they switch between activities during the same workday.! Less useful for those who used it to remember what they were doing the previous day before they finished their workday.!
that provides temporary storage and manipula;on of the informa;on necessary for complex cogni;ve tasks as language comprehension, learning, reasoning.” [1] [1] Baddeley, A. “Working Memory”. Science. 1992
projects during a workday. Need A solu)on that help them to change context between different project during a workday avoiding the stress producing by the fear of do not know how to start again. Insight ü Stop ac)vity that are doing before finish it ü Resume the ac)vity a;er a long-‐)me ü Up to 2 projects in parallel is s)ll manageable ü Worse whether the change is between two related projects
the applica)on creates a “virtual box” for the par)cular work that she is doing and starts saving: q Web pages q Documents q Manuals q Papers q Emails q Pictures q Videos, and… ALL the digital “ar)facts” related with the work that the user is doing at that moment. Addi)onally REC saves the “state” of this ar)facts.
2. Does exists a rela)on between the difficulty to remember what you were doing and the )me elapsed before resuming the ac)vity? 3. Is more difficult to restar)ng a;er a different work ac)vity? (Not cover yet) 4. Does exists a rela)on between the difficulty to remember what you were doing and the complexity of ac)vity that you were doing before the change occurs? (Not cover yet)
Den)sts, Psychologists, Engineers, Managers, Designers, ICT. 2. Divide the people in 3 groups of 10 and ask: 1. First Group. With your smartphone take a picture and record a short audio voice of your work context before going lunch. 2. Second Group. With your smartphone take a picture and record a short audio voice of your work context before finish your workday. 3. Third Group. On Friday with your smartphone take a picture and record a short audio voice of your work context before finish your workday. 3. Before resuming your ac)vity again (a;er lunch or the next day or Monday respeceully) look at the picture and listen the audio voice to see if this ar)facts helps you in remembering what you were doing. Later, fill this survey hTp://