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HOMM: hands-on and multi-media laboratories in ...

HOMM: hands-on and multi-media laboratories in museums

Museums, places of informal education par excellence, have great potential in assisting the education activities in schools and fostering lifelong learning. Homm_sw is a tool to create and share on line multimedia narratives. Its use may support the effectiveness of museums in developing inclusive and collaborative educational practices, contrasting learning difficulties and creating connections between people. The goal is to allow the accumulation and sharing of relevant knowledge on local dimensions, very often not available through the scientific and academic literature.

Insite Project

January 30, 2014

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  1. Homm-sw_Multimedia narrative to enhance intangible & tangible heritage Margherita Russo

    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia -Italy Department of Economics and Officina Emilia Mauro Mattioli ECLT Univerity of Venice, Italy Designing a more Sustainable Europe: Stories for Change and Innovation A workshop organized by ECLT Venice | 30th January, 2014 homm ƒ The idea and the issues to be addressed ƒ Homm-sw: application ƒ A lathe at school: building a story-net ƒ Concluding remarks “Narrating through” The idea and the issues to be addressed http://www.homm-museums-sofware.org 1
  2. IDEA 1/3 what use of information and communication technologies (ICT)

    to support hands-on and multi-media activities in museums Homm-sw supports multimedia narratives to enhance tangible and intangible heritage in education, and cultural mediation, as well as in tourism. IDEA 2/3 who Present supporters: The Crafts Museum National Handicrafts & Handlooms Museum, New Delhi, India Officina Emilia Museolaboratorio University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Italy CM a large collection of handcrafted products a vast endowment of traditional crafts skills a demonstration programme OE “think-do tank” hands-on laboratories for all visitors, on science, technology, history and society, to support an active knowledge of the social context in which we live IDEA 3/3… why In these two countries 1. There are networks of competences to regenerateÆ key issue to support development in the global inter connections 2. Education, communities of practice, support the culture of technology and knowledge of manufacturing (industrial and artisanal) play an important role in development 3. Gender gap 4. Lifelong learning ISSUES 1/4 why ICT in museums connect activities generally kept separate: • individual paths of interactions before, during and after the visit to the museum • evaluation of the effectiveness of individual activities and of hands-on programs • crowd sourcing and sharing of resources 2
  3. ISSUES 2/4 why ICT in museums modularity and replicability in

    the use of ICT different scales of intervention multidimensional involvement of communities in the workshops and in hands- on activities, both within the museum and outside the museum ISSUES 3/4 why ICT in museums innovating lifelong learning • provide appropriate solutions to the needs of a large group of people ("from the cradle to adulthood") • maintaining accuracy and a high scientific method ISSUES 4/4 why ICT in museums develop and make available • educational documents associated with the territory to spread awareness about the connections between the local and the global level • online multimedia materials making more effective use of resources Homm-sw_a software application http://www.homm-museums-software.org 3
  4. Sw architecture ƒ To deliver multimedia contents about museum topics

    ƒ To offer interactive applications (“Activities”) to visitors ƒ To build tools to assemble Activities ƒ To organize a community around the museum Multimedia clip repository Users upload clips and add tags, share clips with group/community Admin can manage publishing state Clip repository Activity authoring and use of clip repository Authors organize clips and add specific data for Activity (i.e. nodes and links for StoryNetwork, dates and location for a Timeline) Activity authoring engine Activity Clip repository Activitiy engines and custom activities StoryNetwork "A" StoryNetwork "B" Timeline Ÿ Custom activities (simulations, games, self-evaluation, statistics, communication tools) 4
  5. Personal space and activity instances Users choose activities and create

    instances in a personal space Activity instance = activity structure + interaction state Activities Personal space User interaction state_generalization Activity engine + activity structure Activity state (generalized property bag) HOMM Platform Activity interface User life cycle in HOMM HOMM Platform Web Before-the-visit After-the-visit On-site User identification and user roles Web: credentials (unm/pwd) On-site: proximity or visual identification Admin role Tutor role Authenticated user role Group 5
  6. Desktop delle attività Desktop Le attività selezionate: reti di storie

