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Cassie Shum & Rebecca Eakins - Evolving Mobile ...

Cassie Shum & Rebecca Eakins - Evolving Mobile Applications with Continuous Delivery

The mobile ecosystem is constantly changing. When building enterprise mobile applications, we need to make decisions about what platforms to support, should it support fully native features, time to market, etc. With continuous delivery, how can we effectively evolve our mobile applications after making these key decisions to keep up with the pace of the market?

In this talk we will cover how we can continuously adapt and improve in many different aspects of mobile development which will cover areas like usability, testing, and monitoring. The continuous feedback loop of rapidly delivering mobile apps and putting those in the hands of customers gives us the ability to learn, adapt, and make more advanced applications.

Presentation from the June 2017 iOSoho Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/iOSoho/events/238088947


June 12, 2017

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  1. @ c a s s i e n d @

    o h r e b e c c a g o EVOLVING MOBILE APPLICATIONS WITH CONTINUOUS DELIVERY Cassie Shum & Rebecca Eakins
  2. An evolutionary architecture supports incremental, guided change as a first

    principle along multiple dimensions. — Neal Ford “Evolutionary Architecture” EVOLUTION
  3. 2 month’s work Many LOC Risk 1 day’s work Few

    LOC Risk •User feedback •Believable •Reduced deployment risk
  4. Customer developent Agile product development Eric Ries, “The Lean Startup”

    http://bit.ly/8ZoX5F •User feedback •Believable •Reduced deployment risk
  5. JEZ HUMBLE’S 3-STEP TEST 1. Every developer commits to master

    / trunk every day 2. Every commit triggers build and test 3. Failures usually fixed in minutes
  6. JEZ HUMBLE’S 3-STEP TEST 1. Every developer commits to master

    / trunk every day 2. Every commit triggers build and test 3. Failures usually fixed in minutes
  7. Books: • Continuous Delivery - Jez Humble, Dave Farley •

    Working Effectively with Legacy Code - Michael Feathers • Release It - Michael Nygard • Domain Driven Design - Eric Evans Articles/Blogs: • Branch by Abstraction - Jez Humble: http://continuousdelivery.com/2011/05/make-large-scale-changes-incrementally-with-branch-by- abstraction/ • Branch by Abstraction - Paul Hammant: http://paulhammant.com/blog/branch_by_abstraction.html/ • Feature Toggles - Martin Fowler: http://martinfowler.com/bliki/FeatureToggle.html • Conway’s Law: http://www.melconway.com/Home/Conways_Law.html Tools: • Appium: http://appium.io/ • Kiwi: https://github.com/kiwi-bdd/Kiwi • Calabash: http://calaba.sh/ • Robolectric: http://robolectric.org/ • New Relic: https://newrelic.com/mobile-monitoring • Fastlane: https://fastlane.tools/ • Spoon: http://square.github.io/spoon/ REFERENCES