”予測通り” に達成できたかでしかない。 Rather than saying that a project is failed because it is late, or has cost overruns - I would argue that it's the estimate that failed. So the CHAOS report isn't chronicling software project failure, it's chronicling software estimation failure. 引用: WhatIsFailure(失敗とは): マーティンファウラー
In many cases it means doing a really important work, but it's indistinguishable from almost-slacking-off, like renaming variables for no apparent reason. And this is what I mean by "don't refactor the code": use different words when talking about things you did, are doing or plan to do. Don't "refactor". Instead try these: 「リファクタリングをしたいです」という言葉を使わない - リファクリングは良いことなので許容するが何をしているかはあまりわかっていない - かつ、リファクタリングには終わりがないので「いつまでやるの?」状態で工数を取っていく win-winを作るエンジニアリングの言語化 25