    The selected activities: story-net Selected activities: story-net The selected activities: story-net information The selected activities: story-net information The selected activities: story-net information 7
  7. The selected activities: story-net play How to play the storynet

    Start… instruction for use How to play the storynet Move a clip to the viewfinder Æ Æ it appears in the playlist on the right Come navigare nella rete di storie How to play the storynet Move another clip to the viewfinder Æ Æ in the playlist on the right 8
  8. How to play the storynet Move another clip to the

    viewfinder Æ in the playlist on the right Come navigare nella rete di storie How to play the storynet Move another clip to the viewfinder Æ in the playlist on the right Come navigare nella rete di storie How to play the storynet Pulling a clip, a description appears on the link Come navigare nella rete di storie How to play the storynet Pulling a clip, a description appears on the link 9
  9. How to play the storynet Change the order in the

    playlist Three different players for different types of documents Æ Æ video Thr r r r r Three different players for different types of documents Æ Æ album of images and texts Three different players for different types of documents Æ Æ texts and images in pdf 10
  10. The selected activities: story-net The selected activities: story-net consulta/browse &

    print The selected activities: story-net Clips in thematic areas List of clips by subject Select/klick on a clip 11
  11. Le attività selezionate: reti di storie Seleziono una clip List

    of clips by subject Selected clip HYPER- LINKS TO OTHER RELATED CLIPS TRANSCRIPT OF THE DIALOGUES IN VIDEO- clips SOURCES of the clip link to the video LEGENDA OF SUBJECTS and types of clips META DATA on the clip_video Back to the list of clips ABSTRACT META DATA Spon sors Share TITLE of the clip CAPTION TITLE of the storynet Hyperlink to the list of clips by subject and type admin Æ Æ 12
  12. «A lathe at school» storynet on the Monarch lathe The

    idea: tell the story of a lathe that (in the wake of the US Army) in 1944 landed at Anzio, in 1945 arrives at “Corni” (a technical school in Modena), which uses it in the laboratories until 2000, when it was sold at auction to a mechanical engineering company that in 2006 (in exchange for another lathe), gave it to OE, where he was welcomed with a big party. And since then ... Why tell this story? To whom tell this story? What knowledge is already available? Which one you can use [how long does it take and how much it could cost?] «A lathe at school» storynet on the Monarch lathe How do you tell this story? 1/5 The idea: tell the story of a lathe that (in the wake of the US Army) in 1944 landed at Anzio in 1945 arrives at “Corni” (a technical school in Modena), which uses it in the laboratories until 2000, when it was sold at auction to a mechanical engineering company that in 2006 (in exchange for another lathe), gave it to OE, where he was welcomed with a big party. And since then ... «A lathe at school» storynet on the Monarch lathe 13
  13. How do you tell this story? 2/5 . From the

    idea to the design of clips: types How do you tell this story? 3/5 mappa con la topologia delle aree tematiche From the idea to the design of clips: thematic aresa How do you tell this story? 4/5 From the topology of the clips to links How do you tell this story? 5/5 Clips and links /re-design the map 1 … 14
  14. Producing clips_steps and …new tools • Create and design (content

    and links) of the network of stories • Shooting video, writing text, image selection, production of new images, ... • Content review and release of the final version. Each clip is complete – headline – caption – annotations – content files and thumbnail files – association clip thematic areas – tag to find in the consultation phase, or to create other narratives – links between clips and description of forward / backward How we produced this story Clips and links /re-design the map 1 … n Tools for the design, creation and revision of the network stories – Removable sheets (different colors for thematic area) – Digital representation of the map [graphics programs] – Entering clip information in the db platform homm_sw – Extraction from homm_sw of files for processing graph • with the relations between clips [Export Pajek file] • association with the clip-topic [Export Pajek Partition File] • dump in MySql db with all the information – Processing graphs [with Pajek] • clip by subject area • thematic areas – Processing matrix to analyze the relevance and completeness of the links between clips Producing clips_tools (some) Graph of the storynet «A lathe at school»_draft1 April 2012 15
  15. Officina Emilia laboratories Officina Emilia Education and training Story of

