The enactment of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) at the end of 2015 has forced all countries in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) including Indonesia to rush preparing their economy to face ASEAN single market competition. This study is aimed at analyzing the Indonesian economic competitiveness to face AEC using statistic data of these countries in 2013, recapitulated in 2014 and published in in 2015. Analysis techniques used in this study were ‘Biplot’ and SWOT (Strength-Weaknesses-Opportunities-and-Threats) analyses. In this analysis ASEAN countries were divided into 4 groups. Indonesia, included in the third group, has the same characteristics with Malaysia and Thailand. In SWOT matrices, the fact shows that Indonesia as the biggest country in ASEAN with the largest population, the largest national territory, and the highest foreign investment has potential to go through AEC, but if these are not managed optimally, they will be the weaknesses and Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand are ready to invade Indonesian market (The biggest ASEAN market) in terms of their export commodities.