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Internet of Things on iOS - HomeKit, Arduino & BLE

Internet of Things on iOS - HomeKit, Arduino & BLE

Neural Networks are another type of Artificial Intelligence used in computing. They are used in computer games, expert systems and at many more places.

A in a limited way you are able to use them on Arduino too - eg. to steer an Arduino robot! In my presentation I will explain more about this topic.

This slides were presented on my presentation "Jak řídit inteligentní domácnost pomocí iOS, aneb jak na nástrahy HomeKit, Internet of Things, Arduino a Bluetooth LE" at iCONdev 2015 on iCON Prague 2015 (more info at http://www.iconprague.com/detailni-program/#jak-ridit-inteligentni-domacnost-pomoci-ios-aneb-jak-na-nastrahy-homekit-internet-of-things-arduino-a-bluetooth-le) #iCONdev #iCON15

Tomas Jukin

April 24, 2015

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