    the Monarch lathe History Inventions and mechanical technology Socio-cultural context Storynet_tools Work and economy Subjects on the rows Graph of the storynet «A lathe at school»_draft2 Matrix with links between clips «a lathe at school»_1 CLIP I ragazzi Artigiani Cos'è Of Perché O 30 scatti Un'espe I servizi e L'istituto I laborato Il Monar Progetto Il Monar Formazio La Linea Dall'eser America Dall'Ohio Il piano M Monarch Monarch Nati dall Le macch Il sogno t Da pollic Una rete Come er Operai e Tecnolog Meccani Element Immagin Le inven Le vie de Musiche Bibliogra Backstag Istruzion Immagin Cosa farò Meccani Il disegn I ragazzi Meccani I ragazzi a Officina Emilia X X X X Artigiani e studenti X X X Cos'è Officina Emilia? X X X X X Perché Officina Emilia? X X X X 30 scatti dal museolaboratorio X X X Un'esperienza svedese X X I servizi educativi X X X X L'istituto tecnico "Corni" X X X X X X I laboratori di robotica di Officina Emilia X X Il Monarch arriva @ OE X X Progetto Corni 80 X X Il Monarch @ AFS X X X Formazione tecnica a Modena X X X X La Linea Gotica X X Dall'esercito a scuola X X X X Americani in appennino X X Dall'Ohio al museo X X X X Il piano Marshall X X X X Monarch: descrizione tecnica X X X X Monarch: come funziona X X X X Nati dalla tornitura X X X Le macchine utensili X X X X X Il sogno tecnologico X X X Da pollici a millimetri X X Una rete di storie X X Come eravamo X X X Operai e contadini X X Tecnologia e ricerca X X Meccanica questa sconosciuta X X X X X X Elementi finiti e pezzi rotti X X X Immagini di una trasformazione X X X Le invenzioni meccaniche X X X X Le vie della tecnologia X X X Musiche, voci e suoni X X Bibliografia visiva X X Backstage X X Istruzioni per l'uso X X X X Immaginare il futuro X X X X Cosa farò da grande X X Meccanica e letteratura X Il disegno tecnico X X I ragazzi e il Tornio X X X Meccanica e didattica X X X X X 136 HOMM> descrizione clip e rete tornio > collegamenti clip.xlsx HOMM> descrizione clip e rete tornio > collegamenti clip.xlsx Dall'es Dall'Oh Da poll Il Mona Il Mona Il sogn Monarc Monarc Nati da Le mac Tecnol Meccan Elemen Immag Le inve Le vie d Meccan Il diseg La Line Americ Il piano Come e Operai Immag Formaz L'istitut Cosa fa I ragazz Artigian I serviz I labora I ragazz Musich Meccan Cos'è O Perché 30 scat Un'esp Progett Una ret Istruzio Bibliog Backst Dall'esercito a scuola X X X X X 5 Dall'Ohio al museo X X X X 4 E Da pollici a millimetri X X 2 Il Monarch @ AFS X X X X 4 Il Monarch arriva @ OE X X 2 Il sogno tecnologico X X X X 4 Monarch: descrizione tecnica X X X X 4 Monarch: come funziona X X X X X 5 Nati dalla tornitura X X X X 4 Le macchine utensili X X X X X 5 Tecnologia e ricerca X X 2 Meccanica questa sconosciuta X X X X X X 6 Elementi finiti e pezzi rotti X X X 3 Immagini di una trasformazione X X X 3 Le invenzioni meccaniche X X X X X 5 Le vie della tecnologia X X X 3 Meccanica e letteratura X X 2 Il disegno tecnico X X 2 La Linea Gotica X X 2 Americani in appennino X X 2 Il piano Marshall X X X X 4 Come eravamo X X X 3 Operai e contadini X X 2 Immaginare il futuro X X X X 4 Formazione tecnica a