from day one by building with Flutter on iOS and Android simultaneously, without sacrificing features, quality, or performance. Android iOS Web Easily reach more users in browsers with the same experience as on mobile devices through the power of Flutter on the web. Chrome etc.. Desktop & Embedded Build high-quality desktop apps without compromising compatibility or performance. Flutter's support for custom embedders means you can create new ways to put Flutter to work on the platforms that matter to you. Windows macOS Linux 3
Flutter and the host platform type-safe, easier, and faster. • Pigeon removes the necessity to manage strings across multiple platforms and languages. • It also improves efficiency over common method channel patterns. • Most importantly though, it removes the need to write custom platform channel code, since pigeon generates it for you. Code Generator tool Pigeon 6
{ super.configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine) val api = PigeonApiImplementation() SimpleHostApi.setUp(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, api); } }
between Flutter and the host platform • type-safe ◦ Kotlin and Java code for Android ◦ Swift and Objective-C code for iOS and macOS ◦ C++ code for Windows Summary Pigeon Code Generator tool 26