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Applied OOP Design Patterns: Rolling with the P...

Applied OOP Design Patterns: Rolling with the Punches

Applying established design patterns in your object-oriented codebase can help you to "roll with the punches" of evolving business requirements. In this presentation, we'll take a practical look at design principles and patterns as we iteratively build a package with increasingly challenging feature requests. The key acronym in our tool belt? SOLID. (NOTE: This presentation will use an OOP-style pseudo-code language to appeal to developers of more than just one language.)

Jeremy Lindblom

October 12, 2019

More Decks by Jeremy Lindblom

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  1. Applied Design Patterns: Rolling with the Punches O S L

    I D O P R Y S I K N G A Y S I R P D I
  2. Keep it Simple? ▪ To Understand? ▪ To Write? ▪

    To Instantiate? 7 ▪ To Maintain? ▪ To Test? ▪ To Change?
  3. Keep it Simple? ▪ To Understand? ▪ To Write? ▪

    To Instantiate? 8 ▪ To Maintain? ▪ To Test? ▪ To Change?
  4. SOLID ▪ Single Responsibility ▪ Open-Closed ▪ Liskov Substitution ▪

    Interface Segregation ▪ Dependency Inversion 12 }Principle
  5. SOLID ▪ Single Responsibility ▪ Open-Closed ▪ Liskov Substitution ▪

    Interface Segregation ▪ Dependency Inversion 13 Does one thing
  6. SOLID ▪ Single Responsibility ▪ Open-Closed ▪ Liskov Substitution ▪

    Interface Segregation ▪ Dependency Inversion 14 Extend without modification
  7. SOLID ▪ Single Responsibility ▪ Open-Closed ▪ Liskov Substitution ▪

    Interface Segregation ▪ Dependency Inversion 15 Child can replace a parent
  8. SOLID ▪ Single Responsibility ▪ Open-Closed ▪ Liskov Substitution ▪

    Interface Segregation ▪ Dependency Inversion 16 Small interfaces
  9. SOLID ▪ Single Responsibility ▪ Open-Closed ▪ Liskov Substitution ▪

    Interface Segregation ▪ Dependency Inversion 17 Rely on abstractions
  10. 19

  11. 20

  12. 21

  13. 22

  14. SOLID ▪ Single Responsibility ▪ Open-Closed ▪ Liskov Substitution ▪

    Interface Segregation ▪ Dependency Inversion 24 }Principle
  15. Applied Design Patterns: Rolling with the Punches O S L

    I D O P R Y S I K N G A Y S I R P D I
  16. Applied Design Patterns: Rolling with the Punches O S L

    I D O P R Y S I K N G A Y S I R P D I
  17. 27

  18. 28

  19. 29

  20. 32 // The Simple Approach class KinesisStream { func new(KinesisClient

    client, string streamName); func write(Message message): void; } class Message { func new(map data); func getData(): map; func toJson(): string; } // Example stream = new KinesisStream(client, "app-events"); stream.write(new Message(["foo": "bar"])); YAGNI SRP
  21. 34 // Adding New Functionality? class Stream { func new(KinesisClient

    kinesisClient, SqsClient sqsClient, string streamName, string streamType ); func write(Message message): void { if (this.streamType === "kinesis") this.kinesisClient.(…) elif (this.streamType === "sqs") this.sqsClient.(…) else throw new Exception("…"); } } SRP OCP
  22. 35 // Adding New Functionality? class Stream { func new(KinesisClient

    kinesisClient, SqsClient sqsClient, string streamName, string streamType ); func write(Message message): void { if (this.streamType === "kinesis") this.kinesisClient.(…) elif (this.streamType === "sqs") this.sqsClient.(…) else throw new Exception("…"); } } SRP OCP
  23. 36 // Interfaces And Multiple Implementations interface Stream { func

    write(Message message): void; } class KinesisStream implements Stream { func new(KinesisClient client, string streamName); func write(Message message): void; } class SqsStream implements Stream { func new(SqsClient client, string queueUrl); func write(Message message): void; } SRP ISP
  24. 37 // Factories Are Your Friends class EventsFactory { func

    createEventStream(): Stream { switch (this.config.get("events.stream.type")) { case "kinesis": return this.createKinesisStream(); case "sqs": return this.createSqsStream(); // ... } func createKinesisStream(): KinesisStream; func createSqsStream(): SqsStream; } SRP LSP
  25. 38 // Polymorphism Can Be Easy class OrdersController { func

    new(Stream stream, OrdersRepository orders) {/* ... */} // ... func doSomethingWithAnOrder(string orderId) { // ... order = this.orders.get(orderId); this.stream.write(new Message([ "order_id": order.id, "item_count": order.items.count(), ])); // ... } } DIP
  26. 40 // Decorators Are Cool class LoggingStream implements Stream {

    func new(Stream stream, LoggerInterface logger); func write(Message message): void { this.stream.write(message); this.logger.info('Message sent', message.getData()); }; } // Example stream = new LoggingStream(kinesisStream, logger); stream.write(message); SRP OCP LSP DIP
  27. 41 We are moving to SQS, but some systems haven’t

    yet. Can you send to both for now?
  28. 42 // Aggregates Can Work Too class MultiStream implements Stream

