Freeflow - A Completely automatic, realtime road traffic tracking using traffic cameras and tweets.
I gave this talk at the Dublin Web Summit on October 19 2012. It's about a project I did for the BT Young Scienitst and Technology Exhibition 2012. Read about it here:
project, “FreeFlow: Detecting road traffic in real time with Twitter and Traffic Cameras” into the BT Young Scientist. • It won it’s category, and the EMC ‘data-hero’ award. • In the BT Business of Science, it won ‘Best Digital Project’, which included the opportunity to speak to you today!
traffic data • With Traffic Cameras and via Twitter • Dispensed structured road traffic info via web app • Also displayed data about ice levels on roads, average road temperature and air temperture from the national roads authority.
Tweets were analyzed in real-time • Looking for words like “accident” or “delays” • Location was also found by searching for words like “on” or “at”. • Then used Bing Maps to complete the address, and convert to latitude/longitude pair to map. • Tweets that mentioned an incident, were kept for 4 hours before being cleared from the system.