a global dataset which contains the whole OpenStreetMap data and other 10GBs of data. ü By carefully designing a data flow without temporary data storage. Source data Vector tiles Before After temp data Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Source data Vector tiles Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 temp data 32
  16. Server-side image tile rendering Only vector tiles are inside the

    continuous production loop. Image tiles are rendered on request at the server side. ü Take heavy process off the production loop. ü A proven method from private sector. ü Reduced 80% of data production. Before After Source data Vector tiles Image tiles Source data Vector tiles Image tiles Legacy Apps Legacy Apps Push Push Pull Pull Pull 33 ~80 hours ~400 hours
  17. Interoperability guaranteed Server-side image-tile rendering function of the UNVT guaranteed

    the interoperability with proprietary solutions and legacy solutions, without compromising on the production speed. 34
  18. The UNVT Team 42 UNGIS GeoThings Geospatial Information Authority of

    Japan National Astronomical Observatory of Japan National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences Mapbox Mapple On OSGeo Japan Chapter UN Geospatial Information Section UN Global Service Centre
  19. Agricultural land parcel vector tiles on the topographic map of

    1880s Application of UNVT on land information management 45
  20. Next step: Contribute to UN Agenda by Tangible Running Code

    Planning a scenario-based exercise using the UNVT. 47
  21. Single board PC implementation • UNVT Core is available as

    Open Source Software, but it requires enterprise server environment and expertise. • Single board PC implementation (P3 UNVT) was developed for community building by easier demo and capacity building. UNVT Core P3 UNVT
  22. The UNVT Team 50 UNGIS GeoThings Geospatial Information Authority of

    Japan National Astronomical Observatory of Japan National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences Mapbox Mapple On OSGeo Japan Chapter UN Geospatial Information Section UN Global Service Centre
  23. Agenda 1. Introduction to UNVT 2. Introduction to Raspberry Pi

    3 Model B+ (P3) 3. Hands-on exercise of UNVT on P3 4. Invitation to the UNVT
  24. Raspberry Pi prepared for you by: Yoichi David A. Hastings

    Award Winner (FOSS4G Asia 2018) Nobusuke OSGeo Japan Chapter Representative Hidenori me
  25. Agenda 1. Introduction to UNVT 2. Introduction to Raspberry Pi

    3 Model B+ (P3) 3. Hands-on exercise of P3 UNVT 4. Invitation to the UNVT
  26. Purpose of P3 UNVT Aim: To streamline the Demo and

    Capacity Building of UNVT. By providing: UNVT on real Linux (industry standard server OS) All the data and the web contents are also included. Without requiring: Network connection, specific client OS.
  27. Learn about the hardware • The board (the computer) •

    The ethernet cable (for communication) • The USB cable (for power) • The microSD card (the storage) → the software part
  28. The software part Inside the 32GB microSD card… Raspbian (Linux)

    Docker unvt/kawagoe (Docker image) UNVT software such as node, Tippecanoe, vt- optimizer, ogr2ogr Payload data
  29. Connect P3 to a PC 1. Connect P3 and a

    PC by an Ethernet cable. 2. Connect P3 and the PC by a USB cable.
  30. login to P3 ssh pi@raspberrypi.local Raspbian (Linux) Docker unvt/kawagoe (Docker

    image) UNVT software such as node, Tippecanoe, vt- optimizer, ogr2ogr Payload data Start “Command Prompt” and Password: raspberrypi (This is the default of Raspberry Pi.) If you have time… PC df -h docker -v uname -a
  31. inside P3, log in to Docker docker run -ti --rm

    –p 9966:9966 unvt/kawagoe Raspbian (Linux) Docker unvt/kawagoe (Docker image) UNVT software such as node, Tippecanoe, vt- optimizer, ogr2ogr Payload data In the “Command Prompt” If you have time… PC tippecanoe –v ogr2ogr –v ls nano -p 9966:9966 Map the port 9966 of the container to the port 9966 of P3. unvt/kawagoe The name of
  32. Edit kawagoe/hocon/style.conf cd kawagoe nano hocon/style.conf In unvt/kawagoe instance on

    Command Prompt Update location to http://raspberrypi.local:9966 and save (Ctrl+s then Ctrl+x) BEFORE AFTER
  33. Start the server budo -d docs In unvt/kawagoe instance on

    Command Prompt Open http://raspberrypi.local:9966 from the browser on your PC.
  34. What to do to create vector tiles from your data

    1. Learn more details about unvt/kawagoe. 2. Download your own data. 3. Convert your data into GeoJSON Text Sequence Ø ogr2ogr will help. 4. Convert your GeoJSON Text Sequence into vector tiles Ø Tippecanoe will help. 5. Develop the style.json Ø nano hocon/*.conf & rake build 6. rake host & copy the content of the docs to the server
  35. What to do to create your own P3 UNVT 1.

    Create a copy of (‘fork’) un-vector-tile-toolkit/kawagoe 2. Edit the content of the directory 3. rake docker_build 4. docker login 5. docker push your/container_image
  36. Agenda 1. Introduction to UNVT 2. Introduction to Raspberry Pi

    3 Model B+ (P3) 3. Hands-on exercise of P3 UNVT 4. Invitation to the UNVT
  37. UNVT is open to everyone Community participation is not necessary

    to use the UNVT. https://github.com/un-vector-tile-toolkit
  38. We hope to welcome you in the team You don’t

    have to agree to show the logo of your organization, to join the community. UNGIS GeoThings Geospatial Information Authority of Japan National Astronomical Observatory of Japan National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences Mapbox Mapple On OSGeo Japan Chapter UN Geospatial Information Section UN Global Service Centre 85