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Treatment of Vertebral Compression Fractures wi...

November 03, 2013

Treatment of Vertebral Compression Fractures with the Ascendx VCF Repair System M.Gillespy


November 03, 2013

More Decks by journeevertebro


  1. Treatment of Vertebral Compression Fractures with the Ascendx VCF Repair

    System Mark C. Gillespy, M.D., F.A.B.O.S., F.A.A.O.S. Associate Professor, University of Florida Orthopaedic Clinic of Daytona Beach ! Paris February 10, 2012
  2. Kyphoplasty ▪ Vertebral body balloon procedure followed by bone cement

    ▪ Painful acute and subacute osteoporotic VCF ▪ Pathologic VCF
  3. Ascendx Balloon vs Traditional Balloon ▪ Traditional balloon is inflated

    then removed before cement introduced ▪ Ascendx Balloon is inflated and cement delivered around inflated balloon Kyphx Ascendx
  4. Ascendx Technique ▪ Single pedicle access ▪ Articulating cutting device

    to create cavity ▪ Introduce and inflate balloon ▪ Deliver cement around balloon ▪ Fill void while balloon is withdrawn
  5. Ascendx IDE Study ▪ 60 subjects at 8 sites ▪

    Primary Endpoint was acute procedural success ▪ VAS, ODI, SF-36, Adverse Events captured at baseline, post-op, 30 days, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.
  6. Ascendx IDE Study ▪ 60 patients enrolled ▪ 58 completed

    primary endpoint (96.7%) ▪ 52 completed 6 months (86.7%) ▪ 49 completed 12 months (81.7%) ▪ 1 withdrew consent ▪ 5 expired of unrelated causes ▪ 5 lost to follow-up
  7. Visual Analog Scale ▪ Mean VAS score improved by 66mm

    at 12 months from 78.8 to 12.9 VAS
  8. Oswestry Disability Index ▪ Mean ODI score improved by 45.2

    points at 12 months from 62 to 16.8 ODI
  9. SF-36 Physical Component ! ▪ Mean SF-36 PCS (physical) score

    improved by 16.8 points at 12 months, from 25.6 to 42.4 SF-36 PCS
  10. SF-36 Mental Component ▪ Mean SF-36 MCS (mental) score improved

    by 13.0 points at 12 months, from 37.7 to 50.7 SF-36 MCS
  11. Adjacent Level Fracture ! ▪ At 6 months 16.8%, ▪

    At 12 months 20.1% 6 months 12 months 8 months
  12. Complications ▪ One primary endpoint failure related to inadequate fluoroscopic

    visualization. ▪ One balloon malfunction related to protocol deviation
  13. Summary ▪ The Ascendx Balloon unique design allows cement introduction

    with balloon inflated. ▪ Acute procedural success in 58/60 patients. ▪ Low complication rate. ▪ VAS, ODI, SF-36 significant improvement . ▪ Cement extravasation (by CT) equal or better than literature. ▪ Adjacent level fracture similar to literature.