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LifeJourney by Territorium

LifeJourney by Territorium


June 14, 2024

Other Decks in Education


  1. Going beyond the transcript in the skills-first economy Territorium's skills-first

    technology blends an industry-leading comprehensive learner record (CLR) with a learning and employment record (LER) to create an integrated solution that supports both individual and organizational success. Territorium’s Comprehensive Learner Record captures learning within and beyond traditional classroom settings. From the internship to the extra-curricular event, it creates a granular record of verifiable competencies and skills. Our secure and interoperable CLR + digital credential wallet enables learners to control their own credentials and pathways for life. This allows learners to explore many configurable methods to improve their lifetime earning power potential through additional education, workforce credentials, basic and soft skills assessments, and, ultimately, job placements. The Comprehensive Learner Record includes: Mapping and Measuring Learning Outcomes & Employability Skills Institution configurable in-depth reporting targeting learner’s skill development P ersonaliz ed Learning P athways and Marketplace Skills D igital W allet and Employability P athways to Real J obs Stackable A chievements, Microcredentials and B adging Engine f or P rior Learning A ssessment Schedule a demo at Territorium.com
  2. LifeJourney benefits: Using T erritorium’s LifeJourney app, students are empowered

    with a comprehensive learner record (CLR), a skills-first digital credential wallet, and AI-powered career pathways with job- matching technology. Recruitment: T erritorium’s LifeJourney shows prospective students how specific degrees, tracks, and courses and the skills they acquire upon completion directly connect them to a best-fit job. Employment: T erritorium’s LifeJourney guides students towards career paths and matches them to best-fit jobs based on what they learn and recommends learning pathways that help increase their readiness for entering the workforce. Labor market data by Retention: T erritorium’s LifeJourney enhances the student experience by allowing students to access their learning-to-skills progression in real-time and how that directly relates to future employability. A personalized mobile technology drawing upon verified skills, experiences, competencies and credentials for real jobs and employability readiness. Schedule a demo at Territorium.com Territorium ’s Life Journey demonstrates the value of hi gher e du cation in a s ki lls -first e cono my that builds upon students ' academic le arnin g e xperien ces and showcases their s ki lls and pre pare dness for entering the wor kfor ce.