Modena X X X X 4 L'istituto tecnico "Corni" X X X X X X 6 Cosa farò da grande X X 2 I ragazzi a Officina Emilia X X X X 4 Artigiani e studenti X X X 3 I servizi educativi X X X X X X 6 I laboratori di robotica di Officina Emilia X X X 3 I ragazzi e il Tornio X X X X 4 Musiche, voci e suoni X X 2 Meccanica e didattica X X X X X X X 7 Cos'è Officina Emilia? X X X X X 5 Perché Officina Emilia? X X X X X X X 7 30 scatti dal museolaboratorio X X X X 4 Un'esperienza svedese X X X 3 Progetto Corni 80 X X X 3 Una rete di storie X 1 E 5 4 2 4 2 4 4 5 4 5 2 6 3 3 5 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 4 4 6 2 4 3 6 3 4 2 7 5 7 4 3 3 1 146 Strumenti Istruzioni per l'uso E E X X Bibliografia visiva X X Backstage X X Il contesto socio-culturale Istruzione e formazione I laboratori di Officina Emilia Officina Emilia n. clip c Il tornio Monarch Invenzioni e tecnologia meccanica Storia Matrix with links between clips «a lathe at school»_2 HOMM> descrizione clip e rete tornio > collegamenti clip_new.xlsx Nov.2012 FINAL Dall'es Dall'Oh Da pol Il Mona Il Mona Il sogn Monar Monar Nati da Le ma Tecno Mecca Eleme Immag Le inve Le vie Mecca Il diseg La Lin Americ Il piano Come Opera Immag Forma L'istitu Cosa f I ragaz Artigia I serviz I labor I ragaz Musich Mecca Cos'è Perché 30 sca Un'esp Proget Una re Istruzi Bibliog Backs Dall'esercito a scuola X X X X X X 6 Dall'Ohio al museo X X X X 4 E Da pollici a millimetri X X 2 Il Monarch @ AFS X X X X 4 Il Monarch arriva @ OE X X X 3 Il sogno tecnologico X X X X 4 Monarch: descrizione tecnica X X X X 4 Monarch: come funziona X X X X X 5 Nati dalla tornitura X X X X 4 Le macchine utensili X X X X X 5 Tecnologia e ricerca X X 2 Meccanica questa sconosciuta X X X X X X 6 Elementi finiti e pezzi rotti X X X 3 Immagini di una trasformazione X X X 3 Le invenzioni meccaniche X X X X X 5 Le vie della tecnologia X X X 3 Meccanica e letteratura X X 2 Il disegno tecnico X X 2 La Linea Gotica X X 2 Americani in appennino X X X 3 Il piano Marshall X X X X X 5 Come eravamo X X X X X X 6 Operai e contadini X X 2 Immaginare il futuro X X X X X X 6 Formazione tecnica a Modena X X X X 4 L'istituto tecnico "Corni" X X X X X X 6 Cosa farò da grande X X 2 I ragazzi a Officina Emilia X X X X 4 Artigiani e studenti X X X 3 I servizi educativi X X X X X X 6 I laboratori di robotica di Officina Emilia X X X 3 I ragazzi e il Tornio X X X X X 5 Musiche, voci e suoni X X 2 Meccanica e didattica X X X X X X X X 8 Cos'è Officina Emilia? X X X X X 5 Perché Officina Emilia? X X X X X X X X 8 30 scatti dal museolaboratorio X X X X 4 Un'esperienza svedese X X X X 4 Progetto Corni 80 X X X X 4 Una rete di storie X 1 E 6 4 2 4 3 4 4 5 4 5 2 6 3 3 5 3 2 2 2 3 5 6 2 6 4 6 2 4 3 6 3 5 2 8 5 8 4 4 4 1 160 Strumenti Istruzioni per l'uso E E X X Bibliografia visiva X X Backstage X X Il contesto socio- culturale Istruzione e formazione I laboratori di Officina Emilia Officina Emilia n. clip Il tornio Monarch Invenzioni e tecnologia meccanica Storia Matrix with links between clips «a lathe at school»_3 16
  16. Nov.2012 diamondÆ VIDEO circleÆALBUMfoto squareÆ pdf file «A lathe at