    { func new(Stream ...streams); func write(Message message): void; } // Example stream = new LoggingStream( new MultiStream(kinesisStream, sqsStream), logger ); stream.write(message); SRP OCP LSP DIP
  29. 43

  30. 45 // Messages Get a Structure class Message extends JsonSerializable

    { func new(Header header, array data); func getHeader(): Header; func getData(): map; func toJson(): string; } class Header extends JsonSerializable { func new(string id, …, DateTime timestamp); func getId(): string; func getSource(): string; func getTopic(): string; func getAction(): string; func getTimestamp(): DateTime; func toJson(): string; }
  31. 46 // A New Layer of Abstraction class EventPublisher {

    func new(Stream stream, string source); func publish(Event event): void; } interface Event { func getTopic(): string; func getAction(): string; func getData(): map; } publisher.publish(event); SRP DIP
  32. 47 // A New Layer of Abstraction class OrderEvent implements

    Event { func new(Order order, string action); // ... } class OrderCreatedEvent extends OrderEvent { func new(Order order); // ... } publisher.publish(new OrderCreatedEvent(order)); OCP LSP
  33. 49 // Polymorphism Instead of Branching class EventPublisher { func

    new(Stream stream, string source, bool on = true) { // … } func publish(Event event): void { if (this.on) { // Do stuff. } }; } OCP
  34. 50 // Polymorphism Instead of Branching interface Publisher { func

    publish(Event event): void; } class EventPublisher { func new(Stream stream, string source); func publish(Event event): void; } class NullPublisher { func publish(Event event): void { // Do nothing. }; } LSP DIP
  35. 51 // Conditionalize Your Factory Instead of Code class EventsFactory

    { // ... func createEventPublisher(): Publisher { if (!this.config.get("events.enabled")) { return new NullPublisher(); } return new EventPublisher( this.createEventStream(), this.config.get("events.source") ); } } SRP LSP
  36. 53 // Under the Hood Changes interface TopicMapper { func

    mapTopic(string topic): string; } class KinesisStream implements Stream { func new(KinesisClient client, TopicMapper tm); func write(Message message): void; } class SqsStream implements Stream { func new(SqsClient client, TopicMapper tm); func write(Message message): void; } SRP LSP ISP
  37. 55 // New Streams? No Biggie! class HttpStream implements Stream

    { func new(HttpClient client, string url); func write(Message message): void; } class CustomServiceStream implements Stream { func new(CustomServiceClient client); func write(Message message): void; }
  38. 56 We want to send lots of messages at a

    time. Can we send them in batches?
  39. 58 // Is There a Good Way? class CustomServiceBatchStream extends

    CustomServiceStream { func write(Message message): void func flush(): void; } OCP
  40. 59 // Is There a Good Way? interface Stream {

    func write(Message message): void; func flush(): void; } class CustomServiceBatchStream implements Stream { func write(Message message): void func flush(): void; } ISP
  41. 60 // Multiple Interfaces & Additive Changes interface Stream {

    func write(Message message): void; } interface BatchStream extends Stream { func flush(): void; } class CustomServiceBatchStream implements BatchStream { func new(CustomServiceClient client); func write(Message message): void; func flush(): void; } ISP
  42. Final Thoughts ▪ Software is complicated, because life is complicated.

    ▪ You can’t predict the future, but you can prepare for it. ▪ Learn from others’ experiences, but experience it for yourself. 61 O S L I D I P P P P P R C S S
  43. 62 class MultiStream implements Stream { func new(Stream ...streams); func

    write(Message message): void { }; } // Example stream = new LoggingStream( new MultiStream(kinesisStream, sqsStream), logger ); stream.write(message); Can anyone guess the programming language?
  44. 63 class MultiStream implements Stream { public function __construct(Stream ...$streams)

    { }; public function write(Message $message): void { }; } // Example $stream = new LoggingStream( new MultiStream($kinesisStream, $sqsStream), $logger ); $stream->write($message); It’s PHP!