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ART of Q

ART of Q

In this lightning talk. I will summarize the content of a session "Understanding Android Runtime (ART) for Faster Apps" at Google I/O '19.

- Understanding Android Runtime (ART) for Faster Apps (Google I/O'19) - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uLzSXWWfDg
- Cloud profiles: https://youtu.be/1uLzSXWWfDg?t=210
- Application images: https://youtu.be/1uLzSXWWfDg?t=368
- Application images: https://youtu.be/1uLzSXWWfDg?t=440
- StartupAnalyzerKt: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/trebuchet/
- Activity#reportFullyDrawn(): https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity#reportFullyDrawn()
- Trash Talk (Android Dev Summit '18) - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc4JP8kNGmQ&feature=youtu.be

Hiroshi Kurokawa

May 21, 2019

More Decks by Hiroshi Kurokawa

Other Decks in Programming


  1. 2-phase collection • For full-heap GC • Trace live objects

    and compute liveness stat • Evacuate regions based on up-to-date stats
  2. Object pooling • In most cases, it doesn’t make sense

    • Even if you are sure it improves the performance, it would be better to measure the performance