    school»: clips by type and subject di dÆ VIDEO i l ÆALBUMf Æ df fil Nov.2012 La dimensione dei nodi è proporzionale al numero di clip per ogni area tematica Lo spessore delle linee tra aree tematiche è proporzionale al numero di collegamenti «A lathe at school»: subjects and their links June 2013 «A lathe at school»: clips by type and subject Concluding remarks 17
  17. Training needs 1/3 content and quality of the narrative ƒ

    appropriate content ƒ different media ƒ a comparative perspective ƒ a collaborative mode in which the individual contributions can be enhanced ƒ design work that needs multi-disciplinary skills. Training needs 2/3 prepare for the visit to the museum ƒ choose the appropriate activities for the group of pupils or students ƒ offer teachers practical tools to monitor the process (before and after the visit in a non-linear and a priori defined way). ƒ visit and set of hands-on activities always require mediation, reinforcements and processes of ongoing monitoring and evaluation.. Training needs 3/3 What role for museums and universities ƒ local documentary material ƒ museums and universities collaborations can provide specific expertise for multimedia production, not available in schools, more and more accessible to young people, but rarely aggregated around publishing projects. Development Skills, contents, tools, relational and financial resources Collaborations Æ Multidisciplinary teams Æ Networks of museums (V- Must, Asemus, Inclusive Museums, TICCICH, eco- museums network) Æ Financial resources to develop and implement content, sw- tools, media Æ Private Investors & social innovations Æ Public funds and public demand 18
  18. Narrating Stories Æ To set functionalities Five stories Æ To

    create a dialogue with policy makers, with project developers, with funding institutions Crafts Museum New Delhi, India | http://nationalcraftsmuseum.nic.in Officina Emilia University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | http://www.officinaemilia.it http://www.facebook.com/pages/Officina-Emilia/139436386181228 Authors Dr Ruchira Ghose | Chairman Crafts Museum [email protected] Eng. Mauro Mattioli | IT consultant, expert in multimedia communication [email protected] Prof. Margherita Russo | Scientific Director Officina Emilia University of Modena and Reggio Emilia [email protected] Communication and graphics Elisabetta Ognibene | Art Director - AVENIDA | Modena, Italy www.avenida.it Sw developers Agnese Fogli, Mauro Mattioli Our thanks to Kanu Agrawal, Elena Bassoli, Lidia Bonifati, Giulia Brandoli, Marie Eve Celio, Ilan Chabay, Siddhartha Das, Barbara de Micheli, Sander van der Leuuw, Agnese Fogli, Sudha Gopalakrishnan, Francesco Guerra, Mushtak Khan, David Lane, Leopoldina Lopez y Royo, Stefano Mazza, Paola Mengoli, Maria Teresa Natale, Anna Natali, Sofia Pescarin, Giulia Piscitelli, Anita Rampal, Federico Remondi, Federica Rossi, Rossella Ruggeri, Zsofia Ruttkai, Anupam Sah, Pallavi Singh Keshri, Maddalena Vianello, Susanne Weishar Website Facebook www.homm-museums.org | www.homm-sw.org www.facebook.com/homm.museums Acknowledgments | credits | contacts | more information | 19